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历史人物的浪漫史 Romance of historical figures

已有 168 次阅读2020-10-20 12:10 |个人分类:全球化


Dec 7, 2015 at 9:16 PM


历史人物的浪漫史  Romance of historical figures


至于许多个人的情感之事彼得大帝第二个妻子是别人的女佣那天他对跟着主人来访的她说“你今天晚上来服伺我睡觉...”结果他们一起生了三个孩子. 奥特曼帝国的苏坦王苏莱曼喜欢一位俄国来的女奴就像一千零一夜的故事喜欢她的智慧苏莱曼打破苏坦王有许多嫔妃的传统,就跟她结婚并为她造城堡. 埃及艳后先后跟两个罗马帝国的凯撒是情人关系,这也是是控制人的一种政治需要拿破仑的情人约瑟芬比他大好多岁, 还有孩子. 这是个人的事情,喜欢不喜欢由你自己定,别人又有什么资格来管. 何况在历史上如没有这些事儿,那多乏味. 你看希拉里在赌城大跳艳舞老实说我看历史就只记得这些事别的都忘了. 多有色彩多有光彩!哈哈哈!而且我会永远记得那个小llama怎么对主席的, 又怎么对嫲嫲的,主席在台上侃侃而谈, 说的啥我们早忘了. Jackie一想起你,就会记得这位大跳迈克杰克逊,这跟电视上的形象反差也太大了吧!啊?功力深厚啊,大调皮 !哈哈哈

As for the romantic affairs of many individuals, the second wife of Peter the Great was a maid of others. On that day, he said to her who followed the host, "You, come tonight to serve me to sleep..." As a result, they gave birth to three together. The King of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman, liked a Russian slave girl, liked the story of the thousand and one nights, heappreciated her wisdom. Suleiman broke the  tradition of Sutan, married her and made a castle for her. Cleopatra had a lover relationships with two Caesars of  Roman empire, which was also a political need to control people.  Napoleon's lover Josephine was much older than him, and with kid. This is a personal matterdetermined by each individual. What other people have the right to judge? If there is no romances in history, it is boring. You see that Hillary is still dancing in the casino. To be honest, I only remember these things when I read historyanything else is all forgotten. How colorful and brilliant! Hahaha! And I will always remember how the little llama is to the chairman Xi, to MrsPengChairman Xi talksso much on the stage, most of his saying  we have forgotten. when Jackie thinks of you, she remembers your dancing Mike JacksonIt is a too much great contrast with your image on TV! What? Very skillful in actingNaughty! Hahaha






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