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已有 69 次阅读2021-7-26 23:45 |个人分类:全球化

中国的孩子与世界联系  Chinese children connect with the world

中央领导们有那么多人,总有些儿女是可以出头露面的,有才艺,艺术,戏剧,表演,和政治天分的,介绍父母的时候,你提供机会让他们的子女,也跟着亲爱的主席88,偶尔有出头表现机会,第一为你们伴奏的 Jackie, 有机会认识他们,向他们学习中国文化,学当代中国年轻人的潮流东西。第二,全世界的人和领袖人物有机会认识他们,对他们以后的求学求职交友都是一个大大的利好因为他们有经验和人脉第三,如果以后以Jackie的名义,邀请世界各国的领袖或者他们的家人和子女来相聚开展活动,他们都已经互相认识,用他们做主持或者帮手就非常得心应手第四,增加你们政治人物之间的凝聚力,减少矛盾,也是很有帮助的要怎么选择和表现,那就请你们后面策划多动动脑子你看王思聪他们,小霉霉他们,让他们跟其它世界名流富二代们认识,看看能不能一起做些项目,那比他们不断换恋爱对象折腾,是不是要有意义得多? 中国国内有一大批演艺界的富豪,从小把孩子送到国外学习,很多因为在国外无法立足,才回国子承父业了!他们也是很有演艺天分的,同时他们的外语也不错,为啥不用他们呢?虽不是政界,但是客串表演一下来活跃气氛,给各国领袖们带来欢笑,通过你们这个舞台,搭桥让各地年轻人互相认识做朋友,你们在边上看着适当指点一下就行那以后Jackie做事情要找人,不是范围更大,资源更多吗? 这不也是一条把中国民族的自成一体的文化推向世界的一个方法吗?  还有有关你们在世界政坛讲的内容一般西方宗教组织集会时就会宣扬精神上的比较高尚的东西,在上帝的名义下,有合唱,有音乐,有庆祝仪式,有解释圣经,有讲各种道德,人生道理,大人孩子全部参加,互相帮助.  你们现在是为各国的领袖们,提供一种业余的精神和娱乐生活,设政治平台让世界上各种政治思潮可以公开地展现,交流最新的国际政治信息我觉得眼光不太应该那么放在川普模式或普京模式,这根本就没法堂而皇之秀出来见人的,因为那又如何呢? 88,是我搞错了,对不住,你没有孩子,绝对没有,那孩子是我的,嘿嘿嘿觉得你们也应该宣扬上帝的东西,比如给孩子正当的爱和教育,比如大家商量如何解决难民,比如介绍各国文化传统,比如介绍中国如何帮助其他国家急需的基础建设,以及所取得的成就.  每年世界上都有很多国际级的比赛,音乐体育的,中国国内也有应该把这些得奖的富有潜力的新星请来表演,在世界级领袖面前替他们打响知名度有好多好多事可以做了.



There are so many central government officials. There are always children who can show up, talented, artistic, dramatic, acting, and politically gifted. When introducing parents, you provide opportunities for their children to follow their dear Chairman 88, occasionally,  they have occasional opportunities to perform well. First, Jackie, who accompanies you, has the opportunity to meet them, learn Chinese culture from them, and learn about the trend of contemporary Chinese young people. Second, people and leaders from all over the world have the opportunity to meet these young generation. It will be a great benefit for them to study, apply for jobs, and make friends later on, as they know the outside  world with  connections already. Third, if they have experience and connections in the future, if they will invite the world leaders of various countries or their families and children come together to carry out activities  in the name of Jackie, they have already known each other. It is very handy to use them as hosts or helpers. Fourth, it is also very helpful to increase the cohesion between your politicians and reduce conflicts. How to choose and behave, then please plan it with your brains. Say Wang Sicong, Taylor Swift, let them know with other world celebrities and rich second generation, see if they can do some projects together, then does it make more sense than just to toss up and down,  than keep changing love partners? There are a large number of rich people in the performing arts industry in China. They sent their children to study abroad from a young age. Many of children returned to China to inherit their father's business because they could not gain a foothold abroad! They are also very talented in performing arts, and their foreign languages speaking ​​is good. Why not use them? Although it is not in the political world, you can make a guest appearance to bring up a lively atmosphere and bring laughter to the leaders of all countries. Through your stage, you can make bridges for young people from all over the world to know each other as friends. You just have to look around and give proper advice. Then if Jackie does something to find someone, isn’t it a wider choice and more resources? Isn't this also a way to bring the self-contained culture of the Chinese nation to the world?  There ’s also what you ’re talking about in World Political Forum. Generally, when religious organizations in the West rallied, they would preach spiritual noble things. In the name of God, there are choruses, music, celebrations, Bible interpretations, and lectures. All morals, life principles, adults and children all participate and help each other. You are now providing leaders of all countries with an amateur spirit and entertainment life, and a political platform for various political thoughts in the world and the latest international political information  to be publicly displayed and exchanged. I don't think you should put your eyes only on the Trump or Putin models. This is simply impossible to show o the public, because,  what about it? 88, I was mistaken, sorry, you have no children, absolutely no, that child is mine, hehe hehe. I think you should also promote "God" things, such as giving children proper love and education, such as letting everyone discuss how to resolve refugees problem, such as introducing the cultural traditions of various countries, such as how China can help other countries badly needed infrastructure and achievements. Every year there are many international competitions in the world, music and sports, and there are also in domestic China. These award-winning and promising stars should be invited to perform and raise their profile in front of world-class leaders. There are so many things to do.






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