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已有 104 次阅读2022-1-17 00:04 |个人分类:全球化

印度现在最需要的是中国改革开放的经验不被民族主义和意识形态遮蔽双眼  What India needs most now is Chinas experience of reform and opening up, not blinded by nationalism and ideology

印度这次在一带一路上的战略失误,我想其中是有深层原因的.美国的军工IT,基本上是掌握在印度人和日本人手里的.掌握了美国的IT就等于掌握了全世界的信息控制,我想印度和日本可能有私底下的约定,想合作来挟天子以令诸侯.应该看到在美国的印度人是崛起的势力,日本人在世界工业界的能量大家心里都清楚,印度选择日本也是有道理的中国的一带一路是一个系统构架,而从事这个框架建设这个框架不一定非要用中国的技术,就像一个舞台,多邀请名角来演,观众才会踊跃.印度和日本想开辟他们自己的小舞台,也未尝不可,条条大路通罗马,他们的子系统终归非得融入世界大系统之中不可,也许他们会有特别的闪光之处,你们在建设一带一路中也可以借鉴了我只是觉得可能日本人并不是真正了解印度的情况,其实印度现在这个条件,最需要的是中国改革开放的经验.印度人有一点被民族主义和意识形态遮蔽了双眼,如果日本能够帮助把印度的大市场发展起来,对人类也是一件好事,对中国人更是好事,现在中国卖多少手机给印度,以后市场繁荣了会买更多的中国产品啊.但是如果印度在脑子里一直想跟中国人对着干,那中国人倒是应该小心谨慎处置的,中国人应该多花一点精力,努力去消除这种思想上的对立情绪才好昨天晚上吴敬琏和柳传志来跟你们交流了,Jackie不知道他们中文名,只知道他们叫John Sam我到同学群里问一圈,才找出他们俩个人的名字,因为我不认识他们呀.他们都是江南地方的人,一个是中国的经济泰斗,一个是中国电脑界的先驱,应该跟88很熟吧Jackie说今天他们还要来再跟她讲,啊,那她是高攀了,希望能有多一点的共同话语才好啊.  我发现他们中国企业家俱乐部有好多人,也还有别的没有在里边呢,是不是海外的那些世界大鳄们,也应该组成一个企业家俱乐部,物以类聚鸟以群分,在一起经常走动走动联络感情啊只是,亲爱的主席,88,像我这样的,除了服务,还是无偿的,怎么才能够高攀,像他们那样活?


India’s strategic mistakes on the Belt and Road this time, I think there are deep-rooted reasons. American defense industry and IT are basically in the hands of Indians and Japanese. Mastering US IT is equal to mastering the world Information control, I think India and Japan may have a private agreement, want to cooperate to threaten the Emperor to command the princes. It should be seen that the Indians in the United States are a rising force, and the Japanese’s energy in the world’s industrial circles is well understood by everyone.  It makes sense for India to choose Japan. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a system architecture, and it is not necessary to use Chinese technology to build this framework. It’s like a stage, where more famous actors are invited to perform, and the audience will be enthusiastic. India and Japan want to open their own small stage, that’s not bad. All roads lead to Rome, and their subsystems must eventually be integrated into the world’s major systems.  Maybe they will have special highlights, you can also learn from them in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. I just think that maybe the Japanese do not really understand the situation in India. In fact, the current condition of India, the most in need of China’s reform and opening up experience. The Indians are a little bit obscured by nationalism and ideology. If Japan can help develop India's big market, it is also a good thing for human beings and even a good thing for the Chinese people. Now China has already sold a lot mobile phones to India. After that, the market is booming, and India will buy more Chinese products. But if India has always wanted to confront the Chinese people in their minds, then the Chinese should handle them with caution. Chinese  should better spend a little more effort to eliminate the ideological opposition between Indians.  Last night Economist Wu Jinglian and entrepreneur Liu Chuanzhi came to communicate with you. Jackie didn’t know their Chinese names, only that they were called John and Sam. I went to classmates I asked them in a circle to find out the names of the two of them, because I don’t know them. They are all from Jiangnan, one is China’s economic leader, and the other is a pioneer in China’s computer industry. Come on. Jackie said that they will come and talk to her again today, ah, then she is lifted. I hope they can have a little more common words. I found that there are many people in their Chinese corporate clubs, and there are also a lot are not there. Is it that the world's big entrepreneurs overseas should also form a corporate club, which gathers people similar in groups? But, Dear Chairman, 88, like me, in addition to unpaid services, how can we associate high with them? How can I live like them?






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