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已有 77 次阅读2021-11-30 00:20 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 21, 2017 at 7:01 AM

我偏带理性抽象言之有物,是天地之间最最高层的政、治、天下的话题.所以他们说我不够女人味  I tend to be rational and abstract, and it is the most high-level topic of politics, governance, and world between heaven and earth. So they say that I am not feminine enough.

亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们喜欢我的短文,很棒,哈,承蒙抬举,非常感谢!像我这样胡思乱想的女人,有几个男人愿意来看我写的脱离凡尘的疯言疯语,女生怎么会喜欢写这些东西呢应该写一些风花雪月儿女情长的东西,优雅文笔兰心慧质,文情并茂,馨香隽永的,88是吧?可是难得你们喜欢看我写的我偏带理性抽象,又实实在在是言之有物,是天地之间最最高层的政、治、天下的话题亲爱的,我这是被你们逼上梁山的啊哈哈哈,所以他们说我不够女人味,我也搞不懂我自己,可能近朱者赤,近墨者黑,随他去了,你们喜欢我就好!亲亲有知音多让人激动快乐呀!88你看这是不是我爸爸的错?亲爱的主席,88Jackie今天来跟我说,你们讲了一天的土耳其,现在要仔细探究,为什么土耳其有那么多的宗教,却还能互相共容是啊,土耳其曾是拜占庭,奥特曼帝国,都有好几百年近千年的历史阶段,是怎么摆平的呢?你看伊斯兰世界的逊尼和什叶派,千百年来闹得沸沸扬扬冲突不断的,还有十字军东征两百年好多次战争,搞得天昏地暗的土耳其的总统埃尔多安会给出他的解释据说以色列的总理内森雅胡也会来讲这个命题,甚至整个中东的国家领袖都会有他们的见解!真棒!你们已经从泛泛的历史文化,开始进入到更高层的精神领域了,这才是真正进入互相理解,深入灵魂,开始心心相通的,有实质性内容的一大步迈进啊!她跳完舞回来累了,居然睡着了,明天我会问Jackie讲的什么内容只是我心里有点不高兴,你们一直问我这个老""牛奶,可是最好的” 你们却不给我吃,自己留着我还得可怜巴巴地低声下气曲线救国去问Jackie你们讲个些什么,这像话吗? 是开天大的玩笑喽!我以前读书时看世界有好多问题,现在好不容易可以有机会向世界一流的政治家们大师们请教,可是亲爱的主席,88后边的Trillion and billion ,  简直是恶贯满盈罄竹难书,看我短文不付报酬已“是可忍孰不可忍”,现在更蛮横无理却还把我拒之门外,明明有那么好的精神食粮,却坚决不跟我分享!这比用酷刑对我还更让我难以接受呜呜呜呜咽,这对我心理上造成的伤害,怎么也没法弥补啊,求阴影面积的具体数据,为啥对我这么残忍啊!

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie said you like my essay, it s great, ha, thanks for the praise, thank you very much! For a cranky woman like me, how many men would be willing to read my crazy words  out of this world? How can I like to write these things? I should write about things that are graceful romantic, elegant, flowers and intelligence, literary and emotional concurrency, sweet and timeless, 88, right? But it's rare that you like to read my short essays. I write rational abstractions, and they are really words and things, are the most high-level political, governance, and world topics between heaven and earth. Dear, I am  forced by you to the corner. Ah ha ha ha, so they said that I was not feminine enough, even I could not understand myself, maybe hot near red, black near ink. I will let it go, as long as you like me! Dear, it s so exciting to have friends! 88. Do you think it's my father's fault? Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie came to me today and said that you have talked about Turkey for a day, and now you have to carefully explore why Turkey has so many religions, but people can still tolerate each other. Yeah, Turkey used to be Byzantium, Ottoman Empire with a history of hundreds of years or nearly a thousand years. How do they make society harmonious? You see, the Sunni and Shiite in the Islamic world have been in constant conflict for thousands of years. There have been many religious wars in the Crusades for two hundred years, which have made the sky dim. Turkish President Erdogan will give his explanation. It is said that Israeli Prime Minister Nathanyahu will also talk about this proposition, even the entire Middle East National leaders will have their own opinions! Awesome! You have entered the field of higher-level spiritual values ​​from the general history and culture. This is a big step forward to truly understand each other, deepen your soul and begin to communicate with each other, with substantive  content! She was tired after dancing, and fell asleep. Tomorrow I will ask Jackie what you are talking about. Its just that Im a little unhappy, and you keep asking me this old "cow" for "milk". But the best "grass", you don't give it to me, but you keep it to yourself. I still have to whimper and whisper around to ask Jackie what you said, is that ridiculous? You guys are kidding me! I used to look at the world when I was studying and felt that there were many problems. Now I have the opportunity to ask the world's top politicians for advice. But Dear Chairman, 88, behind Trillion and billion, They are simply "Sin cannot be written". They read my essays but did not pay. I have been "unbearable", and they are now even more "arrogant" but they have turned me away. Obviously you have such good spiritual food, but they will not share it with me! This is even more difficult for me to accept than torture. Whimper, sobbing, I can't make up for the psychological damage. I ask you for specific data on the shadow area of my psychology, why are you so cruel to me!






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