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已有 91 次阅读2022-5-17 21:20 |个人分类:全球化

世界联邦政府,在全球范围对人口、资源,环保,通信、邮电、铁路,公共交通,水电,教育,科学,文化,卫生体育等等, 进行统一综合科学管理  The world's federal government conducts unified and comprehensive scientific management of population, resources, environmental protection, communications, post and telecommunications, railways, public transportation, hydropower, education, science, culture, health and sports, etc. on a global scale.

Feb 21, 2018 at 9:46 PM

亲爱的习主席,88,Jackie很高兴说你们称赞我昨天写的短文“ we like it a lot!” 也谢谢普京大帝认同我的提议。只是普京大帝这样子的性格, 现在收到欧美的制裁,也许会树大招风了。怎么又觉得,是Sir黄雀在后老谋深算?我是闭着眼睛瞎写呀,我要是具体知道那些数据,以及追踪这些年各国政府规划,和大宗商品交易,我会写得更实在更有价值一些的,现在算是抛砖引玉吧. 谢谢世界各位领袖的欣赏。 谢谢亲爱的习主席,88,给我这个机会。亲亲. 你们让我写中国和澳大利亚的关系。澳大利亚总理也想听。应该这么说,中国和澳大利亚的关系,是整个世界整体规划的一个部分。澳大利亚在南半球,因为很早就跟其他大陆隔离,交通不便,所以人迹罕至. 但是随着人类科技的进步,航海四通八达,况且澳大利亚大陆地域宽广,气候适宜,基本上是平原,东南部有大盆地,适合众多人口居住。又是在南半球,可以和北半球形成一个居住产业互补优势. 同时又有很多的自然资源,可以大规模发展农渔牧,以及矿业和相关的工业,并且引进大规模人口发展绿色高智能产业。昨天讲到全球一体的规划,因为只有一个地球,为了全人类过好日子,那就需要对全球整体考量规划. 比如说,要有一个世界联邦政府,在全球范围对人口、资源,环保,通信、邮电、铁路,公共交通,水电,教育,科学,文化,卫生体育等等, 进行统一综合科学管理。现在看看地球上的气候分布。

Dear President Xi, 88, Jackie is very happy to tell me you praised my essay I wrote yesterday "we like it a lot!" and thanked Putin the Great for agreeing with my proposal. It’s just that the character of Putin the great, now on receiving sanctions from Europe and the United States, he may suffer more. How come I feel that the Sir is behind waiting for the victims? I am now writing blindly. If I know the data specifically, and follow the government planning and commodity 
trading in these years, I will write more accurate and more valuable. Now it’s throwing break attracting jades. Thank you, world leaders for appreciation. Thank you, Dear President Xi, 88, give me this opportunity. Kiss. You asked me to write about the relationship between China and Australia. The Australian Prime Minister also wants to hear. It should be said that the relationship between China and Australia is part of the overall planning of the entire world. Australia is in the southern hemisphere, because it has been isolated from other continents very early, and the commuting is inconvenient, so it is inaccessible. However, with the advancement of human science and technology, navigation is well-connected. Moreover, the Australian continent is wide and the climate is suitable. It is basically a plain, and there is a large basin in the southeast suitable for many people to live. In the southern hemisphere, it can form a complementary advantage to the northern hemisphere. At the same time, there are many natural resources, which can develop agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, and mining and related industries on a large scale, and introduce large-scale population development of green high intelligence industry. Yesterday I talked about the globalization design, because there is only one earth, for the better of all mankind, it needs to consider the global overall planning. For example, there must be a world federal government takes global population, resources, environmental protection, communication, post and telecommunications, railways, public transportation, hydropower, education, science, culture, health and sports, etc., for unified and comprehensive scientific management. Now look at the climate distribution on Earth.







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