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已有 199 次阅读2021-7-27 23:06 |个人分类:全球化

Ivanka在中国拓展时装生意 Ivanka expands fashion business in China

亲爱的主席,88Jackie要我讲川普他还没有当美国总统,我就看见网上还有群里对他的各种各样的评论,很多都是以己之心,度人之腹,想想基本上现在每天Jackie跟川普在网上交谈,他根本就不是那样一个人他后面的团队,是不是同时也是在Jackie后面的人?他们愿意跟中国拧着干嘛?不太可能的只是他个人的很多倾向,他所代表的亿万富翁的阶层,说话做事可能跟一大批美国民众脱节,尤其跟拉丁裔格格不入的,那是会造成麻烦的.  政治家不是企业家,是要以团结大多数民众为目的的,而不是只为了获利的.  我还在想,做时装这件事儿,中国国内的竞争这么厉害,Ivanka一定不能以一般的方式来经营她一定要开时装展示会,要去Jeff 新建的上海梦中心去做展示,去北京或其他地方的中国美术馆去展出,要大张旗鼓地宣传,要让大家知道他们的设计的不同,是要个体化,定制化,是有高科技的人体数据采样。他们要告诉大众什么地方可以去获得采样,还有科学的心理人文个性分析为基础,告诉大众什么样的职业性格身高场合,穿什么样的衣服合适是有智能的艺术化设计,有各种场合的配套设计,要告诉大众这样为他们设计,既能为他们提升形象,又能替他们省钱省精力,等等. Ivanka的展示会一定要请当地政商名人,一定要请文娱界,来做模特. Ivanka一定要设计优化的方便的售后服务,一定要面向广大的民众,一定要象充满爱心的细心妈妈,把每个人都能照顾到的.  我不知道国内时装界有什么样大牌的设计师,或工作室最好能和这些大牌们合作,因为这样子更有中国的特色,更懂得收获中国民心. Ivanka要跟所有的纺织制造联系,那无论设计什么样的时装她任何式样的织品都能拿到. Ivanka 也应该同时开设健身,化妆,艺术舞蹈的课程,改善大众形体并锻炼身体. Ivanka 更应该开设文化课艺术课音乐课,在介绍时装的同时介绍文化提升大众整体文化素质. Ivanka还可以把销售服装和这些额外的红利联系在一起,也可以把不同领域的人以时装展示或上课方式,在国内或者国际时使物以类聚在一起交流比如上次在长城上的时装秀如果那时还有宴会的话,如果宴会上还有音乐舞蹈的话,那就是盛事了你看这不光是做时装,是以时装为支点扩展文化,提高人文素质.  佛州机场枪击案,有什么特别意思吗?是给你搞事,不让你项目起飞吗?是荆轲刺秦王,想挡住历史滚滚前进的车轮吗?


Dear President, 88, Jackie asked me to talk about Trump. Before he became the president of the United States, I saw all kinds of comments on him on the Internet and in the group, many of which are for the sake of others. Think about it, basically Jackie talks to Trump online every day now, he is not that kind of person as they described at all. Is the team behind him also the person behind Jackie at the same time? Are they willing to fight with China? Unlikely. It’s just his personal tendency of billionaire class he represents may be out of touch with a large number of Americans, especially those who are  Latinos. That will cause trouble. Politicians are not entrepreneurs. It is to unite the majority of the people, not just for profit. I am still thinking that when doing fashion, the competition in China is so fierce, Ivanka must not be able to operate in a general way. She is sure to hold a fashion show, go to Jeff ’s new Shanghai Dream Center to do a show, go to the China Art Museum in Beijing or elsewhere, show it with fanfare, let everyone know her their design is different, it ’s about individual customized, high-tech human data sampling. She has to tell the public where to get samples, and how she bases on scientific psychology, humanities, and personality analysis, to tell the public what kind of occupation, character, height, occasion and what kind of clothes are suitable. It is intelligent and artistic design, there are matching designs for various occasions. Tell the public that designing for them will not only enhance their image, but also save them money, time, and energy, and so on. Ivanka's exhibition must invite local government and business celebrities, and must invite entertainers in entertainment industry to be a model. Ivanka must design optimized and convenient after-sales service, it must be targeted at the general public, and it must be like a caring and attentive mother who can take care of everyone. I don’t know the Chinese domestic fashion industry. What kind of big-name designers or studios are the best? It is best to cooperate with these big names, because in this way it has more Chinese characteristics and they know how to gain the hearts of the Chinese people. Ivanka has to connect with all the textile manufacturing, no matter what the design is, so that she can get any kind of fashion fabrics. Ivanka should also offer fitness, makeup, art and dance courses to improve the public health, image and providing exercising. Ivanka should also provide cultural classes, art classes, music classes, introduce culture while introducing fashion, and improve the overall cultural quality of the masses. Ivanka can also associate the sale of clothing with these additional bonuses, and can also  in different fields as fashion shows or classes, and let people communicate together at home or abroad, for example, the fashion show on the Great Wall.  If there was a banquet afterwards, if there was music and dance at the banquet, it would be a big event. You see, it ’s not just fashion, but fashion as a fulcrum to expand culture and improve humanities. What ’s the special meaning of the shooting at the Florida airport ? Is it something for you to keep your project from taking off? Is Jing Ke stabbing Emperor Qin and waned to block the wheel of history rolling forward?






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