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发表于 2013-6-22 12:41:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式





更有甚者,迈克·哈斯汀斯车祸发生在凌晨4点,居然被一个来自“LOUD NEWS”的新闻摄制组全程拍录下来。这个摄制组声称当时正在附近的一个加油站加油。



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-22 12:45:27 | 只看该作者


3 days ago

So let me get this straight:

On any given Tuesday morning at 4:00AM the "Loud-labs News" crew park their van at a random gas station in the LA area, turn on their dash-cam, and just wait for the "news" to happen?

That makes absolutely no sense.

On the night in question the "Loud-labs News" crew were parked at a gas station on the corner of Highland and Santa Monica, their camera rolling, when they just happened to catch Hastings speed by in his Mercedes?

There are hundreds of thousands of random street corners in LA: most of them are devoid of all news, and especially so at 4:00AM on a random Tuesday morning. Who in their right mind would expect there to be anything news worthy going on at this particular corner at that particular time?

On the other hand, if I were staging a car bombing, and wanted some way to ensure the bombing had gone according to plan, it might make sense to have a random "news crew" show up seconds after the explosion and film it.

In other words, while the idea that "Loud-labs News" was involved in killing Hastings may at first seem very far-fetched, it actually seems FAR, FAR more far-fetched to think that "Loud-labs" just happened to have their cameras rolling at the one random corner in LA at 4AM that Hastings sped by.
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-22 12:44:18 | 只看该作者

Michael Hastings Crash: Amazing Red-Light Violation, Speeding Caught on Video

By Dennis Romero             Wed., Jun. 19 2013 at 5:24 PM                     

A car, seen as a blur just under a green light, blasts through a red light via LOUD LABS / YouTube.
After the Weekly reported today that LAPD traffic investigators believe the car tied in reports to journalist Michael Hastings was going faster than 60 miles per hour before a fatal crash in Hollywood, we were tipped off to new video showing a vehicle blasting through a red light just moments before that collision.

The video, by freelance TV news crew LOUD LABS NEWS, shows a vehicle blazing through a red light on Highland Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard, only four blocks from the crash:

The video appears to have been taken from a LOUD LABS vehicle awaiting the night's news.

Freelance videographers work the night shift in L.A. because local TV stations don't budget enough for expensive, three-person news vans to work overnight. The freelance crews listen to police scanners and sell their footage to the stations.

In this case, the LOUD NEWS videographer appears to be in standby mode, with a camera rolling, when a car blasts through that light.

Soon after, multiple reports are heard on an LAPD frequency regarding an "ambulance traffic" accident at Highland and Melrose avenues only a few blocks south.

The video indicates those calls came in four minutes later, but we'd guess, given the vehicle's speed and proximity to the crash site, that if it was the same Mercedes connected to the Hastings crash, it was more like a matter of seconds.

The videographer hauls it down to the crash site and spots a vehicle  in flames. The video posted above ends just as the one we reported last night, which shows the fiery inferno, begins.
See also: Michael Hastings, Noted Journalist, Dies in Fiery Hollywood Crash (VIDEO).
That solo-car accident was reported at 4:25 a.m. Tuesday,  LAPD said.
We learned that traffic investigators believe the Mercedes-Benz C250's motor was found about 100 feet from the burned-up car.
Ex-LAPD traffic official Harry B. Ryon said the position of the engine indicates the car was traveling at least 60 miles an hour.
See also: Michael Hastings Crash: Car Was Speeding, Engine Flew 100 Feet, Cops Say.
The cause was still under investigation.
Conspiracy theorists have noted that Hastings covered the CIA and other high-powered officials and even received death threats over his journalism.
See also: Michael Hastings Probed the CIA Before Fatal Hollywood Crash.
Send feedback and tips to the author. Follow Dennis Romero on Twitter at @dennisjromero. Follow LA Weekly News on Twitter at @laweeklynews.
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-22 12:43:01 | 只看该作者

Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated

According to the email, sent to KTLA, Hastings wrote he was working on a “big story” and was going to disappear. He told his colleagues that if the FBI came to interview them, they should have legal counsel present.

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Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated      
Rolling Stone journalist made enemies in FBI, CIA
Paul Joseph Watson
June 20, 2013
The revelation that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about the CIA before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly valid claims that the 33-year-old was assassinated.

Hastings died early Tuesday morning in Hollywood when his car allegedly hit a tree at high speed. The Los Angeles Coroner’s office has not yet been able to officially identify the body as Hastings because it is so badly burned.
Skeptics of the official narrative have highlighted eyewitness accounts which state that Hastings’ Mercedes “exploded”.
Images of the vehicle appear to show more damage to the rear, around the area of the fuel tank, than the front, leading to speculation that a car bomb which ignited the fuel could have been responsible for the incident.
“No matter how you slice this particular pie, a Mercedes is not just going to explode into flames without a little assistance,” writes freelance journalist Jim Stone. “Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons — running the engine out of oil, or running the engine out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse panel. And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would have started in the engine compartment, progressed slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before ever reaching the gas tank. That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings was murdered, and the rest is detail.”
Stone also questions why a white sheet has been draped over the vehicle in the image below.
The questions surrounding the precise nature of the “accident” that killed Hastings are given more weight by the fact that the journalist had made enemies within both the FBI and the CIA.
“Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that the FBI was investigating him,” the official Wikileaks Twitter account announced yesterday.
Hastings “had the Central Intelligence Agency in his sights” and was set to release an article exposing the agency, according to L.A. Weekly.
The Obama administration and the Justice Department have openly claimed the authority to assassinate American citizens anywhere in the world if they are deemed a national security threat. A number of American citizens have already been killed as a result of this policy. Is it really that crazy to suggest that Michael Hastings was merely the latest victim of this doctrine?
The New York Daily News highlights the fact that Hastings had received multiple death threats before his demise.
Following his role in bringing down Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, Hastings was told by a McChrystal staffer, “We’ll hunt you down and kill you if we don’t like what you write.”
“Whenever I’d been reporting around groups of dudes whose job it was to kill people, one of them would usually mention that they were going to kill me,” said Hastings.
Hastings was renowned for being “only interested in writing stories someone didn’t want him to write — often his subjects,” according to Buzzflash editor Ben Smith, adding, “He knew that there are certain truths that nobody has an interest in speaking, ones that will make you both your subjects and their enemies uncomfortable. They’re stories that don’t get told because nobody in power has much of an interest in telling them.”
The fact that Hastings had made a plethora of enemies as a result of his hard-hitting investigative journalism has prompted a deluge of online comment speculating that the writer’s “car crash” was no accident.
“Hastings’ wreck might make sense on the freeway, but I doubt he’d be dumb enough to go 100 mph on Highland. He’s not some dumb college kid,” said one commenter on a local news site.
“A warning to other journalists to not dig too deep,” another Reddit user wrote. “Stick with the party line if you want a long, happy life.”
If this was an isolated incident then there wouldn’t be so many questions swirling about Hastings’ death. However, he’s certainly not the first individual to go up against the military-industrial complex and wind up in a coffin.
Other journalists who have proven to be a thorn in the side of the establishment have met the same fate, from Andrew Breitbart who was about to release damaging pre-election information about Barack Obama before he collapsed and died in strange circumstances, to Gary Webb, the Pullitzer prize-winning author who exposed the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade and subsequently committed “suicide” after apparently shooting himself in the head – twice.
More recently, Ibragim Todashev, friend of accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnev, was shot in the head six times by the FBI, who initially claimed Todashev was armed but later had to admit this was a lie. Speculation has raged that Todashev was assassinated because he had knowledge about the Boston bombings which the feds didn’t want to see the light of public scrutiny.
Despite his actions, the murder of Christopher Dorner, who was burned to death by LAPD officers while hiding inside a cabin, shows that authorities will not hesitate to resort to such methods.
It’s virtually inevitable that the true cause of Michael Hastings death will never be known and that the mainstream media will demonize anyone who questions the official narrative as a conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile, journalists and others who pose a threat to the military-industrial complex will continue to die in bizarre “accidents” that stink of foul play.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
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