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非洲未来 Future of Africa

已有 75 次阅读2020-9-28 23:15 |个人分类:全球化

Nov 19, 2015 at 1:15 PM


非洲未来 Future of Africa


亲爱的习和王,你们让我讲非洲. 这个题目太大了, 我讲一些我最粗浅的想法. 上次我讲到世界经济整合大格局, (blink eye) 所以从顶层开始讲. 比较起来非洲是一片未开垦的处女地. 经济是满足人的需要的. 世界的人口分布, 亚洲东亚, 南亚, 东南亚最多. 人类社会的底层基本需要,能源交通医疗教育通讯,以及衣食住行. 在上是精神文化的需要. 世界能源主要靠石油, 现在主要是阿拉伯半岛, 西亚, 北非, 挪威, 阿拉斯加产油. 新的核能源和太阳能也开始发挥功能.开发非洲, 我觉得应该尽量用新型能源. 北非的撒哈拉沙漠完全可以把它作为一个太阳能, 风能供应中心. 那边还有石油. 要把整个非洲的交通, 通讯, 医疗, 教育, 设施完善需要巨大一笔钱. 我想是不是应该挑选国家, 分主次来建设.

Dear Xi and Wang, you
let me talk about Africa. This topic is too big. I will talk about some of my most savvy ideas. Last time I talked about the large scale of world economic integration, (blink eye) So I started from the top. In comparison, Africa is an uncultivated virgin land. The economy is to best meet people's needs. The world's population distribution is mainly concentrated in Asia's East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia. The basic needs of the human society, are energy, transportation, medical, education, communication, as well as clothing, food and shelter. The upper level is the need of spirit and culture. The world's energy is mainly based on oil. Now it is mainly in the Arabian Peninsula, West Asia, North Africa, Norway, Alaska. The new nuclear energy and solar energy are also beginning to function. Developing Africa, I think we should try our best to use new energy forms. Sahara desert in North Africa can be used as a solar energy, wind energy supply center. There is also oil there. It takes a huge sum of money to improve transportation, communication, medical care, education infrastructures throughout Africa. I think countries should be chosen by priorities for construction.


非洲国家中GDP最高的是南非. 非洲的自然资源非常丰富, 那是不是可以选质量较高的矿藏, 投资在那儿建厂, 同时把这些矿产的后续产品一并在儿设厂生产?比如铜矿产地, 可不可以把这边污染大的铜产品移到那边去制造?将这些重产地用高速铁路连接起来, 运送到最近的港口.当然同时通讯设施也一并跟上. 这些矿产附属产品就可以为当地带来相当可观的收入. 在非洲交通还没有完全建设好的时候, 应该在非洲也设飞机组装厂, 方便远距离的通行.或者你把自己生产的飞机便宜卖给他们. 应该在北非, 中非, 南非投资各设立医学院,培养医护人员,而不是运送大量的医疗物资去那儿. 应该建立大学培养各种人才, 并进行交流. 那以后非洲各国政府的首脑都可以从这些大学培养.


Africa's highest GDP is from South Africa. Africa has very rich natural resources, is it possible to choose high-quality mineral deposits, invest to build factories, and build the subsequent products of these minerals? For example, copper mines, can you move the polluting copper production from China to there? These important producing areas are connected by high-speed railways and transported to the nearest ports. Of course, the communication facilities are also kept up. The subsidiary products of these minerals can bring considerable income to the local area. The traffic in Africa has not been fully formed yet. At the time, you should also set up an aircraft assembly plant in Africa, which is convenient for long-distance traffic. Or you can sell your own aircraft to them cheaper. You should set up medical schools in North Africa, Central Africa, and South Africa to train medical staff instead of shipping a large amount of medical supplies there. Universities should be established to train various talents and exchange. After that, the heads of African governments can be trained from these universities.


非洲的音乐也非常特别, 应该象David 做Pop Music一样, 把它做大做强做出名, 使其在世界音乐市场上占有一定地位. 美国的jazz, r&b, soul等最基本的素材还是有黑人的文化和血液. 对犹太人来说, 不管他是什么, 只要做出来能赚钱就行, 你也可以怎么做弘扬文化. 要做所有这些. 就可以把人移民去那边. 其实这世界上最好的风水地点是在中东,犹太人早已捷足先登在那里建立了以色列. 亚洲多山地, 耕地面积小,大规模种植粮食不可能. 阿拉伯人不事耕作, 中亚西亚一大片戈壁荒漠. 欧洲俄国, 天气寒冷, 粮食产量也不大, 畜牧业是一个好选择. 北美辽阔平原,世界粮仓之一, 气候又适宜 .中美洲热带水果丰富, 南美辽阔牧场, 肉类奶类产品世界一流.

The music in Africa is also very special. It should be like Pop Music, and it should be made bigger and stronger, so that it has a certain position in the world music market. The most basic essence
in jazz, r&b, soul, etc. in the United States still comes from black culture and blood. For Jews, no matter what it is, just make money is enough. You can do it to promote the culture. To do all these, you can immigrate people there. In fact, the world best feng shui location is in the Middle East. The Jews have already set up Israel first. The mountainous region of Asia, the limited arable land, large-scale cultivation of food is impossible. The Arabs do not farm, a large Gobi Desert in Central Asia. In Europe and Russia it is cold and the grain output is not large. Animal husbandry is a good choice. The vast plains of North America, one of the world's granaries, has a good climate. Central America is rich in tropical fruits, South America has vast pastures, and meat dairy products are world-class.


非洲, 尤其中非, 有一大片流着奶和蜜的平原. 有点像中国的长三角和珠江三角洲,我觉得如有可能应该把它变成世界的粮仓之一, 水果的产地以及畜牧业基地. 欧洲和南美应该把他们的畜牧业技术教给非洲人, 北美应该把大规模生产粮食的技术给非洲人, 中国应该把生产小商品的技术教给非洲人. 有时候算一下, 北美的粮仓, 东亚及东南亚,欧洲南美的牛羊, 再加非洲的粮仓,供世界十亿人吃饭应该够了. 前提是大家不要划地为牢,把国界做阻障. 中国有很多棉花产地,我觉得非洲更应该扩大棉花生产, 觉得更应该去非洲开纺织厂和服装加工. 有可能那边的棉花应该占世界总产量百分之五十以上才好. 非洲还有其他大陆没有的动物和各种旅游资源. 最快来钱的方法就是搞旅游,没有公路就开装甲车去看野生动物,美军有很多多出来的装甲车. 中国现在又有电力技术,在哪儿搭几个帐篷,做临时旅馆. 那么多的野生动物, 隔一段时间可以杀一批,可以作为旅游项目吸引中国的富豪去体验狩猎的快乐,再特殊野味高价卖给中国人, 尤其是广东人, 哈哈. 非洲大陆最长的海岸线, 比起中国渔民不到还跟别人你争我夺的,投资那边的渔业一定有利可图的. 北边是地中海, 可以开发房地产吸引富裕的欧洲人去那边度假,过冬,和养老. 曾经看过一部3D的电影非洲沿岸的海洋生物, 丰富多彩的.


Africa, especially Central Africa, is a large plain of milk and honey. It is a bit like China's Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. I think that if possible, it should also be turned into one of the world's granaries, fruit producing areas and animal husbandry base. Europe and South America should teach their livestock technology to Africans. North America should give Africans the technology to produce food on a large scale. China should provide technology of producing small commodities to Africans. Sometimes do a calculation, granaries in North America, East and Southeast Asia, Europe and South America's cattle and sheep, plus Africa's granary for the world's seven billion peoples food, should be enough. The premise is that everyone should not divide regions as prisons, turn national borders as barriers. China has a lot of cotton production, I think that Africa should expand cotton production, and China should go to Africa to open textile mills and garment processing. It is possible that cotton over there should account for more than 50% of the world's total outputs. Africa has other animals and various tourism resources that are not available in other continents. The most fast way to get money is through tourism. If you don’t have roads, you can use armored vehicles to watch wild animals. US military has many extra armored vehicles. China now has technology for energy. So you have electricities setting up a few tents as temporary hotels. If there are too many wild animals, you can kill a batch at a time for eco-biological balance. This can be used as a tourism project to attract Chinese rich people to experience the joy of hunting, and then sell the special meats to Chinese, especially Cantonese, Haha. African continent has the longest coastline. Chinese fishermen lack advanced fishing technology, they can't catch much fish at sea. They are also still competing with others. So investing in fishing industry must be profitable. North Africa is close to Mediterranean, which can also be developed. Real estate over there attracts wealthy Europeans to go there for vacation, in winter, and retirement. I have seen a 3D movie about the marine life on African coast, very colorful.


西边是海上丝绸之路的航线,可以开游轮过几内亚湾去南非好望角买钻石,东边可以开游轮去看许多古迹, 甚至去马达加斯加. 从丹麦到瑞典南部现在有新的大桥连接,看看红海口亚丁湾是不是有可能也吧阿拉伯半岛和非洲连接起来?海底隧道?那样阿拉伯半岛, 沙特阿拉伯, 也们, 阿曼就可以打通风水而大力发展经济和贸易. 犹太人一千五百万,五百万在以色列,五百万在美国,其余五百万在世界各地.中国人有十三亿,应该五亿留中国,还有五亿去非洲, 亚洲, 欧洲, 还有三亿去美洲. 而已,因为那儿有空间.

To the west is the route of Maritime Silk Road. You can take a cruise through the Gulf of Guinea to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to buy diamonds. You can take a cruise to the east to see many monuments, even to Madagascar. From Denmark to southern Sweden, there is now a new bridge connection. Is it possible to connect the Arabian Peninsula to Africa in the Gulf of Aden in Red
Sea? Or building a sub-sea tunnel? Then Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen also, Oman can develop economy and trade with smooth feng shui. Jews are 15 million, 5 million are in Israel, 5 million are in the United States, and the remaining 5 million are spreading in the world. China has 1.4 billion people, should be 500 million stay in China, and 500 million to Africa, Asia, Europe, and 300 million to America. I just imagine it, because there is space there.






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