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已有 112 次阅读2022-5-19 21:21 |个人分类:中国

亲爱的习主席,88,你们后面的T&B, 好不懂事。中国人在文化上缺凝聚和网络概念,在做事上缺法律和按规章办事概念,这样子怎么样闯江湖呢?犹太人人脉广所以消息灵通,有信息当然就有资源。犹太人有钱,在整个网络里灵活投资用对地方,用对地方就能获得最大收益呀。中国人零散自己投资,钱放在银行和房地产中不运转,那就是死的. 经济再一折腾,美元量化宽松,钱不值钱收益很低的。索罗斯是一个穷学生出生,有犹太人网络做强力支撑,可以去制造金融风暴收割东南亚。我甚至在想,中国的股灾和刚才美国股灾,是不是跟犹太人有关系?中国人日本人要花多少努力和汗水制造,才能够节省储存那么多钱。犹太人玩金融,两三下就可以轻松赚那么多钱。劳心者治人也. 其实我很希望Jackie可以先做business, 她头子灵活,找对行业做几个代言,利用杠杆投资,就可以有一定的经济资本,经济上稳定了再来玩政治也不迟的。不然跟你们天天在一起这么多年,T&B这么轻慢她,你们连个面都不见她, 啥玩意?那位狼心狗肺T&B就是不给我赔偿,无视我人生受伤害呀,视而不见我做那么多事儿啊。全球化建立世界联邦政府,目的不只是为了自己赚钱,更是为了全人类文明平衡发展的。发展经济要用专才,象索罗斯这样破坏平衡从某一个地区巧取豪夺,是应该防范和杜绝的。亲爱的习主席,88,你们应该会建立稳定的系统和相应的法律,因为大家在同一个世界里了,可以进行全方位的监控,金融风暴经济危机是可以预测防范的呀。希望Jackie将来也象泽曼总统那样,也能够成为这方面的专家。谢谢你们。

Dear President Xi, 88, T&B behind you, they don’t know anything. The Chinese lack a sense of cohesion and network in the culture, and they lack the law and the concept of doing things according to the rules. How do you do business in the world? Jewish people are well-connected and well-informed, and of course there are resources for information. Jews have money, and they can use money in the right place in the entire network to get the most out of the it. The Chinese are scattered and invest by themselves. The money des is locked in banks and real estate, and that is dead money. The economy is tossing again, the dollar is quantitatively loose, and the money is not worth the money. Soros is born a poor student, with a strong support from the Jewish network, can make a financial storm to harvest Southeast Asia. I even wondered if China’s stock market crash and the US stock market crash just had a relationship with the Jews. How much effort and sweat is made by the Chinese in Japan can save so much money. Jews can play financial games, and they can easily make so much money in two or three actions. Brain-minded people manage others. In fact, I hope that Jackie can do business first. Her brain is flexible; she can find a few endorsements for the industry. With leveraged investment, she can have certain economic capital. It is economically stable and it is not too late to play politics. Otherwise, she is with you every day, for so many years, T&B is so contemptuous of her, you don't even want to see her, why not? That bad T&B just doesn't give me compensation, ignores the hurts in my life, and turns a blind eye to so many things I did.  Globalization establishes the world federal government. The purpose is not only to make money for someone, but also to balance the development of all human civilization. The development of the economy requires the use of professionals. The destruction of balance like Soros from a certain area is a must to prevent and eliminate. Dear President Xi, 88, you should establish a stable system and corresponding laws, because everyone is in the same world, you can carry out all-round monitoring, and the financial crisis economic crisis can be predicted and prevented. I hope that Jackie will become an expert in this field, too, like President Zeman. thank you all.






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