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已有 258 次阅读2021-7-26 23:37 |个人分类:领袖精英

所以你们得寻找适合的场地,最好大家能在一起碰面目的是增进了解,推广各类产品亲爱的主席,88,你们跳的迷魂椰壳呼拉舞,是没有人敢把你们的照片放到媒体上去的,可是我特别喜欢,Jackie会永生不忘你们的性感舞姿!哈哈哈哈,也没有人会大张旗鼓地去宣传你们所达到的成果的,因为你们是世界级顶层政治人物但是如果你们可以把政府官员的,按上面所分析的有关的人生及心理需要,跟推广国家文化形象以及带来经济收益相结合的话,就可以在媒体公开大张旗鼓地宣传,就可以有很多美谈軼事,就会有很多闻所未闻的,让人眼界打开的当地特产介绍比如说你们跟普京关系良好,看看普京他们愿不愿意邀请你们过去做客,好好设计一下,你们的活动可以有钓鱼,骑马,打猎,还会邀请一些文艺界的比如著名芭蕾舞演员来助兴,彭妈妈唱俄国歌曲或正好有一对俄国新人结婚,你们就一起去他们的东征教堂看婚礼,跟普京们一起跳哥萨克舞,看普京太太的艺术体操,学着烤鱼吃鱼子酱黑面包克瓦斯你们可以欣赏优美的俄罗斯广袤的森林可以到树林里边去采集蘑菇,也许会遇见灰太狼,小红帽,可以多一点搞笑的事情。 你们可以一边讲述着俄国大地上各种各样的名人,顺便去当地的土特产店逛一下,最后两杯伏特加酒入肚,醉醺醺去睡觉或许半夜三更有黑熊来敲门,偷昨天打猎的剩菜.  然后你们把整个聚会拍成录像,做成电视系列片之一,在全世界播放,那你们喜欢的很多俄国的特产,是不是就会在中国让千百万人眼馋,既让他们想往去旅游又找到了巨大的产品销售市场你们不亲自去, 也可以请王毅呀杨洁篪啊李克强他们去客串一下当然你们的农场主们还可以租土地,先到俄国住地驯养兔子驯鹿还有狍子等等野味,并种蔬菜,用于招待未来的游客说实在话,这些东西对欧洲人可能没什么新意,可是对广大的中国富豪们以及人口众多的东南亚南亚的,在暖烘烘城市热烘烘气候下生长的人是非常非常有吸引力的避世之旅,也可以作为浪漫之旅婚嫁之旅等等.  比如说可以在莫斯科,邀请俄国的艺术家音乐家舞蹈家们,邀请中国的艺术家,昆曲京剧人物,玉雕景泰蓝刺绣行家们,一起开宴席席间歌舞升平,秀绘画雕塑刺绣等等各种各样的艺术品,真是美不胜收啊参加宴席的还可以是中国俄国大企业的,有较高文化素养,愿意跟艺术家们结交的CEO们,或者是别的国家的领袖们象这等等附庸风雅的好事,每次我都想参加!  同时还可以附加参观当地的艺术馆博物馆教堂等等中国的有钱人收集艾轩的油画,可是俄国的真正大师级的油画,他们没见识过欧洲人对东方的玉器景泰蓝等特别青睐其实中国的京剧,昆曲也是一种精美艺术.  你说这些艺术家们在一起当然会擦出火花中国的富豪们,王健林王思聪马云他们,有钱买得起高级的艺术品,绝对有必要去开开眼界,沾点仙气,提高自己的艺术修养文化素质!让他们跑一趟,录像电视系列之一,会让中国其他的富豪追随,那俄国的高尚艺术品,也会找到新的大市场,艺术界的交流会提高中国艺术家的水准!

So you have to find a suitable venue, it is best that you can meet together. The purpose is to enhance understanding and promote various products. Dear Chairman, 88, you danced the coconut shell hula dance, no one dares to take you   photos  put on the media, but I especially like that. Jackie will never forget your sexy dance poses! Hahahaha, no one will publicize your achievements with great fanfare, because you are top-level politicians in the world. But if you can take the government officials' life and psychological needs as analyzed above, and promote them if the national cultural image and the economic benefits are combined, they can be publicized in the media with great fanfare, and there can be many beautiful anecdotes, and there will be many introductions of local specialties that are unheard of and open to the eyes. For example, you and Putin have good  relationship. See if Putin would like to invite you to be a guest over there. If you design it well, your activities can include fishing, horse riding, hunting. Some literary and artistic circles such as famous ballet dancers will also be invited to help, and Peng mama sings Russian songs. Or just when a Russian young couple get married, you go to their orthodox church to watch the wedding together, dance Cossacks with Putin, and see Putin's wife Rhythmic gymnastics, learn to grill fish, eat caviar, black bread, kvass. You can enjoy the beautiful Russian vast forest, you can go to the forest to collect mushrooms, you may meet the gray wolf, little red riding hood, you can do a little more funny things. You can talk about all kinds of celebrities on the Russian land, and stop by the local souvenir shops. After last two glasses of vodka go into the belly,you get drunk and go to sleep. Maybe in the middle of the night, there are black bears knocking on the door and stealing the left over of yesterday ’s hunts. Then you made the whole party into a video and made it into one of the TV series and broadcast it all over the world. Thus many of the Russian specialties you like will be seen by millions in China! Going on a trip, you may find a huge products selling market. If you don’t go by yourselves, you can also invite Wang Yi, Yang Jiechi, Li Keqiang to make a guest appearance. Of course, your farmers can rent land, first go to the Russian land to raise rabbits, reindeer and mules, and grow vegetables for entertaining future visitors. To be honest, these things may not be new to Europeans. But for the vast number of Chinese wealthy people, as well as the people who grow in the warm and hot climate of the warm and dry cities of Southeast Asia and South Asia, it is a very very attractive escape from the world, and it can also be used as a romantic journey, a wedding journey, etc. For example, you can invite Russian artists, musicians and dancers in Moscow, Chinese artists, Kunqu opera figures, craftsmen of jade carvings, cloisonné, and embroidery experts to have a banquet together. During the banquet, everyone will be leveled up, show paintings, sculptures, embroidery, etc.  all kinds of artworks are really beautiful. Those who participated in the banquet can also be big Chinese and Russian enterprises, have high cultural literacy, CEOs who are willing to associate with artists, or leaders of other countries. Such  arty and so on good thing, I want to participate every time! At the same time, you can also visit local art galleries, museums, churches, etc. Chinese rich people collect artist Ai Xuan's oil paintings, but they  have never seen oil paintings of  Russian masters. Europeans especially favor oriental jade, cloisonné, etc. In fact, Chinese Peking opera and Kunqu opera are also a kind of exquisite art. You say that these artists will of course spark out together. Chinese rich people, Wang Jianlin, Wang Sicong, Jack Ma, if they have the money to afford high-quality art, it is absolutely necessary to open their eyes, get a little scent, and improve their culture quality! Let them take a trip to Russia, taking videos and making  television series, that will make other rich people in China follow. Noble Russian art will also find a new big market. The exchange in the art world will raise the level of Chinese artists!







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