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已有 110 次阅读2021-7-29 00:40 |个人分类:北美生活

Jan 10, 2017 at 11:15 PM

有人在学校电脑篡改Jackie的成绩。 *美国制度没有自我保护检测功能  Someone on a school computer modified Jackie's grades. U.S. system has no self-protection detection function

去年学期结束,因为Jackie成绩优异,她得到了校长奖,全校每个年级大概只有一两个我很为她骄傲今天我因为为了要申请troy high入学考试,就到chaparral学校去拿成绩,我一看吓了一跳!她的平均GPA3.0,英语科目全部都在C以下,而PE她最头疼的,每次都勉强及格这次却都是A. 数学居然也有C. 连帮我印出来的秘书都问我,这是她本人吗?有这样的成绩怎么可能拿到 principal awards? 这跟她平时告诉我的老师对她的赞扬,给她好的成绩,根本就是两回事去年曾发生过好几次,他们的学校学生的成绩遭篡改而不实.  她第一次入学检测考试,本人感觉考得很好,可是出来成绩却很差感觉他们学校的电脑有问题我去接了Jackie,证实说他们学校电脑有问题.  美国有世界上最好的系统,可是这个系统设计有问题就像呼延灼的连环马,只用钩子一勾,整队马就呼啦啦倒下了零八年的经济危机,就是这个原因 .我们设计系统的,有智能的比较高级的系统,会在每一个重要的关口或节点设置反馈系统,和检测系统,一旦某些参数不对,节点和系统就要自我调节,加以改正,或者切断与别的节点的联系,不让影响扩大中国对互联网的封锁,其实也是一种自我保护的功能,不让西方的价值或有损害力的影响深入到中国国内.   美国的所有系统,法律系统教育系统现在全部连成一片,而且没有自我保护检测功能法律系统内有错误百出的判决有一次我去问法院为什么要判那么多的钱,凭什么?法院告诉我,在某一个数值比如$50K以下,是没有具体写明的,这意思是说法官可以不问青红皂白想怎么判就怎么判这是吃人的制度啊!美国的教育系统,学生成绩被改了都不知道,应该有一个在时间上的对比,以前和现在的成绩为什么会有差别,应该产生警告,会让负责数据库的人进行检查这些设计网络或者是数据库和计算机系统的人脑子缺根筋,为什么?因为不用我这样懂得和有能力的人!这边学工程的,律师法官,保险公司,这些人逻辑之差,惨不忍睹,为啥?因为数学差!瞎胡搞.


Last year's semester ended, because Jackie's outstanding grades, she won the principal's award. There are only one or two of each grade in the school getting. I'm very proud of her. Today I went to Chaparral school to get the results because I wanted Jackie to apply for Troy high school entrance examination. I was taken aback at first sight of her scores! Her average GPA is only 3.0, all English subjects are below C, and she has the most headaches PE, which she barely passes each time, but this time it is all “A”s. Mathematics actually she has C. Even the secretary who printed it for me asked me, Is this herself? How can she get principal awards with such grades? This is not the same thing as she usually tells me about teachers praise her and give her good grades, which are two different things. It happened several times last year, and the grades of their school students were falsified.  For the first time going Chaparral middle school she took the entrance examination, she felt that she was doing well, but her grades were poor. I felt that there was a problem with the computer in their school. I went to Jackie and confirmed that there was a problem with their school computer. The United States had a world best system, but there is a problem with the design of the system. Just like the serial horses of General Hu Yanzhuo, if you just use a hook, the whole team of horses would fell down. The 2008 world economic crisis is caused by the chain reaction. When we design the system, for intelligent and advanced systems, the feedback systems and detection systems will be set up at each important pass or node. Once certain parameters are incorrect, the nodes and systems will self-adjust, correct themselves, or cut off the connections with other nodes to prevent the influence from expanding. China s Internet blockade is actually a self-protection function that does not allow Western misleading values ​​to  harm China, avoiding the impact of this penetrating into China. All American systems, legal systems, and education systems are now integrated into one, and there is not enough self-protection detection function. There are erroneous judgments in US legal system. I once asked the court why it was so to decide how much money for judgment, why? The court told me that a certain value, such as below $ 50K, is not specified, which means that the judge can judge whatever he wants without any reasons. This is a cannibalism system! In the American education system, schools are unaware that student grades have been tampered with. School software should have a time comparison. When there is a difference between previous and current results, a warning should be generated and the person responsible for the database will be checked. Those who design the network or database and computer system have lacked of brains, why? Because they don't need someone like me who knows and is capable!  Those who study engineering here, lawyers, judges, insurance agents, these people have a poor logic, so terrible, why? Because their math is bad! Foolish.






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