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已有 81 次阅读2021-12-1 00:33 |个人分类:全球化

没法沟通,沟通不良,没有渠道释放负能量,才会诉求暴力战争.制造出一个ISIS, 啥问题都解决不了,还自找麻烦. There is no way to communicate, poor communication, and no channel to release negative energy, only to appeal to violent war. Create an ISIS, you can’t solve any problems, but also ask for trouble.

我告诉她一般学文科的人,尤其是好的销售员,因为经常跟人打交道,所以沟通能力比较强也有家里是比较专制的,男孩子比较自我保守的,也不太会沟通学理工科的男生因为整天关在房间里跟电脑打交道,不太擅长沟通的心地再好,情感不表达出来也没用所以做领袖不简单的宗教之间能够通过沟通而平息争端,说句实在话,宗教就是一种信仰和生活方式,没有必要跟不同宗教和不信宗教的人死拧,不存在你死我活的利益争夺呀!大家互相见面开诚布公,不就有了一个把误解对抗的负能量释放出来的正确渠道吗?只有没法沟通,沟通不良,没有渠道释放负能量,才会诉求暴力战争啊为啥美国人这么这么蠢呢? 还制造出一个ISIS, 啥问题都解决不了,还自找麻烦上次看见亲爱的胡主席说,要把三个代表和科学发展观从宪法里去除掉你看连那么规模广大的,有悠悠几千年的宗教,不同代表都可以坐在一起互通有无交流,互相尊重共荣相容,为什么中国内部的政治派别,却缺少如此简单的政治智慧呢?有句话说得好,上帝要灭谁,先让其疯狂最近好像有人变得疯狂急不可耐,好像被人按住七寸,垂死挣扎的感觉各种的亮相,让人爆料,借刀杀人,很像水快干的池塘里,尽自己最后一点力气上下蹦哒的各种鱼拜占庭奥特曼和现在的土耳其却能有大智慧 commutation中国没脑子傻逼被后面心怀鬼胎的组织挑拔怂恿,闹腾什么呀?货船撞军舰,伦敦公寓大火中国卫星发射出意外不入轨,杭州公寓18层大火,还有刚刚才开始的郭文贵爆料,都是同一个魔鬼搞的 Sirit is enough, you are not God, stop hurting people, stop destroying things. 如果你也是大数据的提倡者,你知道吗,当他们分析数据,看谁手上的血多或命多,你会是第一个上榜的!他们怎么会留你了? 唯一的命运当然是立马下地狱了,魔鬼别给自己挖坑啊!

I told her that people who study liberal arts in general, especially good salespersons, because they often deal with people, so they have strong communication skills. There are also families who are more authoritarian, boys are more self-conservative, and they are not good at communication. The boys in the department are not very good at communicating because they are kept in the room all day to deal with the computer. They have a good heart, but their emotions are not useful if they are not expressed. So it is not easy to be a leader. Communication between religions is possible to quell disputes and to be honest, religion is a kind of belief and way of life. There is no need for people to oppose those of different religions and non-religions. There is no competition for the benefits of life and death! Everyone meets and speaks openly with each other, isn't there a correct way to release the negative energy of misunderstanding confrontation? Only when there is no way to communicate, poor communication, and no channels to release negative energy, will people appeal for violent war. Why are Americans so stupid? It also created  ISIS. It couldn’t solve any problems just asked for trouble. Last time I saw my dear President Hu said that they must remove the three representatives and the scientific development concept from the Constitution. You see even a large scale  thousands of years of religion, different representatives can sit together and communicate with each other, respect each other, and achieve mutual prosperity and compatibility. Why do the political factions within China lack such simple political wisdom? There is a good saying, God is going to destroy someone, let him be crazy first. It seems that some people have become crazy and impatient recently, as if being held on neck, feeling dying and struggling. It's like a variety of fish that jump up and down in a pond with fast drying water. Byzantine Ottoman and now Turkey can have great wisdom of commutation. China is so stupid that it is provoked and encouraged by the malicious organization behind it. What is going on? Cargo ship hits warship, London apartment fire, Chinese satellite launches accidentally out of orbit, Hangzhou apartment fire on the 18th floor, and Guo Wengui, who has just started, broke the news that they were all caused by the same devil. Sir, it is enough, you are not God, stop hurting people, stop destroying things. If you are also an advocate of big data, do you know that when they analyze the data to see who has more blood stains or more murders, you will be the first to be on the list! Why would they keep you? The only destiny is of course to go to hell! Don't dig a hole for yourself, the devil!






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