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已有 121 次阅读2021-7-29 00:41 |个人分类:全球化

美国人认为美国有两党,所以就是民主的,而中国一党专制,所以就是腐败的 Americans think that the United States has two parties, so it is democratic, while China has one-party autocracy, so it is corrupt.

Troy high是比较注重科技的,他们告诉我只有在他们的科技六个项目中被录取,才能转学这六个项目是:媒体,商业,计算机科学,网络安全,工程,还有政府领导,再加很多实习而且非常强调数学,对大陆来的孩子挺适合的我觉得Jackie可以学媒体商业和政府领导媒体是指做记者主播还有电影方面的,要做电影剪辑动画的商业是要学企业管理和财会的政府领导我就不知道了.  亲爱的主席,88,觉得你们跟这边哪位白痴疯子,最近是不是又在互相攻击了好多年了,好多次了,为啥呀?你们不都已经把有关方面联合起来了吗?还是还有两个势力游离在外不消停呢?前年你们逗JackieCheetos 给他们一个大滑头这两天他们用chips威胁你们,听 Jackie 他们把国内的media黑了然后你们就提troy, 就是特洛伊人木马了. 88,你们在这边已经设置了潜伏,其实你后面总策划,设计让两个年轻女性怀孕,生子,也就是借腹生子,跟特洛伊木马是同一个意思,是有深远的战略意义的吧? 他们想去除异己呢美国人想事情,有时候就是榆木疙瘩怎么也没法跳出来其实眼光放远一点看事情就透彻一点我以前遇见一位建筑师他一定认为美国有两党,所以就是民主的,而中国一党专制,所以就是腐败的我告诉Jackie,希拉里花了12亿美元搞什么民主竞选,其实美国政府真正做决定那是没有民主的,根本没有而且美国的腐败是到制度骨子里的,是在法律保护下的.  看马云和川普会面,提百万就业机会如果马云这次搞的是电商,我觉得他应该设立一个世界上新型电商的标准,你看这边的星巴克麦当劳,每个店都有是一定的标准和布置马云的阿里巴巴包罗万象,可是有些东西是衣食住行直接和人相联系的,有些是工业品原材料只有在行业其中的人才会接触觉得马云应该把不直接跟人相关的放网页的另一类可以象Costco, Walmart, IKEA 等等,把衣食住行的货放一起,同时这一个仓库可以有周围好多个服务点仓库和服务点同时提供VR浏览器可以让客户在更广阔的空间挑选其实时装生意也是其中的一个小部分,需要配备对人体的尺寸测量工具,以及获得对人的背景动态参数客户既可以在仓库中挑选自己喜欢的服装又可以在VR中挑选,或者提供自己的数据,让智能软件来帮着设计和缝制对于某些货物,要求时鲜,比如吃的蔬菜,尽量要实物呈现出来或者在VR冰柜.  客户可以买了马上拿回去,或早上订晚上就可以拿或送到家。其他人如果时间不紧的,可以去服务点预订,也可以自己家里上网预订


Troy high school pays more attention to technology. They told me that they can only allow transfer when they have  accepted the student in six of their science and technology projects. These six projects are: media, business, computer science, network security, engineering, and government leadership. Plus a lot of internships. And the school puts a lot of emphasis on mathematics, which is suitable for children from the mainland. I think Jackie can learn media, business and government leadership. The media refers to reporters, anchors and movies, and to do movie editing and animation. Business is to learn business management and accounting. I dont know about government leaders. Dear Chairman, 88, do you think which idiot and lunatic here are you attacking recently? For many years, many times, why? Haven't you all joined together? Or are there still two forces that are still outside? The previous year you teased Jackie, Cheetos, and gave them a big tease as well. These two days they threatened you with chips. Listening to Jackie said that they have hacked the domestic media, and then you mention Troy, which is the Trojan war. 88, you have set up a lurk here already. In fact, the chief planner behind you designed to let two young women surrogate and have children, that is, to have children by their bellies. It has the same meaning as the Trojan horse, is it of strategic significance?  They want to get rid of their dissidents. When Americans think about things, sometimes they are elms, and they cant jump out the routine. Actually, if they look farther can see things more thoroughly. I met an architect before, he must think that the United States has two parties, so it is democratic, and China s one-party autocracy, so it is corrupt. I told Jackie that Hillary spent $ 1.2 billion on democratic elections. In fact, the United States when the government really makes a decision, there is no democracy. There is no democracy at all. And corruption in the United States is in the backbone of the system and is protected by law. Watch Jack Ma and Trump meet to raise millions of job opportunities. If Jack  Ma is engaged in e-commerce this time, I think he should set a new standard for e-commerce in the world. Look at the Starbucks, McDonald's here. Each store has a certain standard setup and layout. Jack Ma's Alibaba is all-inclusive, but some things are directly related to people's clothing, food, housing and transportation. Some are industrial raw materials only the experts in the industry will access. I think Jack Ma should put another type of web page that is not directly related to people. It can be like Costco, Walmart, IKEA, etc. The same warehouse can have multiple service branches at the same time. The warehouse and service branches provide VR browsers at the same time, which can allow customers to choose in a wider space. In fact, the fashion business is also a small part of which needs to be equipped with human body size measurement tools, as well as obtaining background dynamic parameters for people. Customers can either choose their favorite clothing in the warehouse, or select it in VR, or provide their own data, let intelligent software help design and sewing. For some goods, freshness is required, such as fruits and vegetables, as much as possible to be presented in in physical form, or in a VR freezer. Customers can buy it right away, or order it in the morning receiving at evening, or let it sent to home. If other people don't have the time, they can go to the service branch to make a reservation, or they can book online at home.






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