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已有 76 次阅读2021-12-1 00:40 |个人分类:全球化

教会的组织在世界各地结网,而亚洲人的勤恳进取文化优势又在网内充分发挥.缺点是,如果宗教组织被别有用心的人利用,就会走入歧途  Church organizations are networked around the world, and the diligent and progressive cultural advantages of Asians are fully utilized in the network. The disadvantage is that if religious organizations are used by people with ulterior motives, they will go astray

在美国天主教的势力日渐强大超过别的宗教而梵蒂冈却越来越商业化,成为旅游胜地但是宗教,作为一个信仰组织在人类文明历史上确实有正的能量和意义的.  刚开始我去教会的时候,听见他们满嘴都是赞美之词,觉得虚伪看见他们热心地去教会互帮互助,觉得他们缺少头脑只会盲目跟从可是过了几年以后,我觉得,虽然他们有的人虚伪满口讲好听的话,虽然有的人不爱动脑子只听从上帝的话语,虽然有的人是为了排除寂寞去教会社交,但是在这样环境中成长的信徒,确实跟中国人圈子有很大的不同出国以后有很长一段时间不是跟中国人在一起的,微信一开又回到了中国人圈子,不知为什么我觉得有些不舒服.  就连在你们的中央领导层,这么高的领袖人物之间,几乎很少听见互相赞美的话你们不互相帮衬,甚至有时还互戳,在Jackie面前留下坏的榜样我们那些大学同学,眼里都盯着别人开什么车住什么房做什么生意孩子读什么外国大学他们学工科的根本对文化历史一无所知,后面一大堆涉外利益集团,连我家里妈妈弟弟妹妹都是这样,只要稍微撒一点毒药,可能就会引起这些人的满嘴胡言乱语勾心斗角,像疯狗一样爆炸!我不习惯,我以为家人之间应该相亲相爱的,互相帮助的,我甚至问妈妈,你是怎么教育孩子的?后来我想明白,那是因为中国缺少一个宗教凝聚的环境中国人每个人都很聪明,但缺少强有力宗教来凝聚人心中国人的生活习惯也各不相同,比如我,因为我妈觉得万般皆下品唯有读书高,就缺少做家务的正常训练,现在我想训练Jackie根本抽不出时间,也没环境而在一个宗教里,因为大家守望相助,有一个监督,对家庭有一个维持,大家携手教育孩子,提供机会场合让孩子过集体活动,对孩子的人格成长有利在集体中的信徒有温暖大家庭,这方面会比较好看韩国人最近几年突飞猛进的成功壮大,生意遍布世界经济利益迅猛发展,这跟他们接受基督教为国教是完全有联系的因为教会的组织帮他们在世界各地结网,而亚洲人的勤恳进取文化优势又在网内充分发挥,当然能量就不同了宗教的组织缺点是,如果宗教组织被别有用心的人利用,这些众人就会被瞎子领瘸子走入歧途比如中世纪,比如宗教战争最近10多年,因为大量拉丁裔的涌入,美国天主教兴旺发达而美国天主教的有效的运作,不知道帮这些拉丁裔从美国的国库合理合法巧取豪夺盗走了多少的财富,让美国经济陷入深层的大危机中国人要向全世界扩展,要在全世界树立威信,除了从上到下的对点的控制,还应该有特别的组织展开多渠道的横向联系,这样人就可以动起来了,风水就活起来了!更应该引进宗教的某些优良价值象土耳其和以色列那样少一点鼠目寸光的低层次水平向的唯自身利益的疯狂内斗要沟通合作才是正道!亲爱的主席88胡亲爱的主席,李总理,王外长,等等,天上的有头脑有见识有能量的大人们,是不是?跟着魔鬼的笛子跑,想跳火坑?


The power of Catholicism in the United States is growing stronger than other religions. The Vatican is becoming more and more commercialized and becoming a tourist destination. But religion, as a faith organization, does have positive energy and significance in the history of human civilization. When I first went to church, I heard that they were full of praise, and I felt they were hypocritical. I saw them enthusiastically go to church to help each other, and I felt that they lacked the mind and would only follow God blindly.  I think that although some of them are hypocritical and speak good words, although some people don’t like to use their brains and only listen to God ’s words, although some people are to eliminate loneliness and go to church to socialize, but believers who grew up in such an environment, they are indeed very different from people of  Chinese circle. After I went abroad, I have not been with the Chinese for a long time. WeChat opened and let me returned to the Chinese circle. I don’t know why I feel a little uncomfortable. Your central leadership, between such high leaders, hardly hears praises from each other. You don’t help each other, and sometimes even poke each other, leaving a bad example in front of Jackie. Those of us college students are staring at what kind of car do people drive, what kind of house do they live in, what kind of business do they do, what kind of foreign university do their children go to. Behind then there are a lot of foreign interest groups, even my home mom,brother and sister. As long as someone maliciously sprinkles a little poison, it may cause these people to talk nonsense and intrigue biting like a crazy dog! I’m not used to it. I thought that my family should love each other and help each other. I even asked my mother, how do you educate your children? Later I wanted to understand that it is because China lacks a religious environment that unites the hearts of the people. Everyone in China is very smart, but lacks a strong religion to unite the people. The living habits of Chinese people are also different. For example, because my mother feels that everything is inferior and only high is study, I lack the normal training in housework. Now I want to train Jackie, she can’t have much spare time and there is no such environment. In a religion, because everyone helping each other, there is a God ’s supervision, and a maintenance of the family. Everyone joins hands to educate the child, provide opportunities and occasions for the child to have a collective activity, which is beneficial to the child ’s personality growth. The believers in the group have a warm family and are satisfied with human nature. It would be better in this respect. Seeing the rapid growth of Koreans in recent years, the business spread all over the world, and the rapid development of economic interests, this is completely related to their acceptance of Christianity as the state religion. Because the organization of the church helps their network around the world. However, the diligent and progressive cultural advantages of Asians are fully exerted in the network, of course, the energy is different. The disadvantage of religious organizations is that if religious organizations are used by people with ulterior motives, these people will be led astray by the blind and the lame. Like the Middle Ages, like religious wars. In the last 10 years, because of the influx of Latinos, the United States Catholicism is prosperous. The effective operation of American Catholicism helps these Latinos take a reasonable amount of wealth from the US treasury and steals much of countrys wealth, causing the US economy to fall into a deep crisis. If the Chinese want to expand to the world and establish prestige in the world, in addition to the control from the top to the bottom, there should be a special organization to develop multi-channel horizontal contact, so that people can move and Feng Shui will live. The Chinese should also introduce some of the fine values of religion, like Turkey and Israel, have a little less eye-catching, low-level, horizontal, mad fighting within their own interests. They must communicate and cooperate to be the right way! Dear Chairman, 88, Dear President Hu, Premier Li, Foreign Minister Wang, etc., and the masters in the sky who have knowledge, energy and power, am I right? Follow the devil's flute and want to jump into the fire pit? 






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