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已有 111 次阅读2022-1-18 22:39 |个人分类:北美生活

Jackie离不开你们了  Jackie cannot leave you

这位老兄还说盗国贼绑架中国十九大,中国政权不合法,难道他后面那些人是头脑疯了吗?他后面的有什么合法权力,来说别人的权力合不合法?真是天大的笑话!想推翻中国政府?那不是蚍蜉撼树,螳螂挡车吗!他说盗国贼必亡,只是不清楚他指的盗国贼是谁,跟Lin有关系吗?可是觉得中共政权,中国政府,如果在政治上有些地方还是那么酱缸,那是该改变一下了,扭曲人性,会造成社会不安的呢,也完全没有这个必要啊.你看拉斯维加斯发生枪击案的同时,范冰冰去了法国的卢浮宫.两边做事格调太不同了,一个是优雅高贵充满艺术性,一个是野蛮血腥疯狂,想不通你们这两个怎么成的合作伙伴呢?如果这个世界的权力机构控制者已经完成了金字塔似的组构,很多人事就不必遮遮掩掩对立冲突,可以公开常规正常进行了!政通人和,文明和谐亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们这两天特别高兴,我想是跟沙特阿拉伯有关的吧,是跟信息控制已经一体化有关的吧,是跟中国作为世界系统改变主导者地位确定有关的吧?恭喜你们每天你们都辅导Jackie做功课到深夜,她累,我想你们一定也很累,现在她的功课越来越难,你们听得懂吗?年纪大了,老坐在她边上守着她,也不健康,要去活动活动.亲爱的主席应该去多跳跳舞,88 多跑跑步,或者学舞太极剑,那你们两个都要悠着点,不要太用力了.我在房间外面帮不上她的忙,我觉得学校给她的功课太重了,她其实是需要一点时间和空间,反刍消化,比如跟我和其他人谈谈她学到的东西,或者了解一些跟她学有关的背景的方面的知识,那样才会更有效果的.谢谢你们那么关心她,爱惜她,觉得在心理上她已经习惯依赖你们了,离不开你们了!有你们在她就很有自信很自在,对自己的学习负担不担心忧虑,嗯不知道是好事还是坏事,不知道你们希望她一直有求于你们依赖你们,还是自己独立有你们在,有你们对她的宽厚温暖的爱,都看得出她是一个开开心心的孩子,我太感谢你们了成龙的女儿,出柜了.他儿子也曾经吸毒,有没有真正戒掉,不知道.孩子是属于社会的,要有出息,就要社会上有责任心的一起来管教养育啊!再次谢谢你们,


Guo also said that the thieves kidnapped the 19th National Congress of the Chinese People's Republic of China and the Chinese regime was not legal. Are the people behind him crazy? Is there any legal power behind him to say that the power of others is illegal? What a big joke! Do they want to overthrow the Chinese government? Isn't the earthworm shaking the tree, the mantis blocking the road! He said that the thieves would die, but it was not clear who he was referring to? Is it related to "Lin"? But I think the CCP regime, the Chinese government, if some places in politics are still so dark, it should be changed. Distorting human nature will cause social unrest, and there is absolutely no need for it. While you see the shooting in Las Vegas, Fan Bingbing went to the Louvre in France. The style of work on both sides is too different, one is elegant and noble Full of artistry, one is savage bloody madness, can't figure out how the two of you have become partners? If the controllers of the power institutions in this world have completed the pyramid-like organization, many personnel do not have to cover up the conflicts of opposites, and they can openly and routinely proceed normally! Political communication, harmony and civilization. Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie said that you are particularly happy these two days. I think it is related to Saudi Arabia, it is related to the integration of information control,  is it related to status regarding China as the leader of the world system change  determined? Congratulations. Every day you tutor Jackie to do her homework until late at night, she is tired, I think you must be very tired, now her homework is getting more ad more difficult, do you understand? You are old, sitting on the side of her and guarding her is not healthy, you need to do more exercises. Dear Chairman should go to dance more, 88 should run more, or learn to dance Tai Chi sword, then you both Don’t be too hard. I outside the room can’t help her. I think the school has given her too much homework. She actually needs a little time and space to ruminate and digest. For example, she talks to me and others  about what she learned, or learn some background knowledge related to her learning, then she will learn more effectively. I thank you for caring her so much, cherishing her, I think she is used to relying on you psychologically, can’t do without you! With you there, she is very confident and comfortable, and does not worry about her study burden. Well, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t know if you want her to always ask you to depend on you or to be independent. You are here, and you have your generous and warm love for her. Everyone can see that she is the one Happy kid, I am so grateful to you. Jackie Chan’s daughter came out. His son also used drugs, did he really quit, I don’t know. The child belongs to the society, if the child has a good life, he needs the society responsible people come to discipline and nurture all together! Thank you again, 







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