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已有 109 次阅读2021-7-27 23:22 |个人分类:全球化

中国人在世界上出击,最好找说当地语言的代言人  Chinese people expand in the world, it is better to find spokespersons who speak local languages

Jackie要我讲政治,我头就开始大了.  好像美国国内还没有摆平. Jackie跑来跟我说,川普骂梅姨用脏字,这边加州好莱坞的犹太人,有些对川普是不怎么样的这一批民主党人以后四年还会折腾的我觉得川普这次就职大典,应该动动脑筋现在是安抚民心,凝聚人心,同心同德,共同举大事的时候如果他们没有这种危机感,很自以为是,以为得了亿万富豪,跨国企业,就是得天下了,很可能会阴沟里翻船.  因为美国的民主党的势力挺大的,而且美国既行的政策已经好多年了,比如对俄国的敌视,这是自两个阵营存在之始就一直在意识形态上冲突而互不相容而且川普上台是有技巧的,让民主党们脑筋一下子转弯,不太容易的我们周末去参加聚会,女主人也是这边好莱坞的犹太人,她都在滔滔不绝地说川普坏话我觉得川普不能只用个人的方式在推特上发货,他应该大张旗鼓地宣扬他团队的治国理念,要告诉民众,为什么他这样子做,对美国有什么好处,就是编也要编出一大堆来,这个可以让我来做川普是讲段子高手,看看这次super bowl, academy awards, 川普能不能现身说几句,让大家高兴.  网上看见马云会见川普,声称会为美国带来百万就业机会鉴于美国人对中国人不太接受,我建议马云找一个美国土生土长的代言人,马云可以跟川普会面,但是发言人出来的形象最好是美国人,这样子事情会容易很多川普内阁有那么多的大企业领袖,他们对经济的发言比川普更有力,让他们先为马云这些外资进入创造条件,提供道路,比如某位出来说,“美国现在需要把商业现代化,还要扩大电商的普及应用”,然后马云再出来秀一下,他的代言人跟着宣布一系列的投资和招工项目,那他们对中国人的提携投资,就会翘首以盼了.  川普后面的团队也许有很好的计划,更希望能够有好的商业心理学可以让民众接受并有实质的效果亲爱的主席,88,你们现在重用中国的实干班子,这才是中国人不同寻常的地方呢!大学同学群里说中国现在在很多大学开办了网络安全系和课程,这是其他国家都没有的我想不消10年,世界网络,整个全世界的控制中枢神经系统,可能就是中国人的天下了,希望这些人更有人文的背景,不要硬梆梆地胡来到时候可能全世界的政治系统,整个重新洗牌,总策划,你一定心里非常非常高兴!


Jackie asked me to talk about politics, and my head started to feel pain. It seems that the United States has not leveled up yet. Jackie came to tell me that Trump called British Aunt May with dirty words, and some Jews in Hollywood, California, were not good to Trump. Yes, this group of Democrats will be tossing in the next four years. I think Trump ’s inauguration ceremony should use his brain. Now is the time to soothe the hearts of the people, unite people to work together, and work together on major issues. If they don’t have the sense of crisis,  are very self-righteous, thinking that if they have billionaires, multinational companies will win the world, and they will likely overturn in the gutter. Because the Democratic Party of the United States is very powerful, and the United States has established these policies for many years.  For example, hostility to Russia, which has been ideologically conflicting and incompatible with each other since the two camps existed. Moreover, Trump's coming to power is skillful, and it is not easy for Democrats to change their thoughts. We go to a party on the weekend. The hostess is also a Jew here in Hollywood. She is talking  bad words about Trump. I don't think Trump can only tweet on his own. On delivery, he should publicize his team ’s concept of governing the country with great fanfare, and tell the public why he does it this way, and it is good for the United States. He has to compile a lot of it, even make up a lot of stories without real facts. This can be done by me. Trump is a master of lecturing, see if on this super bowl, academy awards, Trump could come out and say a few words to please everyone. I saw Jack Ma on the Internet meeting with Trump, claiming to bring millions of job opportunities in the United States. In view of the American's lack of acceptance of the Chinese, I suggest that Jack Ma  find an American native spokesperson. Jack Ma  can meet with Trump, but the image of the speaker is preferably American, so things will be much easier. Trump ’s cabinet is of so many big business leaders, their speeches on the economy are more powerful than Trump, let them first create conditions and provide the way for Jack Ma and other foreign capital to enter, for example, one person said, "The United States now needs to modernize its business and expand e-commerce for popular application ", and then Jack Ma came out to show again, his spokesperson followed by announcing a series of investment and recruitment projects. Then for the  Chinese  invest and supports, they will look forward to it. The team behind Trump may have a good plan, I also hope that there can be good business psychology support, which can be accepted by the people, and have substantial results. Dear Chairman, 88, you rely mainly on  Chinese management  team now, this is the unusual place for Chinese people! The group of university students said that China now offers network security departments and courses in many universities, which are not available in other countries .I think in 10 years, the world network, the central nervous system that controls the whole world, may be in the hands of the Chinese. I hope that these people have a more humanistic background, and don’t act arbitrarily. The world ’s political system will be reshuffled and re structured. Chief planner, you must be very, very happy!






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