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已有 104 次阅读2021-9-18 23:51 |个人分类:全球化

全球化只有在和平环境下才能够休养生息,经济才能发展 Globalization can recuperate and develop economy only in a peaceful environment


现在世界变了,朝鲜半岛不安宁,对谁都没好处  Now the world has changed and the restlessness of the Korean Peninsula is not good for anyone.

在纽约华尔街的证券交易所前面,以前有一头铜牛,三八节居然在那里又有了一座少女的雕塑,下面还有一行字,知道女性领导的威力,不知道又在称赞或贬低谁了,谁会在三八节放一个少女雕像?不过那个女孩子那样毫无畏惧,很像我家的丫小句野孩子,哈哈哈 最近萨德事件,闹得沸沸扬扬的韩国已经有好几家企业,比如三星,在全球市场受到电池爆炸事件影响,走向低谷现在中国大陆又抵制韩国乐天集团怎么说呢,我觉得美军强推萨德系统不明智现在不是冷战时期,世界潮流是全球化,要和平而全球化只有在和平环境下才能够休养生息,经济才能发展如果萨德在韩国受到那么大的阻力,中国俄国都强力反对,韩国现在已经是惊弓之鸟坐立不安是热锅上的蚂蚁即使萨德建立起来,劳民伤财花那么大的代价,要让其能正常工作,也是有很多疑问的美军还要在朝鲜半岛放核弹,这是明摆着要把韩国人做炮灰啦韩国的这些大企业靠美国做后盾才获得的市场,如果不能维持,他还要依靠美国安装萨德做什么?得不偿失不知道你们后面两边策划怎么谋划的,是在演戏呢杀鸡给猴看呢还是玩真的?如果是玩真的,那觉得美军这边干得不是时候,逆历史潮流而动今天新闻说美国来南海,一架大型运输直升机在降落时,下边轮子勾到舰船的栏杆,结果整个直升机翻转坠落海中,驾驶员丧身因为美军人员素质低,众所周知的而把萨得安装起来,光调试就要好多时间,一个操作失误也会造成很大的损失而且惹得中国俄国甚至韩国民怨沸腾的,这么大阻力,怪不得美国国会和五角大楼今天在新闻发布会上说,比较识相一点,要重新考虑是不是安装萨德系统我看着那女性发言人蛮横的样子,让人厌恶,心里不悦美国人但凡有一点通天地连世界内外的智慧,知道怎么尊重和睦待人,世界就安定很多这些张牙舞爪的发言人,有一天里子翻了个面,那他们也就是打手和工具罢了美国人喜欢来硬的,只是现在世界变了,朝鲜半岛不安宁,对谁都没好处


In front of the Wall Street Stock Exchange in New York, there was a copper bull sculpture in the front. There was actually a sculpture of a young girl there on March 8th, and there was a line below, know the power of women's leadership." Who is there, and who will put a girl statue in the March 8th Festival? However, the girl was as fearless as the wild kid in my family, hahaha. The recent THAAD incident has been buzzing. Several companies in South Korea, such as Samsung, have been affected by the battery explosion in the global market. Going to a trough. Now mainland China is boycotting the Lotte Group of South Korea. How to say, I don’t think it is wise for the US military to push the THAAD system. It’s not the Cold War, the world ’s trend is Globalization, and peace. Globalization is only in a peaceful environment, the economy can develop, only if it can rest and recuperate. If THAAD encountered so much resistance in South Korea, China and Russia strongly opposed it, South Korea is now a frightened bird. It is an ant on the hot pot. Even if THAAD were established, it would cost so much to work. There are also many questions to make it work properly. The U.S. military also has to put a nuclear bomb on the Korean Peninsula. This is an obvious way to make the Koreans war victims. These big companies in South Korea have to rely on the United States as a backing for the market. If it cannot be maintained, why still depends on the United States to install THAAD? It's not worth the money. I don't know how the planners behind you are planning, is it acting? Is it to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys? Or are they really playing games? If it is real, then I think that the US military is not doing it right, and it is against the trend of history. Today’s news said that when the United States came to the South China Sea, when a large transport helicopter landed, its lower wheels were hooked to the ship ’s railings. As a result, the entire helicopter dropped. The pilot lost his life in the sea when flipped over. Because the quality of the U.S. military personnel is low, it is well known. The installation of THAAD will take a long time to debug, and a single operation error will cause great losses. It also caused China, Russia and even South Korea  people angry. With so much resistance, it is no wonder that the US Congress and the Pentagon said at a press conference today that they should be more acquainted with the need to re-think whether to install the THAAD system. I looked at that female spokesman's outrageous appearance and made people disgusted and displeased. Americans who have a bit of wisdom that connects the world, and know how to respect and treat people in harmony, the world is much more stable. If these arrogant speakers turn around one day, then they are also thugs and tools. Americans like to show muscles, but now the world has changed. If the Korean Peninsula is restless, it will not be good for anyone.






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