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已有 222 次阅读2022-1-18 22:46 |个人分类:北美生活


Oct 7, 2017 at 7:31 PM





中国政府让人活呀,这边的人威胁你让你死啊  The Chinese government makes people live, people here threaten you to let you die

亲爱的主席,88,郭文贵在记者会上声嘶力竭的唯恐天下不知的爆料,他说中国政府有搞乱美国搞弱美国搞垮美国的三F计划,而且执行的相当有效和顺利怎么听起来有点象,我们以前一直引以为戒的,反动派贼心不死,把希望寄托在在我们的下一代,让红色政权变色!” 怎么这个世界,社会势力对抗,此消彼长的,现在轮到美帝国主义在嗷嗷叫了? 如果说这次拉斯维加斯的恐怖射击,也是中国政府的3F计划之一的话,而且郭文贵本身,当他报料的时候衣服上别的别针,就是菱形的呀,那美国就已经天地变色了!还玩啥呢?  川普昨天在记者招待会上,遮遮掩掩心怀鬼胎大势所趋无可奈何地说现在是暴风雨来临前的安静!,现在才预感到大势不妙吗?其实暴风雨早就来了,零八年的危机是一个重要里程碑,这些年来只是没有听见雷鸣,没有看见闪电而已了这位拉斯维加斯射手是会计师,多年没有工作,我们这些人也是啊,看见我们房地产公司里,进进出出,也是很多我这样年龄,转行过来的!拉斯维加斯的警长开记者会,满腹怀疑百思不解,尴尬不已,因为他们实在找不出枪手犯罪的动机和理由!真的找不出吗?那么多的枪,各种各样的,哪来的呀?今年军费又是7千亿,如果有一天军费只有5百亿的话, 剩下的用于民生,滋润发达,风调雨顺的,怕什么暴风雨啊.昨天沙特宣布,又要花钱请美国在那边建萨德系统.不觉得暗笑,连沙特老国王出行,自动电梯都可以在中途停运,你就是安装了萨德,难道那些雷达系统,不会中途停运,信息不会泄露吗?怎么那么大傻逼这很可能也是中国政府的 3f 计划之一,把美国的同盟者一个个搞弱搞乱搞垮英国脱欧也是,整就是一个自我隔离找死,杀鸡给猴看的样板! 可能大多数民众并不知道国内的政治运作是怎么进行的,尤其美国人最不关心政治,不论两派如何争斗,他过他的日子可是我们这些住在海外的,有政治敏感性的人,身受心会,看着茫茫大海上一点一点下沉的他坦尼克号,无可奈何呀最近我们家白人房客,也说要自告奋勇地帮我装一个sink, 还有一个拉丁房客,多次提醒我,边上的人都卖房子了!还有人在搞,不是吗?很多同学有本事的,十几年前,听从党的召唤回国创业了,现在已经是亿万富翁了你看我们这些人当年辛辛苦苦膑手抵足的来打天下,好不容易拿到公民把家人带出来有一份安定,可是西方社会的摧枯拉朽的危机,呼啦啦大厦倾的半死不活,逼我们这些人回国寻找机会.  共产党伟大呀,为什么,中国政府让人活呀,这边的人威胁你让你死啊!中国政府不应该只有一个3F计划,中国政府应该有一个连锅端计划,把有本事的人,都按插到世界各地的,能力和位置相称的岗位上,这个世界就会运行正常了!连这帮拉斯维加斯的警察,发生了这么大的事儿,连做案动机都找不出来,整一群饭桶废物!T & B,你却让心有灵犀一点通的人,去跳大绳儿,嗯? 是啊,等到有一天万里江山一片红,百废待兴,百业兴旺,百姓安乐,希望到时候可以虞享天年了.

Dear Chairman, 88, Guo Wengui screamed at the press conference to fear that the world would not know the news. He said that the Chinese government has been messing up the United States, weakening the United States, and destroying the United States, three F plan, and it has been implemented quite effectively and smoothly. How do I feel it sounds a bit like a warning we used to hear , "Reactionary thieves are not dead, pin their hopes on our next generation, they want to change the color of the red regime!" How do the world's social forces confront each other? Now is the turn of US imperialism wailing? If the terrorist shooting in Las Vegas is also one of the Chinese government’s 3F plans, and Guo Wengui himself, when he reported, the other pins on his clothes were diamond-shaped, then the United States has changed its world. Now! What else does the United States play? At the press conference yesterday, Trump was obscured, with a ghost in his heart, and the general trend was reluctant to say, "Now it's the quiet before the storm!" Is he just anticipating the general situation now? In fact, the storm has already arrived. The 2008 crisis was an important milestone. Over the years, I just didn’t hear thunder nor see lightning. This Las Vegas shooter is an accountant and hasn’t worked in many years. Those of us too. I saw that many of us in and out of our real estate company are also of my age, and they changed jobs! The Las Vegas Sheriff held a press conference, full of suspicion that they were puzzled and embarrassed, because they could not find the motivation and reason for the gunman's crime! Can't they find it? So many guns, all kinds, where did they come from? This year, US military spending is another 700 billion. If one day the military expenditure is only 50 billion, and the rest is used for people's livelihood, the society is prosperous and well-developed, and the things are smooth. What kind of storm is the United States afraid of? Yesterday Saudi Arabia announced that it would have to spend money to ask the United States to build the THAAD system over there. I secretly laughed, even the escalator of the old Saudi King can be shut down in the middle of the trip. You just even install THAAD, will not  those radar systems   be suspended halfway? Will information be disclosed? Why is he so stupid. This is probably also one of the Chinese government’s 3F plans, which will weaken and confuse the American allies one by one, and break down. The same is true of Brexit, which is a self-isolation to kill itself, that is to kill chickens setting a warning for monkeys! Perhaps most people do not know how the political operations in the United States proceed, especially Americans are the least concerned about politics. No matter how the two parties fight, the people live their lives. But those of us who live overseas, have political sensitivity, experience it personally, understand it in our hearts, and watch the American Titanic Ship sinking bit by bit on the vast sea. We are helpless. Recently, our white tenant said he would volunteer to help me install a sink. There is also a Latin tenant who has repeatedly reminded me that everyone on the side has sold a house! Someone else is doing it, isn't it? Many of my classmates who have the ability to follow the party’s call back to China more than ten years ago are now billionaires. You see, those of us who struggled to come to the United States to fight for the world, finally got our Citizens, then bring our families out to have a stable life. However, the destructive crisis of Western society, the half-dead life of the Hula La falling Mansion, forced us people to return to China to find opportunities. The Communist Party is great! Why? Because the Chinese government makes people live, people on the American side threaten us to let us die! The Chinese government should not only have a 3F plan. The Chinese government should have a continuous plan to insert people with skills into positions commensurate with their capabilities and positions around the world, and the world will operate normally! This group of Las Vegas police officers when with such a big incident that they can't even find out the motive of the crime, the whole group of idiots and fools! T & B, you let someone with thoroughly understanding to go dance for worshiping! Is that OK? Yes, one day, when the world is red, there will be a lot of renovation, all industries will flourish, and the people will be happy.














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