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已有 79 次阅读2021-8-4 23:39 |个人分类:全球化

所以我觉得下一步中国要整合市场,要把市场跟国际接轨这样才能提供更大范围的服务,吸引更多的客人.  又比如中国的高速公路网,我记得在江浙一带每一个停车休息站,都出售当地许多的丰富土特产,因为价钱便宜,好像每一站都有炸臭豆腐的香气,而且卖得相当好如果最新高速公路网的休息站,还有当地的大商场,并预留一定的销售空间给外来的食品,比如欧洲的奶酪香肠火腿巧克力熏鲑鱼酒等等,只要提供试吃,再加微信扫描订购,也一定会卖得很好如果你把这些销售平台设置完备,订购运输金融转账都没问题,当你把这些呈现给欧洲生产商和投资者的时候,他们挤破头要来加入如果你把如此巨大富有吸引力的市场呈现给发展中国家时,你对他们的投资就是有的放矢就像中国开放早期就是各国当地无法消化的商品,也可以被中国市场吸收,为在贫穷地区的投资带来回报,让发展中国家可以一步一步地积累资金富裕起来于是,中国把自己的市场合理调整,并有效地开放给全世界,中国就拥有了所向无敌的power.  还有中国应该设立专门的渠道,对投资的资金进行控制,设计不同的投资套餐,规定一定的回报率,把全世界可能的资金都聚拢来,让专门单位来操控投资,那超过回报率的余额,象broker一样,就是投资管理部门的利润了。而且在不同套餐之间, broker可以优化调度那这样的获利是比让投资者自己直接进入投资项目要高很多其实很多国家有余钱,欧洲人美国人日本人甚至世界上的有钱人,都应该把这些资金汇拢来,整体安排合理投资像安倍这样自成一体心怀鬼胎,他们的获利是会大打折扣的当别人有更多的投资资金来源选择的话,而且投资过程及回报都有安全保障的话,就不会要他们的武器了.  中国不但要整合开放市场,还要有一整套的法律对市场进行管理,不能乌合之众中国更要向全世界发达国家和发展中国家大力宣传中国的市场效力,要像川普那样,知道怎么样把最好的东西,用最有效的方式,光彩夺目地炫耀出来不光要吸引眼球,还要镊魂夺魄,掳获人心,14亿人,再多的好货都吃得下!上次11/11,这是什么节呀,反正几秒钟时间,就达到销售几千万的数额。 还有中国春节到处上路的,排山倒海的人流,亲爱的主席,88,你们去开经济会议,应该把这些东西,把中国市场规模巨大的可怕,多晒晒,吓吓他们,那他们就会紧盯着你来抱你大腿了告诉Jackie,瑞士整个国家才800万人,她的第一个反应是,还没有上海多是啊,可是中国人也应该过欧洲人那样的好日子是不是?


So I think that in the next step China needs to integrate the market and integrate the market with international standards. In this way, you can provide a larger range of services and attract more customers. Another example is China's highway network. I remember every rest station in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, many local specialties are sold, because the price is cheap. It seems that each station has the smell of fried stinky tofu, and it sells quite well. If there is a rest station on the latest highway network, there are also local big shopping malls, and reserve   certain sales space for foreign foods, such as European cheeses, sausages, hams, chocolates, smoked salmon, wine, etc. As long as you provide free sample, plus WeChat scan order, it will also sell well. If you put these sales platforms fully set up, and it is no problem to order transportation financial transfers. When you present these to European manufacturers and investors, they are crowded to join. If you present such a huge and attractive market to developing countries, your investment in them has targets, just like China ’s early stage of opening up. Even it is a commodity that cannot be digested in each country, it can be absorbed by Chinese market, bring returns to investment in poor areas, so that developing countries can accumulate funds step by step and become rich. Therefore, China rationally adjusted its market and effectively opened it to the world, and China has invincible power. And China should set up special channels to control investment funds, design different investment packages, stipulate a certain rate of return, bring together possible funds from around the world, and let specialized units control the investment. The balance that exceeds the return rate, like the broker, is the profit of the investment management department. And between different packages, the broker can optimize the scheduling, then the profit is much higher than letting investors directly enter the investment project. In fact, many countries have more money, Europeans, Americans, Japanese, and even the world ’s rich people should bring these funds together and arrange a reasonable investment as a whole. A self-contained ghost like Abe has a terrible fate, and their profits will be greatly reduced. When others have more choices for the source of investment funds, and the investment process and returns are secure, they will not need their weapons. China must not only integrate and open the market, but also have a set of laws to manage the market. It must  be united. China must also vigorously publicize the effectiveness of China's market to developed and developing countries around the world. Like Trump, know how to show off the best things in the most effective way, not only to attract the eye, but also to grab the soul, to win the hearts of the people, 1.4 billion people, even more good food can be taken! Last November 11th, what kind of festival was this? Anyway, in a few seconds, it reached tens of millions of sales. There are also crowds of people on the road during the Chinese New Year. Dear President, 88, if you go to an economic conference, you should take these things and make the Chinese market huge and terrible. Expose it to  scare them, then they will be firmly staring at you, come here to hug your thighs. Tell Jackie that the entire Swiss country is only 8 million people, and her first reaction is that there aren’t as many as in Shanghai. Yeah, but the Chinese should also have a good life like Europeans, is not it?






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