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已有 67 次阅读2021-7-21 23:20 |个人分类:全球化

俄国人的字典里只有领土扩张,没有引进人口的最好的办法就是改变俄国的法律,俄国以国家政策鼓励生育,可以钻法律空子给每一个俄国男人配多个太太  The Russian dictionary contains only territorial expansion and no introduction of population. The best way is to change the laws of Russia. Russia encourages fertility by state policy. It can drill legal holes for each Russian man with multiple wives.

虽然普京表面上如此强悍抗击西方美国,可是俄国骨子里还是认同西方的,俄国的政策也是两条腿走路的!跟你们以前规划一样哦!这次大选, 如果没有俄国的帮助川普是决然不能成功的看着你们和一群UN的同仁们欢庆一堂,是不是全球统一系统的基本结构已经建立了?那在这样情况下,还要两条腿走路吗?这有点消耗能量,就像一个做父亲的把养孩子和上床的女子分开对待,同床的只有现在的浪漫,没有养儿育女共同成长的坚实基础恐怕不会长久养育孩子的女人得不到完整的爱,孩子不在健全的家庭生长,生孩子的目的是啥呢?当然这是个人的事儿,如果后边有国家负担这都不是问题,我只是平心而论!俄国地大物博人口稀少,尤其是在亚洲的东部区域!对于他们来说,只要能够满足自己人口的需要就行,为什么要过于开发呢?而且冷的地方的人不想多生孩子,养儿育女是很辛苦的事俄国有那么多的资源,足够现在的人口过上好几代的好日子只是这个地球只有一个,这个地球是为人类更好生活的不只是让一部分人在某一个地域过好日子.  现在是不是条件成熟可以把以前分散的力量凝聚起来?那做事的效果也会更高些普京可以更开放一些,把俄國分成几个区,在适宜人居住发展的区引入更多人口来发展经济如果管控适当,俄国会更强大的,这样也分解全球某些人口发展不平均地区的人口过密压力.  只是俄国人从来不是这么想的,俄国人的字典里只有领土扩张,没有引进人口的最好的办法就是改变俄国的法律,俄国以国家政策鼓励生育,但是没有规定说这必须是同一对夫妇,所以可以钻法律空子给每一个俄国男人配多个太太,一个负责谈情说爱上床,另几个负责生孩子,再有一个专门负责带出去秀社交,只要国家出钱支持就可以选择不同地方的女生中国人阿拉伯人还是拉丁人欧洲人等等,比如在东亚的可以选择日本太太韩国太太和中国的太太,不光生孩子还可以把家人连拖带拽的移民过来在南部就找波斯人土耳其人阿拉伯人亚美尼亚人等等,那边人口就多起来那么多空旷的山地,需要有人去放牧去制作波斯地毯,多好!在靠近波罗的海地区就找欧洲人,德国那边够挤,法国还有难民,让人口去立陶宛,拉脱维亚,那儿有生存的空间有人了就有需要,有需要就会带动经济发展,自己家里的老婆是决然不会大闹事儿的因为老婆如果不高兴,出去别家也都这样!如果出走了还可以再找老婆,而且孩子们在老婆们的帮助下一起成长也比较健康!如果普京高兴,也可适当的地给女性这样的权利,why not


Although Putin is so powerful against the West  and United States on the surface, Russia still agrees with the West, and Russia's policy also walks on two legs! Same as you planned before! In this election, Trump cannot succeed without the help of Russia. Looking at you and a group of UN colleagues celebrating, has the basic structure of a global unified system been established? Is it still necessary to walk on both legs in this case? Is this a bit too energy-consuming, like a father who treats child-raising woman and  women sleep with separately? Woman who sleeps in bed  with  only has present romance, but she does not have a solid foundation for growing up with his children. I am afraid it will not last long. Woman who raises children do not get complete love, and the children do not grow up in a healthy family. What is the purpose of having child? Of course, this is a personal matter. If there is government supporting behind, this is not a problem. I just put it in fairness! Russia is vast and sparsely populated, especially in the eastern region in Asia! For them, as long as they can meet the needs of their own population, why over develop? And people in cold places don’t want to have more children. Raising children is very difficult. Russia has so many resources that it is enough for the current population to live for many generations. But there is only one planet, and this planet is for Human beings  better off, not only to let some people live a good life in a certain region. Is it now that conditions are mature and can the previously scattered power be united? so the effect of doing things will also be higher. Maybe Putin can be more open, divide Russia into several districts, and introduce more people to develop the economy in areas suitable for human living. If properly controlled, Russia will be stronger. This also breaks down the population overcrowding pressure in some regions with uneven population distribution around the world. However, the Russians never think so. In the Russian dictionary, there is only territorial expansion and no introduction of population. The best way is to change Russian law. Russia has a national policy to encourage fertility, but there is no stipulation that this must be the same couple, so it is possible to drill a legal loophole and assign multiple wives to each Russian man. One wive is for love and go to bed, and another is responsible for having children, even another is special for show when socializing, as long as the government pays and supports for it , then you can choose women from different places, Chinese, Arab, or Latin, European and so on. And not only let wives have children, but also allow immigrants to drag their families in together. If in the south area,  look for the Persians, Turks, Arabs, Armenians, etc., this will   increase population. There are so many empty land and mountains, need someone to graze cattle and sheep, to the production of Persian carpets, how good! Europeans can be found close to the Baltic Sea. Germany is crowded. France has refugees. Should allow the population to go to Lithuania and Latvia. There is room for survival there. Where there are people, there will be needs, and economic development will be driven by needs. His wife at home will never make trouble. Because if the wife is not happy, goes out to another house, it is the same! If she leaves, he can find another wife, and it is healthier for the children to grow up with the help of the wives! If Putin is happy, women can be given such rights appropriately, why not?






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