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发表于 2018-8-12 15:27:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

加州,沙加缅度 - 近日,Politico [1] 和其他新闻媒体报道,川普总统与一些公司CEO在他新泽西的高尔夫俱乐部共进晚餐时,暗示大多数在美国的中国学生都是间谍。然而,CNN的报道的程度更加温和,指出“据其中一位参与者说“,在晚宴期间“川普表示了对一些外国学生在美国代表外国政府从事间谍活动的担忧,特别是来自中国的学生”("Trump expressed concern that some foreign students were acting as foreign agents, particularly from China, according to one of the attendees." )。

APAPA强烈赞同国际教育工作者协会(NAFSA)主管公共政策的副执行主任Jill Welch发表的以下声明:



近年来,在美国发生了错误地把陈霞芬、郗小星教授等人指控为中国间谍的多起案件。我们担心这种情况可能会变得更加普遍,严重损害为我们的国家做出了贡献的无辜而忠诚的华裔美国公民的利益。 亚太联盟提请谨慎对待这种可能导致仇外心理的煽动性语言,认为这将伤害那些被针对的诚实、勤奋的族裔的福祉。




(English Version)


Friday, August 10, 2018

Contact:  Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA)

info@apapa.org | (916) 928-9988

APAPA Urges Caution against Inflammatory Language Used on Foreign Students

SACRAMENTO, CA - Politico [1] and other news media reported that President Trump, during a dinner with a number of CEO's at his New Jersey Golf Club, implied that most Chinese students in the U.S. are spies. However, another account by CNN was considerably milder, noting that during the dinner "Trump expressed concern that some foreign students were acting as foreign agents, particularly from China, according to one of the attendees."

APAPA  strongly  agrees  with  Jill  Welch,  Association  of  International  Educators'  (NAFSA)  deputy executive  director  for  public  policy,  who  made  the  following  statement  about  what  the  president reportedly said.

"Generations  of  foreign  policy  leaders  agree  that  international  students  and  scholars  are  one  of America’s greatest foreign policy assets. Blanket generalizations about students from any country will undoubtedly make international students think twice before choosing the United States as their destination. If students, particularly from strategic regions around the world, no longer come here, America will lose the ability to build relationships with future leaders abroad and strengthen our own national security."

APAPA  is  an  American  organization.  We  do  not  condone  foreign  spies  operating  in  our  country regardless of their origin. Nevertheless we are gravely concerned such alleged statement by President Trump can be incendiary and may harm the perception and reputation of American students of Chinese descent, especially if they major in STEM disciplines.

The recent erroneous charges, such as those of Sherry Chen and Professor Xiaoxing Xi, of spying may become even more prevalent, creating havoc for innocent and loyal Chinese American citizens contributing to our country. APAPA urges caution against such inflammatory language which can lead to xenophobia and is detrimental to the well being of honest and hard working citizens who happen to be of the targeted ethnicity.


APAPA is a non-profit, non-partisan and grassroots organization. Its mission is to empower Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Americans through education, leadership and active participation in civic and public affairs.

APAPA National Headquarters


Non-profit organization

501(C) 3 Tax ID. 55-0849384

[1] Inside Higher Ed: Did Trump Call Most Chinese Students Spies?   https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/08/09/politico-reports-trump-called-most-chinese-students-us-spies

[2] Politico: TRUMP USES DINNER WITH C.E.O.S TO CLAIM CHINESE STUDENTS ARE “SPIES”. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/trump-executive-dinner-bedminster-china-766609

[3] The Hill: Trump slams China at business dinner: report. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/400927-trump-slams-china-at-business-dinner

[4] CNN: Over dinner, CEOs press Trump on immigration.  https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/08/politics/trump-immigration-ceos/index.html

[5] AsAm News: Chinese Students Are Spies, President Donald Trump Reportedly Told U.S. Business Leaders. https://asamnews.com/2018/08/10/chinese-students-are-spies-president-donald-trump-reportedly-told-u-s-business-leaders/
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发表于 2018-8-12 20:01:33 | 只看该作者
川普说中国留学生几乎都是间谍,他说的大体正确,但不精确,因为他对中国留学生大体了解,但还不彻底了解,他在大量脱口而出的言论中难免有口误。 我们中国人对自己的留学生状况最了解。正确的答案是,在中国的留学生有太多的间谍,特别是公派留学生和访问学者中,他们几乎100%是中共党员,并绝大多数是间谍,曾发生多次中国学者和科技人员集体偷窃美国科技情报逃往中国为中共服务的事件。中国在美国的许多商人和企业家也有不少经济间谍。中共官方和军方在美国的间谍活动更为频繁。应当说,中国来美人士是全世界最高发的间谍群体。中共发明创造很少,所以大都靠偷窃美国的知识产权,对美国的官方,军方和私人企业的网络进行黑客攻击,蓝金黄美国的企业家和科技人员,千人计划在美国挖取中国人材,以及盗版和仿造以求得中国制造业和科技的发展。总之,一句话,就是中共在美国的间谍活动污染了中国留学生的一锅粥,给美国人留下了很恶劣的印象。

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