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已有 87 次阅读2021-10-20 22:28 |个人分类:全球化


特色乡镇的功用  Functions of characteristic towns

中国现在国内开发特别城镇,每一个省内都有好几百个各有风味的像珠宝那样有特色的小镇中国的旅游大军是世界上最有力量的当中国旅游人,因为所在国对中国人的不友好不去台湾不去韩国,对当地的旅游产业打击是巨大的!是跟中国政府作对吗?土耳其俄国应该算是还比较新的路线,现在还有伊朗以色列在欧洲还有专门中国人和德国人合办的泛欧旅行社,价格比一般的旅行社至少便宜三分之一他们把欧洲分成北欧西欧东欧南欧,有循环的大巴士三五天一圈,非常灵活,可以75欧元一天,随便你去哪里而且导游都被要求要详细讲解当地的文化历史,古迹事件.可惜因为大多是用中文讲的Jackie听不懂现在中国又有小留学潮,而留学的第一步就是旅游中国有13亿人,越来越膨胀的中产阶级都希望为子女开创美好的未来,拿几万美金出来不眨眼送子女留学多得是了俄国和土耳其,没有必要互相对立而把那边局势搞得那么紧张的,应该和平安宁我觉得应该像欧洲那样把俄国也分成几个旅游圈,中西亚和中东也分成几个旅游圈,非洲,南美都是,几千万中国人杀过去光消费就很可观了,如果再把当地的产业也带动起来而更开放中国市场的话,大家都有好日子过了有啥好闹得?ISIS真是损人又不利己,脑壳大大地坏了! 俄国人有时候也跟Jackie一样犟头崛脑,连申请一个签证也弄得那么复杂,他们是希望别人去旅游给他们带来生意呢,还是闭关自守自我天地?至少我觉得他们应该给中国人网开一面免签证或者电子签证什么的,因为中国人多呀,兜里还有钱中国人傻乎乎全跑到美国来撒钱,其实俄国很多地方,比如教育,都比美国好呀中国人建了许多欧式小镇,也许可以好好的设计一下有特别的居住社区,或者是度假区,商业区,以此可以作为吸引力让在欧洲的那些有一定经济能力的老人到这边来养老呢?或者让他们那些有钱人作为度假屋呢?商业投资呢?记得有一次去香格里拉,那边居然有外资的意大利饭馆!也许可以增加一点文化内容,是吧?


China now develops special cities and towns in China. Each province has hundreds of special towns, each with its own flavor and unique characteristics. Chinese tourism army is the most powerful in the world. When Chinese tourists, because the host country is not friendly to Chinese, do not go to Taiwan nor South Korea, then the blow to the local tourism industry is huge! Are those countries against the Chinese government? Turkey, Russia should be relatively new routes, and now also Iran, Israel. In Europe there are pan-European travel agencies specialized in Chinese and German co-organization, the price is at least one-third cheaper than ordinary travel agencies. They divide Europe into Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, for each route there are big buses that circulate for three or five days, which is very flexible, can cost 75 euros a day, wherever you go. And guides are asked to explain the local culture, history, monuments, events in detail. Unfortunately, Jackie doesn't understand because they mostly speak Chinese. Now in China, there is another wave of elementary students studying abroad, and the first step for studying abroad is to travel abroad. There are 1.3 billion people in China, and the expanding middle class wants to create a better future for their children, spending tens of thousands of dollars without blinking eyes, sending children to study abroad.  Russia and Turkey, there is no need to oppose each other and make the situation there so tense, it should be peaceful. I think we should treat Russia like Europe divided into several tourism circles, Central and Western Asia and the Middle East are also divided into several tourism circles, Africa, South America are all, if tens of millions of Chinese rushed over, and the money spent on just buying things was considerable. If the local industry is also driven and the Chinese market is more open to accept products, everyone will have a good life. What's so messy? ISIS is really detrimental and unfavorable, and their  brain is greatly broken! Sometimes Russians are just as stupid as Jackie. Even foreigners applying for a Russian visa is so complicated. Do they want others to travel to bring them business, or are they retreating from self-defense? At least I think they should open a webpage for Chinese. There are visa-free or e-visa or something, because there are so many Chinese and they have money in their pockets. Chinese are foolish enough to go to the United States to throw money away. In fact, many aspects in Russia, such as education, are better than the United States. The Chinese have built many European-style towns. Maybe they can design a special residential community, or Holiday resorts, business districts, so as to attract the elderly in Europe who have a certain financial ability to come to town  for the elderly life? Or let those rich people use the town as a vocation home? Or business investment? I remember going to Shangri-La once, there was actually a foreign Italian restaurant there! Maybe you can add a little cultural content, right?








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