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已有 56 次阅读2022-5-17 21:18 |个人分类:全球化

世界联邦政府当务之急最重要的,是建立一个政治行政结构,制定 法律,收编武装系统,组织治理专家,以及拥有信息收集手段和统治设施!The most important thing for the world's federal government is to establish a political administrative structure, enact laws, assemble armed systems, organize governance experts, and have information collection tools and ruling facilities!

如果有了管控,就可以事先准备,可以合理调配资源,会让事情平顺很多  If you have control, you can prepare in advance, you can rationally allocate resources, and it will make things smoother.
这是讲全方位监视. 就像马云的无线支付,一个技术就可以改变人们经济生活的方式. 在这个全方位监视领域,是有很多事情可以做的. 比如这边很多的交通罚单都是警察想当然给的,在很多情况下是不必要的。如果每个车都有实时录像,只要把当时的录像和附近车的录像调出来一看,就知道是谁的错了。而且很多的法律也需要相应改变!又比如交通和旅游,这次因为天气琼州海峡关闭5小时,海南岛半岛成了停车场,很多春节出游的被堵在岛上回不来。有些景点人满为患,或者很快就超过预定的售票数额,让晚来的扫兴而归。如果有了控制,那出去旅游的事先就可以有个预估,给大家一个通知或者旅游引导,就可以不去凑热闹。凡是有大流量的,在服务容量不够的时候,都应该事先有一个流量控制,增加缓冲有效服务。比如说各地把春节分开来过,不就减少很多交通的负荷吗?如果有了管控,就可以事先准备,可以合理调配资源,无论长期或短期的,大量或个体的,都会让事情平顺很多。如果听任自由无政府主义,影响的是整个社会的运作和生活品质。觉得每年开春晚色彩太闹了,有点土里土气的。Jackie穿衣服我总跟她说,不要穿太花的,第一不适合她的性格,其次对于审美来说也不美的。穿衣色彩搭配应该有重点,其他的颜色是衬托的。让人一看就受吸引,就有层次,色彩搭配就美,就赏心悦目!

This is about omnidirectional surveillance. Just like Jack Ma's wireless pay, a technology can change the way people live economically. There are many things that can be done in this omnidirectional surveillance field. For example, many traffic tickets here are given by police. Of course, it is unnecessary in many cases. If every car has real-time video, just look at the video real time and the video of the nearby car to see who is wrong. And many laws need to change accordingly! Another example is transportation and tourism. This time, because the weather was bad Qiongzhou Strait was closed for 5 hours. Hainan Island Peninsula became a parking lot. Many Chinese New Year holiday trips were blocked on the island. Some of the attractions are overcrowded, or soon exceed the scheduled ticket sales, so that the late comer has to go back. If you have flow control, you can have an estimate before you go out to travel. Give everyone a notice or travel guide, you do not need to join in the crowds. With large traffic, when the service capacity is not enough, should have a flow control in advance to increase the buffer for effective service. For example, if the Spring Festival is delayed at different locations, will it reduce traffic load? If you have control, you can prepare in advance, you can rationally allocate resources, whether long-term or short-term, group or individual, will make things smoother. If you let freedom of anarchism, it affects the functioning and quality of life of the entire society. I feel that the color of the Spring Festival Evening show is too noisy every year. It is a bit earthy. Jackie wears clothes. I always tell her that don't wear too much flowers. The first is not suitable for her personality, and the second is not beautiful for aesthetics. The color matching of the clothes should be focused, and the other colors are set off. Let people be attracted at a glance, there should be layers, color matching is beautiful, it is pleasing to the eye!






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