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已有 103 次阅读2021-9-22 00:47 |个人分类:全球化

就象地球是绕着太阳转的,要地球脱离太阳就要给地球足够能量,那地球才能飞出去而你们现在半死不活一滴滴为我打点滴,就像让地球苟延残喘在一定轨道上!你们的所作所为就象太阳对待地球,如果离太阳远了把之拉进,如果离太阳太近有让它离远一点日复一日,永远不能碰面,年复一年,永远在轨道上,反正可以有春夏秋冬四季,二十四节气和各种节假日,可以以此搞各种活动去要钱,让你们尽兴玩,平衡你们的性能量这样一波又一波,dramatic, dreaming, fantastic, mysterious, romantic, etc... play 是这意思吗?下次又是啥玩意儿?保持我们的存在是让你们有一个job security ?把钱留给你们自己胡花,所以不赔偿.  见鬼呀!玩吧,再玩几年 Jackie就大了,到时候还不知道谁玩谁呢! 网上说中共在19大之前,一定会把总参,国安还有什么的各自为政的情报机关加以整合!真是应该的不然,我跑回自己的祖国都要担惊受怕每天会不会出车祸,或者事故美国这边就更应该我有时候躺着这边挨枪子儿,都不知道冷枪是从哪里发来的这次我说去欧洲,意大利总统就警告说,那边扒手比欧洲其他地方更厉害!做总统的有这样子说话的吗?他不觉得羞耻吗?我想他真正意思是对亲爱的主席,88你们的世界政坛私底下有不满吧?他可能觉得这一个是由中国人犹太人和基督教白人组成的世界政坛,没有给天主教的拉丁势力足够的空间地位吧?感觉他好像有不欢迎的意思不要说他作为领袖,就是平常人,也应该说 “欢迎来到意大利,意大利式文化丰富国家文艺复兴艺术璀璨”,........ 哪有告诉孩子那边扒手很厉害的? Jackie还告诉我,捷克的总统也说 “捷克的人是很冷漠的”,真有点岂有此理捷克波西米亚是德国人的祖宗,地理位置在欧洲的中心,往来商贾四通八达的,冷漠怎么才能财源达三江呢?是不是中国有什么地方得罪他们了,想找一个机会发泄一下?你看默克尔和教皇就完全是另一个态度,他们都说,“会张开双臂欢迎Jackie!” 这在Jackie心里是多么不同的感受啊!我问Jackie带什么去看教皇,她说不用!她好不懂事,我觉得意大利总统和捷克总统是不是像Jackie这样长大的?我告诉Jackie,千里迢迢去探望人家是不能空着手的,就是千里送鹅毛,也礼轻情意重的!这是待人处事的基本礼貌!


Just like the earth revolves around the sun, if the earth is out of the sun, it must give the earth enough energy before the earth can fly out. And you are dripping bit by bit for the half-dead me, just like letting the earth linger in a certain orbit!  What you do is like the sun treats the earth. If it is far away from the sun, sun pulls it in, and if it is too close to the sun, keeps it far away. Day after day, never meet, year after year, always in orbit. Anyway, there can be four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, twenty-four season terms, and various holidays. This can be used to engage in various activities to ask for money, let you have fun, and balance your sexual energy. This wave after wave, dramatic, dreaming, fantastic, mysterious, romantic, etc ... play, do you mean this? What's next time? Keep us up there so you guys have a job security? Leave the money to yourself, so don't pay me compensation. Hell! You play, Jackie will grow up in a few years. At that time, everyone will know who is playing who! It is said on the Internet that before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the independent intelligence agencies of the General Staff and National Security will be integrated! It really should be. Otherwise, I would have to worry about returning to my homeland, fearing that there would be a car accident or an accident every day. The American side should integrate even more. Sometimes I lay down and suffered a gun shot, and I didn’t know the where the secret bullet came from? This time I said to go to Europe, the Italian president warned that the pickpockets were the worst than the rest of Europe!  Does the president speak like this? Doesn't he feel ashamed? I think he really means to be privately dissatisfied with dear Chairman, 88, in the World Political Forum? He may think that this is a World Political Forum composed of Chinese Jews and white Christians, which does not give Catholic Latin power sufficient space nor high enough status? It seems that he has an unwelcome meaning. Don't mention him as a leader, even if he is ordinary, he should say "Welcome to Italy, the Italian-style culture-rich country is full of Renaissance art."... How can a host tell the visiting child that the pickpocket is very severe? Jackie also told me that the Czech president also said, "Czech people are very indifferent." How can this be true! Czech, Bohemia is the ancestor of the Germans, located in the center of Europe. Business people travel in all directions, how can indifference make it  accessible? Is there any place in China that offends them and they want to find a chance to vent it? You see Merkel and the Pope are totally another attitude. They both say, "Welcome Jackie with open arms!" How different it feels in Jackie's heart! I asked Jackie what to bring to the Pope, and she said she didn't need to bring anything! She is very ignorant. I think maybe the President of Italy and the Czech Republic grew up like Jackie? I told Jackie that visiting people thousands of miles away can't be done empty-handed. Even sending goose feathers thousands of miles away is also courteous and affectionate! This is the basic courtesy of dealing with people






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