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已有 203 次阅读2021-7-23 23:55 |个人分类:领袖精英

亲爱的主席,88,昨天晚上又是你们在跟Jackie讲话吗我迷迷糊糊睡到一半,Jackie精神矍铄兴高采烈地跑来敲门,妈妈我要洗澡睡觉了,我一看时间,都早上2:00am多了,心里很不高兴!还有更甚的,她洗完澡躺在床上,又叽哩呱啦再跟你们说!我走到她房间要收她的手机她赶紧说仃了我关上门没多久,又听她还再说.我气不打一处来,强压怒火,问亲爱的主席和88,是不是从今年开始,那边总策划就不让你们跟Jackie每天可以交流了吗?昨天你们一定有很开心的事情,让她那么晚,都还有兴致,还兴高采烈的,放到今天来讲不行吗?88,你是在存心冷落谁吗?你们一个是有女儿的,一个是新手上路,你们不知道孩子生长有其生理规律的吗?你们那边白天,一大把时间,而且年纪大的人不用睡很多,可小孩子不一样啊要小孩子长得好,小孩子一定要有足够的睡眠,因为这样才能产生生长需要的荷尔蒙。孩子没有成熟之前,不能过分给她智力上的压力,如有事情,那就今天明天,后天再说,没啥大不了的!好不容易有节假日,过两天就开学了,希望她能多睡一会儿。你们要真得爱 Jackie, 心疼她,就应该让她按时睡觉爱要适当,才是美的,对孩子才是好的,而不是让她熬夜,你们两个真是不懂孩子的糟老头!或者你们把她当成逃避现实的机会,真是两个可怜的大顽童如果以后她再这么熬夜,我会收她手机,罚你们一天不能说话再犯,就两天不能说话!不信可以试试看.  如果是后边操控的男孩子在跟她拖延,让她熬夜,嘿嘿嘿嘿,总策划,可不可以试着来个新的排列组合bourgeois ladyprinecess介绍给他们去聊,让Jackie早点睡觉,好吗?嘿嘿嘿(玩笑开大了) 亲爱的主席,88,那边的总策划太奇怪,太过分,既不让她和你们见面,建立深层稳固亲子关系,获得完整的爱,又让你们每天那么亲热,跟她情话绵绵到次日凌晨你们在安排人事的时候,不能优雅合理一点吗?多用有学过心理学背景的人吧像你们这样的团队去跟别人竞争在技术层面可能会胜比如说谁在信息网络获取信息比较有效了但在整个系统文化层面长久这样做会让人离心的如果人性不自然舒发那别人心生反感就会厌恶啊如果Jackie真是你的孩子,你会不心疼而让她熬夜吗?如果真是你的孩子,你会拒绝不想见,不拥抱她吗? 我的手机是被人操控的好多天前写的email, 今天才突然出现在我的邮箱里我不知道是哪一边干的,就像以前email时间被错置一样不知道这边总策划葫芦里卖的什么药,88, 他是要夺你所爱呀让你把 Louisa 让给他是吗?其实就我感觉, Louisa 早就红杏出墙啦回上海他们对我说 老姐,我们没有地方给你住,你自己去找地方,就前年的事儿啊,这么大一个上海,没地方给我住?我没啥对不起他们的干嘛这么对我?还去我住的学校宾馆羞辱我,到底谁干的?我又招惹谁了?


Dear President, 88, did you talk to Jackie again last night? I slept halfway, Jackie ran to the door cheerfully, "Mom, I'm going to take a bath and go to bed", I looked at the time,  It's almost  2:00 am in the morning, and I was very upset! What's more, she lay in the bed after taking a shower, and then she talked to you again! I went to her room to pick up her cell phone, and she said you stopped. I closed the door for a long time, and then I heard her say it again. I was furious and pressed my anger, and asked my dear chairman and 88, is it since the beginning of this year,  the general planner over there does not allow you to communicate with Jackie every day? Yesterday, you must have been very happy, so that she was still so excited, and still elated, wouldn't it be good to talk about it today? 88, are you deliberately neglected? One of you has a daughter, the other is a novice, do you not know that children have their own physiological ways? In your daytime, there is a lot of time, and older people do not need to sleep a lot, but children are not the same. For children to grow well, children must have enough sleep, because this can produce the hormones needed for growth . Before the child gets mature, you can't put too much pressure on her intelligence. If there is anything, then say it today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, no big deal! After all, there are holidays, and school will start in two days. I hope she can sleep more. If you really want to love Jackie, you should let her sleep on time. If you love her properly, it is beautiful, it is good for the children, not for keeping her up late, you two really do not understand the children,  bad old men! Or you take her as an opportunity to escape reality, really two poor big urchins. If she stays up like this again in the future, I will take her mobile phone and punish you for one day without talking. If you break the rule again, you can not speak for two days! If you don’t believe it, try it. If it ’s the boys behind you who were delaying with her letting her stay up late, hey hey hey, master planner, can you try to come up with a new arrangement, introduce them to Bourgeois ladies and princess to talk, let Jackie go to bed early, okay? Hey hey (joking) Dear President, 88, the master planner over there is too weird, too much, not only not let her meet with you to establish a deep and stable parent-child relationship and get complete love, but let you so affectionately with her every day talking till the next morning. When you are arranging meetings, can't you be more elegant and reasonable?  Use more people with a background in psychology. A team like yours may win on a technical level, such as who gets information on the information network is more effective. But it will be centrifugal for a long time in the cultural level of the entire system. If human nature is not naturally relaxed, people will be disgusted when they are not happy!  If Jackie is really your child, will you let her stay up late without suffering? If it was your child, would you refuse to see and hug her? My phone is controlled by someone. The email I wrote many days ago suddenly appeared in my mailbox today. I don’t know which side did it, just like the email time was misplaced before. I don’t know how to planner is thinking.  88, he wants to take what you love, and let you give Louisa to him? Actually, as far as I'm concerned, Louisa has been out of the wall for a long time. When I returned to Shanghai, they said to me, "Sister, we have no place for you to stay, you should find a place by yourself." Just like the year before last year, such a big Shanghai there was nowhere for me to stay? I'm sorry for them, why are you doing this to me? I went to the school hotel where they humiliated me. Who did it? Whom did I provoke again?






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