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已有 106 次阅读2022-1-16 23:58 |个人分类:全球化

治理是要给不同的元素足够的空间规范,让他们按比例优化发展Governance is to give different elements enough space to allow them to optimize development in proportion.改变乐器舞蹈,政治也可以这么调整提升  Change instrument dance, politics can also be adjusted and promoted in this way

亲爱的主席,88T & B,谢谢你们, 终于答应给她有一个培养计划了,小孩子时间一定要抓紧的!感觉到,你们是真心诚意想培养她的,亲爱的主席,88,如果是学文科的看见亲爱的主席跳腰鼓舞, 可能会这么想,这就是为什么虎狼之军的秦军能够所向披靡,战胜六国,统一中国的其中一个原因啊,因为战国鼓舞人心振作士气啊,跳腰鼓舞是多好的文化传承啊,跳出民族魂的!如果是学理科的看见亲爱的主席跳舞,可能会这么想,鼓不容易带,如果要上战场鼓舞士气的话,那就要缩小使之可以斜背在身上,两个鼓槌前后打,动作协调,集体队伍一起打,声量宏大,同时配上舞蹈,多么激动人心的!我希望Jackie看见亲爱的主席打腰鼓,在惊叹赞美之余,心里会想,可不可以在鼓槌后面加小铃,鼓上配架子,或挂在身上,装锣或钹,甚至可以配脚铃手铃什么的,那一动起来就可以锣鼓喧天,既有雄壮的鼓声,又有灵动的金属撞击声,女子还可以配跳肚皮舞的莎莎作响的腰带,甚至节奏和步伐都可以改变,还可以找跟其相配的别的乐器一起演奏,那不是更有表现力?你看我多会胡思乱想,嘿嘿嘿嘿 内蒙古有一个马头琴大师齐宝力高,他不但把所有的马头琴的指法和曲目都留下记录,还把马头琴进行改造,从两根弦变成四根弦,这样音域就宽广,再把音箱扩大,那音量就可以提高,同时保持马头琴的音色特质,表现力就不一样啊!可惜他只改造了一个马头琴, 组成了一个马头琴乐队.但是政治也可以这么调整提升啊!


Dear Chairman, 88, T & B, thank you, and finally agreed to give her a training plan. The children's time must be seized! I feel that you really want to train her. Dear Chairman, 88, if someone who studies liberal arts sees Chairman dancing Waist Drum dance, he might think so, This is one of the reasons why the Qin army called tiger and wolf army could defeat the six countries and reunite China, because the drums are inspiring and morale.”  What a good cultural inheritance to dance Waist Drum dance, that  is to dance out of the national soul! If people in the sciences and sciences see Dear Chairman dancing, they might think that the bass drum is not easy to carry. If you want to go to the battlefield to encourage morale, you should reduce the size of the drum so that it can be carried diagonally on your body. With two drumsticks playing back and forth, the movements are coordinated, and the team plays together, then the volume is loud. It's so exciting to add dance at the same time! I hope that Jackie sees Dear Chairman playing the drums. After amazing and admiring, she will think in her heart, can you put a small bell on the drumsticks. The drum can be equipped with a shelf, fitted with gongs or cymbals, or hung on the body, and even with foot bells and hand bells, and then it can be used to make gongs and drums loud. With both a majestic drum sound and a clever metal impact, a woman can also wear a salsa sash worn for belly dancing. Even the rhythm and pace of the dance can be changed, and you can also find other instruments to match with it. Isn't it more expressive? You see how often I think about it, hehe hehe hehe. There is a Ma-tou-qin guitar master Qi Baoligao in Inner Mongolia. He not only recorded all the Ma-tou-qin guitar fingerings and tracks, but also transformed the Ma-tou-qin guitar. He changes it from two strings to four strings, so that the tune range is wide. Then to expand its speaker, the volume can be increased. At the same time maintaining the sound quality of the Ma-tou-qin guitar, the expressiveness is different! Unfortunately, he only transformed Ma-tou-qin guitar and formed a Ma-tou-qin band. But politics can also be adjusted and promoted in this way.






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