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已有 75 次阅读2022-5-16 22:16 |个人分类:领袖精英

王的性格形象跟普京大帝是互补的  Wang’s character image is complementary to Putin the Great
普京大帝任职俄国总统那么多年,在国际政坛上是常青树,名声在外,各种人脉和资源丰富。俄国又是横跨欧亚大国,对一带一路国家,有着传统上的影响势力。普京大帝性格上又非常强悍外向,一带一路刚刚上路,会有很多的负能量和阻碍。普京大帝熟悉了解西方文化,有相似的性格和价值观,你看他跟欧美对抗,好像一家人知己知彼兄弟打架一样的!他跟默克尔很早认识,都可以在公众场合开玩笑,川普也非常崇拜他的性格. 俄国人的军事力量可以对抗北约,完全可以覆盖中亚西亚,甚至日本都不敢对他轻举妄动。由他出面,问一下世界上有几个领袖可以有如此个人魅力,可以在零下20度到冰水里泡着,可以冬天在阿拉斯加冰冷的海水里游泳?普京大帝是俄国人,是白人,犹太人,很有男子汉气概的!如果他以后跟我讲话,不用俄语,不会像川普那样Russian first, 不光是钢铁硬汉独来独往,还会把儿子也秀出来儿女情长些,凭着这些年又是游泳, 打猎, 钓鱼, 开飞机, 骑马这些辉煌秀,是深得全世界崇拜仰慕的,世界联邦政府是非常需要他的形象的!88,你的性格形象跟普京大帝是互补的。亲爱的习主席,88,当然我还觉得,世界联邦政府当务之急最重要的,是建立一个政治行政结构,制定一系列的法律,收编维持和平的强有力的武装系统,组织一批有能力熟悉各国事物的治理专家,以及拥有遍布天罗地网的信息收集手段和统治设施!

Putin the Great has served in the Russian President for so many years. He is an evergreen tree in international politics and has a reputation for being full of contacts and resources. Russia is also a big country across Europe and Asia. It has a traditional influence on the Belt and Road countries. Putin's character is very strong and extroverted. The Belt and Road is just on the road, there will be a lot of negative energy and obstacles. Putin is familiar with Western culture and has similar personalities and values. You see him confronting Europe and the United States, as if a family knows each other and family members fight with each other! He knew Merkel very early, and he could make jokes in public. Trump also admired his character. The Russian military power can fight against NATO, and it can cover Central Asia, and even Japan does not dare to act rashly. Let him come forward and ask if there are any other leaders in the world who can have such personal charm, can soak in ice water at minus 20 degrees, can swim in the cold waters of Alaska in winter? Putin the Great is Russian, white, Jewish, very manly! If he talks to me later, he doesn't speak Russian. He won't be “Russian first”, not only the steel tough guy, but also  will show off his son and daughter. After these years, he is swimming and hunting. Fishing, flying, riding, these brilliant shows are admired by the world, and the world federal government needs his image very much! 88, your character image is complementary to Putin the Great. Dear President Xi, 88, of course, I also feel that the most important thing for the world federal government is to establish a political administrative structure, formulate a series of laws, compile a powerful armed system for peacekeeping, and organize a group of capable national governance experts in things, as well as information gathering methods and ruling facilities that are spread all over the world!







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