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已有 309 次阅读2021-9-22 00:42 |个人分类:北美生活

不给我应该得到的赔偿,我没有经济自由度,能量不够怎么独立呀  Don’t give me the compensation I deserve. I don’t have the economic freedom. How can I be independent without energy?

亲爱的主席,88,我上次说到美军,拿了钱,做一些无事生非的事又让我联想起一些非说不可的事,我在想,你们的世界政坛后边策划,好像也有这么一批人,是不是属于美军的,CIA, 印度人,俄国人?我不知道,从一开始拿这些政治领袖的个人生活说事,不管是普京模式,川普模式,墨迪模式。别人私事儿,谁管着吗?哈哈哈哈 后来世界政坛又是拉脱维亚,金正恩!什么眼光啊,太次了吧!然后,世界政坛真富有想象力创造力,钱太多了吧?无所事事歪门邪道,一波又一波,来一个侄女攀亲戚,还把柴可夫斯基给举出来!普京的爷爷的兄弟,居然是柴可夫斯基的父亲,问Jackie,柴可夫斯基是18世纪的,是在时间上倒着生吗?她开始眨眼睛了!柴可夫斯基和他侄子是什么关系? 还有长发的黑衣女子是什么关系?亲爱的主席和88,连口否认!有此地无银三百两之嫌哦!blink eyes,  88,到底真相是什么?你们戏还没完呢,昨天又把默克尔招出来!说实在话我心底里挺喜欢默克尔,Jackie说默克尔是所有领袖里面,小提琴拉得最好的,比Jeff  的太太还拉得好德国奥地利瑞士,北欧,这些日尔曼文化,虽然在艺术上没有法国那么fancy, 可是在大多数欧洲人心目中那是high class. 因为他们的产品质量好,可靠如果这些看好莱坞电影长大的背后策划者有那么多的钱这样子地花,象莎翁的名剧“ much ado about nothing", 就像以前派人去我的房子做破坏,房客不高兴问我,“为什么不把钱直接给我们,可以让我们有个好生活!” 我现在也是这句话  “你们吃饱了撑的,该赔偿我的不赔偿,却无事生非,跟市井小人差不多,想干嘛?” 靠这帮人那是成事不足败事有余,把美国这个国家毁了,还不如把钱给我,让我做点有意义的事!那么有钱,赔偿拿来!这批市侩一定不是学理科的,用你们屁股想一下,你们不给我应该得到的赔偿,我没有经济自由度,能量不够怎么独立呀?举目四望,只有亲爱的主席,88,只有你们可以依靠我和Jackie要紧紧地团结在以亲爱的主席,88为首的中国党中央和智库周围,才能安全躲避市侩黑帮的骚扰攻击,背靠大树才好乘凉的.


Dear President, 88, last time I talked about the U.S. military, who took the money, and did something that was nothing but nothing. It reminds me of something that must be said. I was thinking that your planner behind the World Political Forum seems to have such a critics, do they belong to the US military, CIA, Indians, Russians? I don't know. From the beginning, they talked about the personal lives of these political leaders, whether it is Putin model, Trump model, Modi model.  For others' personal affairs, who cares? Hahahaha Later, the World Political Forum will have   Latvia model, Kim Jong Un model! What a vision, too much! Then, the World Political Forum is really imaginative and creative. Is there too much money? Doing nothing crookedly, one wave after another, come a niece to find relatives, and cite Tchaikovsky! Putin ’s grandfather ’s brother, actually is Tchaikovsky ’s father, asked Jackie that Tchaikovsky was from the 18th century and he was born backwards in time? She started blinking eyes! What is Tchaikovsky's relationship with Putins nephew? What's the relationship with the woman with long hair in black? Dear Chairman and 88, even deny it! There is no suspect of silver two hundred here! blink eyes, 88, what is the truth? Your show is not over yet, and Merkel was called out yesterday! To be honest, I really like Merkel, Jackie said that Merkel playing the violin is the best  of all the leaders, better than Jeff's wife. Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Northern Europe, these Germans culture, although not as fancy as France in art, but in the eyes of most Europeans, it is a high class. Because their products are of good quality and reliable. If these planners who grew up watching a Hollywood movie had so much money, and spent it like this, like Shakespeare's famous drama "much ado about nothing",  like sending someone to my house to do damage before. The tenants asked me unhappy, "Why not give us the money directly so that we can have a good life!"  am also saying this now, "You are fed enough, you are supposed to pay me, but you don’t pay, you do nothing. It ’s almost like a villain. What do you want to do? " Relying on this group of people is more than enough to fail and ruin the country of the United States. It is better to give me money and let me do something meaningful!  So rich, give me the compensations! These rogues must not be science students. Just use your butt to think about it. When you do n’t give me the compensation I deserve, I do n’t have economic freedom, so how can I be independent without energy? Looking around, only my dear Chairman, 88, only you and I can rely on. Jackie and I must unite tightly around the Central Committee and think tanks of the Chinese Party headed by my dear Chairman, 88, to be able to safely escape the harassment attacks of rogue gangs. It's cool to lean on a big tree.






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