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已有 74 次阅读2021-10-19 23:08 |个人分类:全球化

一个是蓬勃生长的,一个是白白耗费的  One is booming and the other is wasteful

亲爱的主席,88,你们不知道我越看他们爆料,我就越羡慕嫉妒恨的中国人有腐败的可能啊,我们想腐败都腐败不了,捉襟见肘的!美国这边一群乌龟王八蛋只会制造经济危机,放一批冲头楞脑拉丁裔来把美国拖下水,让我们民不聊生的你看中国那边,88,你真能干,看看如雨后春笋般出现的贪官个个都是腰缠万贯财富遍天下中国外交部甚至可以这么说 没有中国政府的正确政策,郭文贵他们没有这个基础没有这个可能腐败到这么多!他们应该去美国经受经济危机呀,多对经济危机和在海外的生活爆料呀!中国政府是有能力把这些腐败的东西收回的!” 看看这边,如果用电磁武器可以把美军整个海军瘫痪,美国政府每年还要花七千亿的军费维持全球的军事系统运作,好多都是打水漂的,毫无意义!美国政府可以把$100块钱的下水道的清理,变成欺压百姓弄成五万美金的惩罚,甚至上税,郭文贵怎么不来爆料这样的腐败啊?一个是蓬勃生长的,一个是白白耗费的,中国国内那帮只看重眼前利益而争权夺利的少壮派们,美国这边白痴无能成事不足败事有余的一批握有权力者,连这么简单的事也想不通,真想blow them away. 还侵吞我们的利益不给报酬! 亲爱的主席,88,我也想有能力腐败 Jackie今天问我,我们要去的国家很多吗?我说不多呀才去了这么几个 .Jackie问我明年想去哪里,我说如果有钱可以去拉美因为那儿的文化非常有特色了我告诉Jackie ”带你去看世界这只是一个开始,你人生路长了,以后有机会去更深入地了解世界的每个地方都有不同的文化地理环境历史以及当地的特产人文希望你能多了解各地都不同比如你去了中国,看见有那么多丰富的小吃,也许你可以把他们引进到美国或者欧洲去那你去印度看见那么落后,也许你以后可以把美国这边的基建系统,城市规划带到印度去有了印象和概念将来就可以设计优化了. 哦, 她恍然大悟似地大叫起来 ”对呀是这样啊!” 我心里异常高兴,我不是花钱花时间只带她去走马观花的,是让她了解世界,并深深印在脑子里的有一天,如果她处于那个位置有权力可以改变世界,她以前所有的所见所闻都有用的,是要用来为人类造福的!她明白,真让我高兴啊!亲爱的主席,88,是不是?南加州开始热起来,人就会昏昏然的很羡慕现在的阿拉斯加,cool 这边的社区中心有游泳池,也不知道去要多少钱,又很小,跟帕萨迪纳的游泳中心不能比我有空带她去泡一泡,或者去mall, 家里虽然有空调,天热起来也受不了夏天去阿拉斯加,冬天来洛杉矶,有钱人可以这样置产呢如果以后大部分中产阶级都能这样的话,也是商机呀.


Dear President, 88, you do n’t know, the more I look at the news, the more I envy and hate it! The Chinese have the possibility of corruption. Although we want to corrupt that we cannot be corrupted and stretched! A group of rogues over the United States will only create an economic crisis. Put a bunch of silly Latinos and drag the United States into the water, so that we will not have a good life. Look at China, 88, you are really capable, look at the emerging corrupt officials. All of them are entwined with wealth. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs can even say, "Without the correct policies of the Chinese government, Guo Wengui, they don’t have this foundation, nor do they have the possibility of corruption to this extent! They should go to the United States to survive the economic crisis. They should make more news about the economic crisis and life abroad! The Chinese government is capable of taking back these corrupt things!  Look here, if electromagnetic weapons can paralyze the entire US Navy, what is it for that the U.S. government spend every year on 700 billion military expenses to maintain the operation of the global military system? A lot of it is futile and meaningless!  The US government can turn the sewer cleaning up of $ 100 into a punishment of oppressing the common people and even taxing it. How can Guo Wengui not disclose such corruption? One is flourishing, the other is a waste of money. The young Chinese in China who only value their immediate interests and fight for power, the American idiots are incompetent and have a lot of power, even such simple things. I can't figure it out, I really want to blow them away. We still don't get paid for embezzling our interests! Dear President, 88, I also want to be able to "corrupt"! Jackie asked me today, are we going to many countries? I didn’t say much, so I’ve only visited so few. Jackie asked me where I want to go next year, and I said that if you have money, you can go to Latin America, because the culture there is very unique. I told Jackie “Take you to see the world. This is just the beginning, you have a long life. In the future, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the world. Every place has a different culture, geography, environment, history, and local specialties. I hope you can understand that different places are different. For example, you went China, see so many rich snacks, maybe you can bring them to the US or Europe. Then you go to India to see so backward, maybe you can bring the infrastructure system and urban planning in the United States to India in the future. Yes, with the impressions and concepts, you can design and optimize it in the future. ” Oh, she yelled suddenly,“ Yeah! That ’s it! ” I was so happy in my heart that I didn’t spend money nor time to just take her see around. But it is to let her know the world, and let the world deeply imprinted in her mind. One day, if she is in that position and has the power to change the world, everything she has seen and heard before is useful,  is to be used for the benefit of mankind! She understands that, it really makes me happy! Dear Chairman, 88, isn't it? Southern California starts to warm up, and people will feel faint. I envy Alaska now, cool! The community center here has a swimming pool, and I don’t know how much it costs swimming there, and it is very small. It is not comparable to the swimming center in Pasadena. If I have time, I will take her to make a bubble, or go to the mall. Although the house has air-conditioning, we can’t stand it when it ’s hot. If you go to Alaska in the summer and Los Angeles in the winter, the rich can do this. If the middle class can do this, it is also a business opportunity.






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