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已有 75 次阅读2022-10-1 22:36 |个人分类:领袖精英

摩西  Talk more about Moses 


就个人而言,凭借摩西的才能,我认为他应该能够胜任更重要的任务。根据斯大林有计划的相互依存的发展政策,社会主义阵营国家的所有经济都与苏联的经济紧密相连。 捷克斯洛伐克是东欧集团中最繁荣的国家,但它继续落后于其他发达国家。随着1991年共产主义经济联盟的瓦解,捷克制造商在东部的前共产主义国家中失去了传统市场。今天, 这种遗产既是资产又是责任。 捷克共和国拥有受过良好教育的人口和完善的基础设施。捷克共和国成为第一个获得国际信贷机构投资级信用评级的后共产主义国家,确认了创造稳定投资环境。该国拥有蓬勃发展的消费者生产部门,并将大多数国有重工业私有化通过凭证私有化系统。根据该制度,每个公民都有机会以适中的价格购买一张代表任何国有公司潜在股份的代金券。


Personally, with Moses’ talent, I think he should be able to undertake  more important task. In accordance with Stalin's development policy of planned interdependence, all the economies of the socialist countries were tightly linked to that of the Soviet Union. Czechoslovakia was the most prosperous country in the Eastern Bloc, however it continued to lag further behind the rest of the developed world. With the disintegration of the communist economic alliance in 1991, Czech manufacturers lost their traditional markets among former communist countries in the east. Today, this heritage is both an asset and a liability. The Czech Republic has a well-educated population and a well-developed infrastructure.  Progress toward creating a stable investment climate was recognized when the Czech Republic became the first post-communist country to receive an investment-grade credit rating by international credit institutions. The country boasts a flourishing consumer production sector and has privatized most state-owned heavy industries through the voucher privatization system. Under the system, every citizen was given the opportunity to buy, for a moderate price, a book of vouchers that represents potential shares in any state-owned company.






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