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已有 74 次阅读2022-5-19 21:13 |个人分类:全球化

日本有着明确的全球战略  Japan has a clear global strategy
这是中日企业在海外投资比较。日本有完整的全球战略. 从现场调研中(2008-2010)人们发现,在企业国际化战略方面,目前阶段中国企业与日本企业相比, 存在巨大差距。他们前后访问的日本企业有丰田、 本田、松下、索尼、日立、东芝,这些企业都已经 形成全球性地域布局,有着明确的全球战略。从亚洲诸国的市场上也很容易看到他们的产品。再看中国企业,形成全球性地域布布局的只有海尔、华为、 联想三家企业,尤其汽车制造业,差距更是巨大。 从市场上的大件商品中,也不容易看到中国品牌。中国在海外的投资很多,都是不怎么成功。 日本是岛国,在航运贸易发达的时候,岛国生产的东西方便输往全世界。可是因为高铁技术发达,现在世界内陆地区,在从海运向陆运过渡. 这也是为什么要选捷克作为欧洲物流集散地,因为捷克是欧洲的地理中心,中欧班列终点在捷克. 那在日本制造成本又高,海运去全世界就有一点划不来。中国和日本都是电子制造大国,中国深圳有一整套的电子产业链,中国制造又价钱便宜。想象一下呀,欧亚非国家向中国买电器,又便宜又快运送到达,那是不是可以把日本的电子产能和中国深圳的合并了?日本车质量好,亚洲没有其他竞争者,那也不一定非要在日本生产,可以去亚洲大陆交通方便有巨大市场的地方去建立流水线了。昨天我说到俄国的远东发展计划,说到要在澳大利亚建立钢铁厂,和基础裸车生产线。听说日本要在南京建立一个汽车生产流水线,这是一个好主意啊,也可以投资到印度澳洲,甚至非洲,建汽车流水线. 因为如果澳洲以后大量移民,就需要汽车. 中国和印度是世界上最大的现在和将来汽车市场,甚至覆盖中亚西亚. 将来非洲的发展也需要大量的汽车。日本甚至可以把汽车的研发,比如我昨天提起的,各种车型标准模块化,整体移到澳大利亚去。可以在澳大利亚生产成品车, 也可以把裸车框架运往世界各地让他们自己去 customization . 

This is a comparison of Chinese and Japanese companies investing overseas. Japan has a complete global strategy. From the field survey (2008-2010), people found that there is a huge gap between Chinese companies and Japanese companies in the current stage of corporate internationalization strategy. The Japanese companies they visited were Toyota, Honda, Panasonic, Sony, Hitachi, and Toshiba, all of which have formed a global geographic layout with a clear global strategy. Their products are also easy to see in the markets of Asian countries. Looking at Chinese companies, only Haier, Huawei and Lenovo, which form a global geographical distribution, are particularly large in the automotive industry. From the big items on the market, it is not easy to see Chinese brands. China has invested a lot in overseas and it is not very successful. Japan is an island country. When shipping trade is developed, the things produced by the island countries are convenient for the world. However, because of the development of high-speed rail technology, the world's inland regions are now transitioning from sea to land. This is why the Czech Republic is chosen as the European logistics hub, because the Czech Republic is the geographical center of Europe, and the Central European trains are in the Czech Republic. That is the cost of manufacturing in Japan. It’s high, and shipping to the world is a bit untenable. China and Japan are both big electronics manufacturing countries. Shenzhen, China has a complete set of electronic industry chains, which are cheap to manufacture in China. Imagine that the Eurasian and African countries buy electrical appliances from China and ship them cheaply and quickly. Is it possible to merge Japan's electronics production capacity with Shenzhen, China? The quality of Japanese cars is good. There are no other competitors in Asia. It is not necessarily necessary to produce in Japan. You can go to the Asian continent to have a huge market to build an assembly line. Yesterday I talked about Russia's Far East development plan, talking about setting up a steel plant in Australia and a basic bare car frame production line. I heard that Japan wants to build a car production line in Nanjing. This is a good idea. You can also invest in India, Australia and even Africa to build a car assembly line. Because if you have a large number of immigrants in Australia, you need a car. China and India are the world. The largest current and future automotive market, even covering Central Asia. In the future, Africa's development also requires a large number of cars. Japan can even move the car research and development, such as the standardization of various models mentioned by me yesterday, and move it to Australia as a whole. You can produce finished cars in Australia, or you can ship bare car frames around the world for customization.






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