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已有 61 次阅读2022-5-18 22:11 |个人分类:全球化

有在地理位置气候环境互补的移动经济, 世界高铁网可以从水下联接  There is a mobile economy complementary in geographical and climatic conditions, the world high-speed rail network can be connected from underwater
东亚不但有中国,俄国,还有日本和韩国。日本和韩国在高科技制造业,汽车各方面都有优势,同时人口众多. 这两天南北韩携手合并,如果事情发展顺利,俄国远东的高铁,可以走中国经韩国入海。也可以将日本,韩国的人才,向俄国远东移民!我不知道在俄国远东的冻土带上,建高铁跨越白令海峡去美洲的可行性有多大。但是至少我觉得,俄国远东的开发,可以和澳大利亚,新西兰的建设,有一个互补的作用。想象一下东南亚广东地区40多度的夏天,人山人海,喧嚣燥热,如果有一部分可以去俄国远东工作, 无论是农业服务业还是高智能绿色产业, 该是不错的。我肯定愿意去。冬天,北方的日本,韩国东三省,甚至寒冷的高原地区的人, 也可以去澳大利亚工作,来一个穿短裤下海潜水的圣诞节,多美呀。还有,如果全球规划高铁,因为流量大有些通道要增加 redundancy,物流人流可以分开。那这些线路的规划,以及建设者的选择,标准的制定,运行的管理,等等,都可以拿到桌面上来大家商量分工嘛,不必要那么多政治的。还有,我觉得像某些海峡,可不可以建海底隧道,比如马六甲海峡,也门到吉布提,或者印度尼西亚, 菲律宾的有些岛屿之间,巴林安曼去伊朗,突尼斯去意大利,澳大利亚去巴布亚新几内亚,中国的渤海湾入海口,等等。因为这些陆地一连起来,整个交通就会改变,当地的商业人文居住环境就就完全不一样了。当然这些浩大工程,以后可以慢慢地看着办。美国社会可以对青少年随便用枪大开杀戒无动于衷,却对中国这么草木皆兵神经过敏,idiot!FBI的头子脑子有病,但有深刻原因,不是空穴来风。文明是流动的,发展的!默克尔、美国社会,在意识形态上把中国妖魔敌化,为自己树敌,不与人为善,逼别人站到其对立面,存心给自己制造障碍,连最基本的人类发展常识都没有,这种人做国家管理者,觉得不qualify. 

East Asia not only has China, Russia, but also Japan and South Korea. Japan and South Korea have advantages in all aspects of high-tech manufacturing and automobile, and at the same time have a large population. In the past two days, North and South Korea have joined hands to merge. If things are going well, the Russian high-speed rail in the Far East can go to China to South Korea for sea ports. You can also immigrate talent from Japan and South Korea to the Russian Far East! I don't know how much it is possible to build a high-speed rail across the Bering Strait to the Americas on the tundra in the Russian Far East. But at least I think that the development of the Russian Far East can have a complementary role with Australia and New Zealand. Imagine more than 40 degree summers in the Southeast Asian Guangdong region. It is very crowded and hot. If there is a part that can go to work in the Russian Far East, it is good for the agricultural service industry or the high-smart green industry. I am definitely willing to go. In winter, people from the north, Japan, the three eastern provinces and Korea, and even the cold plateau can also go to work in Australia to have a Christmas in shorts and diving in the sea. How beautiful. Also, if the high-speed rail is planned globally, because there are some channels to increase redundancy, the logistics flow can be separated. The planning of these lines, as well as the choice of the builders, the formulation of standards, the management of operations, and so on, can all be taken on the table to discuss the division of labor. It is not necessarily so political. Also, I think, like some straits, can you build undersea tunnels, such as the Straits of Malacca, Yemen to Djibouti, or Indonesia, between some islands in the Philippines, Bahrain Amman to Iran, Tunisia to Italy, Australia to Papua New Guinea, China Bohai Bay estuary, and so on. When these land areas are connected together, the entire transportation will change, and the local business and cultural environment will be completely different. Of course, these vast projects can be launched slowly in the future. American society can be indifferent to the casual use of guns by teenagers, but it is allergic to China. What an idiot! The head of the FBI is sick, but there are profound reasons, not just that simple. Civilization is fluid and developing! Merkel and the American society have ideologically engulfed China's demon, set themselves up for their own enemies, and do not do good with others, forcing others to stand on their opposites, and create obstacles for themselves, even without the most basic human development common sense. This kind of person is a national manager and it feels not qualified.







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