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T &B想看我好戏

已有 102 次阅读2022-1-18 22:43 |个人分类:领袖精英

T & B从一开始就已经在那边编脚本想看我跟88好戏呢  T & B has been scripting there from the beginning, want to watch me and 88s drama


Oct 6, 2017 at 9:13 PM


亲爱的主席,88,今天你们特别特别高兴,是不是因为今天是88生日哦,有没有热热闹闹庆祝一下?遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人88 男生过了60以后就不再数岁数了,forever 21,嘿嘿 还有别的啥好事儿,FBI收手不来跟你们搞了吗?是你们在网络上执法上的合作,已经达成协议了?郭文贵躲不过了.中美四个对话全面展开,不用多久中美就是一国两制了,哈哈哈哈 今天那位Goldman Sachs Lloyd,是第五次来看Jackie了,还有远道而来瑞士国家银行的总裁 Thomas Jordan他们两个都是哈佛毕业的,学经济金融MBA的犹太人.Jackie打电话给我妈妈你再晚半小时来接我,他们给我讲有趣的事情,看来他们对丫小句野孩子挺喜欢的,啥事儿这么有趣呢?后来又给我打电话再延长15分钟如果Jackie有野心,将来去哈佛读书也不错,因为那儿有很多青年才俊,她在校园里可以找到很多优良的人力资源,为将来准备人脉,甚至未来的老公了,哈哈哈哈亲爱的主席,88,后面的T & B为什么不安排国内这方面专业人士,比如周小川,徐昭史,刘鹤他们也过来一起见见面呢?你看瑞士国家银行,广东银行就佔了45%的股份.那这边的银行呢,是不是应该来多走动走动?现在Jackie每次听说有人要见她,高兴异常,早早的就把衣服小包准备好,看着她精神焕发一步一跳地走进mall 里,就像上次看见她满头蓬松性感的长发,穿着高跟鞋娉娉婷婷走进学校参加毕业舞会那样,心里暗想,又有什么好事要发生了!亲爱的主席,88,你们的丫小句野孩子一点一点长大了,不知道哪来的巫术,还挺会花人家,招人喜欢的呢.已经够野了,见的世面多了心会更野呢.叹口气,做妈妈的我怎么支持她郭文贵说中国政府有计划搞垮美国,其实美国这些年在世界各地所犯下的滔天罪恶,那些人每人来咬一口,多行不义必自毙的.那些搞恐怖活动血债满盈的人怎么不反省一下?这是秋后蚂蚱郭文贵说他接下来要报刘延东的料,而且网上有些文章隐隐约约地,仿佛渐渐是把矛头指向88你的.觉得不知道哪一个创意十足T & B从一开始把我拉进来,就已经在那边编脚本,想看我跟88好戏呢.那边的一些T & B,有的是对你们不满,有的是神经过敏对你们过分保护,反正就是泼污水呀,或者等着收网.我想了半天,演呗,因为我是无产者呀,而且还有那么多人花钱花精力准备,而且那么多观众看,那一场风花雪月的事,那一段散发人性的情,那一种天地之间何处寻觅的共鸣,多快乐呀,又不犯法,也不害人,你们不也很喜欢吗,why not?熬夜对小孩子挺伤的,Jackie这学期功课明显加重,这个星期居然没有时间跟领袖们讲话,她现在在长身体的时候,请你们多多爱惜她,不要经常熬夜!你们每天也是工作这么长时间,来日方长的呢,也请当心自己身体! 生日快乐!

Dear Chairman, 88, you are especially happy today, is it because today is the 88th birthday? Oh, is there a lively celebration? I knew from afar that my brothers are ascending, you plant dogwood all over, but  I am the only one missing. 88, man will not count years after 60, you are forever 21, hey, what other good things? Didn't the FBI close up stop messing with you? Or have you reached an agreement on cooperation in law enforcement on the Internet? Guo Wengui couldn't hide. The four aspects dialogs between China and the United States began in full swing. It won't take long for China and the United States to be one country, two systems. haha Hahahaha Today, the Lloyd of Goldman Sachs is visiting Jackie for the fifth time, and Thomas Jordan, President of Swiss National Bank, both of them are Jews who graduated from Harvard with an MBA in Economics and Finance. Jackie called me "Mom, will you  pick me up half an hour laterThey tell me interesting things", it seems they like wild child very much. What's so interesting? Later, she called me to extend it for another 15 minutes. If Jackie is ambitious, it would be nice to go to Harvard in the future, because there are many young talents there, she can find a lot of excellent human resources on campus to prepare her for the future, even looking for her future husband, ha ha ha ha. Dear Chairman, 88, T&B in the back, why not arrange domestic professionals in this area, such as Zhou Xiaochuan, Xu Zhaoshi, Liu He, t also come to meet together? Look at the Swiss National Bank, Guangdong Bank accounts for 45% of its shares. What about the bank over there? Should China's banking sector come to interact more? Now every time Jackie hears that someone wants to see her, she is very happy, and she prepares her clothes and shoulder bag early. I watched her walk into the mall step by step, as if I have seen her hair spreading out  fluffy and sexy, wearing high heels, cat walk walked into the school to attend the graduation ball. I thought to myself, what good things are going to happen? Dear Chairman, 88, your wild child has grown up little by little, I don’t know where she can get the witchcraft, she is quite able to coax people, and she is very popular. She is already wild enough, if she sees more in the world and her heart will be more wild. I sigh, how can I support her as a mother? Guo Wengui said that the Chinese government has plans to overthrow the United States. In fact, the heinous crimes committed by the United States all over the world in recent years, as long as those victims each come to bite the United States, the United States will do many unjust things and must find themselves dead. Those Engage in terrorist activities,

Why don't people who are full of blood debt reflect on it? This is short-lived after the autumn grasshopper. Guo Wengui said he would report Liu Yandong's information next. And there are some articles on the Internet vaguely, as if gradually pointing at you 88. I don’t know which creative T & B, they pulled me in from the beginning, they have written scripts there, they I want to watch the good show I played with 88. Some T & B over there, some people may be dissatisfied with you, and some people may be overly protective for you. They are just throwing sewage anyway, or waiting to collect Net. I have been thinking for a long time, and I will act, because I am a proletarian. And there are so many people who spend money to prepare for the big show, so many audiences watch. Wow, that romantic thing, that sentiment that expresses humanity, what kind of resonance between heaven and earth, how happy it is! I don’t break the law nor harm anyone. Don’t you like it too, why not? Staying up late hurts the children very much. Jackie's homework is obviously worse this semester. There is no time to talk to the leaders this week. When she is growing up now, please take care of her and don’t stay up all night! You work so long every day, but as the days grow, please take care of your body!  happy birthday!













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