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已有 231 次阅读2022-5-19 21:19 |个人分类:全球化

犹太人比较讲信用,做事情按法律程序办  Jews speak credit and do things according to legal procedures.
泽曼总统要我讲犹太企业家. 犹太人千百年来是流浪儿,他们所到之处的国家,不允许他们做公职,所到之处他们只能做医生给当地人看病,做老师教自己和别人的孩子,或做生意赚钱,受尽多少磨难!犹太人没有自己的军队,没有地方政治权力,所能依靠的是千百年来锤炼成的犹太人的遍布世界网络,自己从小努力获得的智慧才能,和经商做企业获得的利润资本. 所以有人说犹太人是金钱的动物,这是被逼出来的。美国的金融界,法律界,医疗界,是在犹太人手里的。犹太人有庞大的powerful组织网,犹太人做事情从来不是单干户. 泽曼总统一站出来,这世界上的金融大鳄都是他的好朋友。Jackie去见那些世界精英,几乎每次回来都说,哇,谁是犹太人,约旦王妃是犹太人,维多利亚是犹太人,库克是犹太人,普京大帝是犹太人。Steven and Jeff以前每天去她学校跟她见面,过了一年她居然去跟Jeff 说, “ I cannot believe you are Jewish!”  这个 Jackie 是在装模作样逗Jeff玩呢,还是真的稀里糊涂, 不知道。反正边上的Steven忍不住哈哈大笑!我对Jackie说,如果碰上犹太人,就告诉他们,你也是半个犹太人!不是吗?她跟犹太人有缘呢!犹太人有自己理财的一套办法。他们说浙江的温州人是中国的犹太人,可是我觉得差太远。温州人是民间组织有点唯利是图,一有风吹草动就脚底抹油跑走了。犹太人也唯利是图,可是犹太人比较讲信用,做事情按法律程序办,那是系统化的. 因为犹太人四处流浪,如果没有一个可信的办事规程,怎么样走天下呀?

President Zeman wants me to talk about Jewish entrepreneurs. Jews have been wandering children for thousands of years. The countries where they went did not allow them to serve public. Wherever they went, they could only be doctors to see the locals and teach kids. Or doing business to make money, suffered so many hardships!  The Jews do not have their own army, no local political power, what can only be relied on is the network of Jews who have been tempered for thousands of years, the wisdom of their own efforts, and the profit capital they have acquired from doing business. So some say Jews are money animals, which is forced out. The financial, legal, and medical circles of the United States are in the hands of Jews. Jews have a huge network of powerful organizations. Jews have never been a single-handed person. President Zeman has come out and the world's financial predators are his good friends. Jackie went to see the elites of the world. Almost every time she came back, she said, Wow, who is Jewish, the Jordanian king’s wife is Jewish, Victoria Backham is Jewish, Tim Cook is Jewish, and Putin is Jewish. Steven and Jeff used to go to her school to meet her every day. After a year, she actually went to Jeff and said, “I can believe you are Jewish!” Whether Jackie is playing with Jeff, or she is really confusing, I don’t know. Anyway, Steven couldn't help but laugh! I told Jackie that if you meet Jews, tell them that you are also a half Jew! No? She has a relationship with the Jews! Jews have a way of managing their own money. They said that the Wenzhou people in Zhejiang are Chinese Jews, but I think there is a big difference. Wenzhou people are civil organizations, a little profit-seeking, and when they are at risk, they run away on the soles of their feet. The Jews are also chasing profit, but the Jews are more creditworthy and do things according to legal procedures. It is systematic. Because the Jews are wandering around, if there is no credible procedure, how can they get trust from the world?






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