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已有 84 次阅读2021-12-1 00:36 |个人分类:全球化

世界论坛像愚公移山里的愚公  World Political Forum like Foolman in "Foolman Move the Mountains"

亲爱的主席,88我觉得你们现在的世界论坛,每天,天天,有点像愚公移山里的愚公,每天挖山不止,希望总有一天会感动上帝的.  就象那位铁杵磨成针的老婆婆,持之以恒,努力不懈,总会成功.今天中东的领袖们不但讲伊斯兰教的教义,还开始涉及到哲学领域, Jackie多高兴啊!真了不起,你们的论坛渐入佳境了,你们可得跟她说清楚,什么是哲学她才14岁,不知道对这些抽象的东西能不能理解,可是每天你们跟她交流,她都非常专注,也非常愿意和喜欢的她告诉我,“ I have no problem talking to people", 真的,她说起来好轻松,有能力跟大多数人交谈,而且跟你们世界顶级领袖人物交谈,那是不容易的!我心里对她刮目相看,觉得Jackie有做公众人物的天分,除了她脾气嚣张一点,讲话凶狠了一点,别的还都挺讨人喜欢的,是不是? 亲爱的主席,88今天我带她去看一个建筑师朋友,讲了一点建筑历史,讲了一点建筑设计过程,看他怎么用autoCAD画建筑草图光单程我们就花一个半小时,开得我头都晕了真欺人太甚的Trillion and Billion不支持我让我好好活突然发现Jackie知道很多东西,她平时都不跟我说呀,她有跟你们说吗?觉得像她这样跟你们下去,用不了多久,她就会历史文化宗教哲学音乐艺术文学,是可以一开口就可以滔滔不绝信口雌黄一气的我心里已经害怕,她哪天会来嘲笑我了.今天埃尔多安总统还希望她特别能够关注和喜欢土耳其,真的,你们的一带一路大项目,土耳其的位置是重中之重啊! Jackie让我写宗教,这又跟当初让我写政治那样是一个赶鸭子上架的活.以后你们讲上天入地的宇宙大事,我可没这么大的本事啊!

Dear Chairman, 88, I think your current World Political Forum is a bit like the foolman in "foolman moved mountainside" every day who digs mountains every day, hoping that one day he will move God. Just like the old lady who wants to grind iron pillars into needles, perseverance and hard work will always succeed. Today’s leaders in the Middle East not only teach the teachings of Islam, Jackie is also involved in the field of philosophy. How happy Jackie is! It ’s amazing that your world political forum is getting better. You have to tell her what philosophy is. She is only 14 years old, and I don’t know if she can understand these abstract things. But every day you communicate with her, she is very focused and very willing to listen and like it. She told me, "I have no problem talking to people". Really, she said so easily, it is not easy to be able to talk to most people, nor to talk to your top leaders in the world! I looked at her in my heart and thought Jackie had the talent to be a public figure. Except for her arrogant temper and a bit fierce speech, she is also quite flattering, isn't she? Dear Chairman, 88? Today I took her to see an architect friend, talked about a bit of architectural history, talked about the architectural design process, and saw how architects used AutoCAD to draw architectural sketches. It took us an hour and a half to drive one way, and my head was dizzy. Trillion and Billion, who is so deceiving, doesn't support me nor allows me to live a good life. I suddenly found that Jackie knows a lot of things, she doesn't usually tell me, did she tell you? I feel like she will go down with you like this. It won’t take long for her to learn about history, culture, religion, philosophy, music, art, and literature. She can speak with eloquence as soon as she speaks. President Erdogan also hopes that she will pay special attention to and like Turkey. Really, your big Belt and Road project, Turkey's position is the top priority! Jackie asked me to write about religion, which was the same as when I first wrote about politics. It was a force that forced me to the corner. After that, you will talk about the things of heaven and earth. I do not have the ability to talk about that.






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