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已有 100 次阅读2022-1-17 23:30 |个人分类:全球化

现在社会工业化,专业化,信息化,有很多工作让心思敏捷头脑聪明的女孩子来做,那是更适合的  Now that the society is industrialized, professionalized, and informationized, there is a lot of work for girls who are quick-minded and clever, which is more suitable

Oct 3, 2017 at 9:15 PM






一般汉人不懂新疆的文化,不懂得欣赏尊重他们的文化  Ordinary Han people dont understand the culture of Xinjiang, they dont appreciate  nor respects the culture

亲爱的主席,88,有这么回事儿吗?我去过新疆,我觉得中国对新疆的少数民族政策,是值得商榷的老实说在美国我们被当作二等公民,我们心里是不高兴的,到新疆我发现汉人也把他们当作二等公民的,他们心里会高兴吗?当然人口基数在哪儿,政治上没有办法的可是真正的原因,我觉得一般汉人不懂他们的文化,不懂得欣赏尊重他们的文化中国政府是给自己挖坑了,首先一条,伊斯兰教是不崇拜偶像的,有必要让他们挂领袖像吗?亲爱的主席你受到世界上千百万人的崇拜了,每天网上媒体上都是你的名字啊,新疆人挂不挂你的像,那么重要吗?还是有人在给你设局呢? 今天Jackie回来说,你们又跳舞了,今天亲爱的主席彭妈妈的腰鼓舞有很大的进步,潇洒极了,真棒!就应该这样啊,Jackie说你们的鼓点还是花式的呢彭妈妈以后手上戴两个手铃圈试试,增加表现力.还有你看朝鲜族的打鼓舞穿的是裙子,一转起来胸前的飘带和裙子随风扬起,非常飘逸有动感的,彭妈妈可不可以试试看,上面收腰盘扣滚边襖,下面有绣花的镶边百褶裙,一动起来,色彩缤纷很好看的.88,听说你现在在练剑舞喔,选中式长衫和秀才帽会很飘逸潇洒的.对了你有没有想过请那位警卫妈妈,也来跟你一起表演鸳鸯剑? 我想军人,文的方面不行,在身体运动武的方面的,应该还是比较擅长的吧? Jackie说你们还跳肚皮舞了,居然穿着肚皮舞的艳服,哈哈哈,虽然跳得有点惨不忍睹,可是我跳的挺性感不错的,如果你们想找人一起跳,我愿意奉陪,哈哈哈  当然我还会跳Zumba, cha cha, salsa. 88你得花点功夫好好练剑舞哦, 要有江南才子的剑气风骨哟! 我在遥远的地方,那么期盼那么期待那么想往观看的,多多努力哦,


Dear Chairman, 88, is there such a thing? I have been to Xinjiang, and I feel that China’s policy towards ethnic minorities in Xinjiang is debatable. To be honest, we are treated as second-class citizens in the United States, and we are not happy in our hearts. When I arrived in Xinjiang, I found that the Han people also treat Xinjiang people as second-class citizens. Will they be happy? Of course, there is no political means for the population base. But for the real reason, I think the average Han does not understand their culture, and they do not appreciate the culture that respects them. The Chinese government is digging holes for themselves. First, Islam religion does not worship idols. Is it necessary for them to be adored with leaders? Dear Chairman, you are admired by millions of people in the world. Your name is on the on line media every day. Is it important for people in Xinjiang to hang your image? Or is someone setting you up? Today Jackie came back and said that you are dancing again. Today, my Dear Chairman  Peng Mama’s Waist drum dance has made great progress, very chic and awesome! It should be like this, Jackie said that your drumming is still fancy.  Peng mama should try to wear two hand ring hoops in the future to increase the expressiveness. Also, you see that the Koreans are wearing skirts. The streamers and skirts on the chest rose up with the wind, very elegant and dynamic, Peng mama can try it. The upper waist, buckle, piping jacket, embroidered pleated skirt underneath, moving, colorful and beautiful. 88, I heard that you are practicing sword dance now, it will be very good for the selected gown and the show cap elegant and handsome. By the way, have you ever thought about asking the guard mother to come and perform the mandarin duck sword with you? I think for the soldiers, the literary aspect is not good. In terms of body movement and martial arts, it should be better. Jackie said that you guys are still dancing belly dances. You actually wore belly dance costumes, ha ha ha, although you danced a little bit terrible. But I’m dancing pretty sexy. If you want to find someone to dance with, I’m willing to accompany you, ha ha ha. Of course I will also dance Zumba, cha cha, salsa. 88, you have to spend some effort to practice sword dance, you need Jiangnan  talents genius sword style! I'm in a remote place, so look forward to it, so wait for it, I want to watch it, you need to work harder, 






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