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已有 117 次阅读2021-7-20 23:14 |个人分类:全球化

经商的川普,需要一位光彩夺目的太太形象,那是为他的生意做广告加分  When doing business, Trump needs a glorious wife image, which is a bonus for advertising his business.

西方文化注重形象呢!有一次这边帮派的小头目邀请我去参加他们帮派的年终聚会,顺便是Date就可以省一顿饭钱又有面子!记得坐在主位高高在上是一个80岁左右的,个子不高的光头白人老头,他边上坐着一位比他还高的如花似玉的不到30岁的金发美女!她坐在边上搔首弄姿的,席间那些帮派分子,当然都是大老粗男人,都不停地偷偷地瞄那位美女!你看她的吸引力有多大! 花花公子的创始人80多岁,不是也娶了一位20多岁的兔女郎吗?所以西方文化尤其是经商的川普,需要一位光彩夺目的太太形象,那是为他的生意做广告加分的!嘿嘿嘿嘿 可是犹太人不是这样找老婆的,有,但不多,所以才羡慕嫉妒恨!他们比较有智慧你看Steven, Jeff, Jackie玩是一回事儿,真正过生活是另外一回事! Jackie那是花样繁多,简直就是在手心里捏她,好莱坞的人可不是徒有虚名的!哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗啊,结果她性格中养成习惯,如果觉得不顺眼她也开始逗别人!碰见亲爱的主席,88,结果大顽童跟她沆瀣一气玩在一起,不亦乐乎!亲爱的主席,88,她昨晚2:00才睡呢,那搞啥鬼,勿可以呵!她现在发育长身体,要多睡才行的!晚上不能超过12:00,我以后要cut。你们做爸爸不能这么自私的,孩子的身体和将来重要呢! 川普后面策划是任重道远,整个美国有很多东西需要重新adjust,而且是深层的!应该说整个美国民风比较保守的,很多人都在意识形态上有偏见的,要把这么多事情梳理清楚,要逐渐改变美国的产业结构,保持经济能够增长,始终维持美国在世界上的形象,我是有一点替川普担心的因为治国是要讲究科学的,象这样不停地兴风作浪,扰乱世界,浪费能量,对谁都没好处。这边总导是怎么想的呢?美国政府现任内阁成员都是大富翁,有一点不接地气的感觉拭目以待吧!现在来说说我的创意,你看普京和川普两个人是好哥们,Jackie告诉我,川普很喜欢普京于是我就有了奇想,这只是个人的开玩笑,是替爸爸报仇的,不要当真可不可以把普京模式和川普模式来一个综合,半年互换一下,反正是好朋友,还能保持新鲜感!Steven后面的总导,听了感觉怎么样,你是不是也想试试?再,还可以加上,嗯嗯嗯嗯,世界头号巨富比尔盖茨模式,眨眨眼睛,不知道你们觉得怎么样?川普会喜欢吗?哦对了,我觉得我的体型跟川普有点像,跳拉丁和肚皮舞挺适合的,亲爱的主席,88,如果你们同意,川普愿意,我可以volunteer一周几次跟他一起跳Zumba, 我不保证他能把大肚子消掉,但一定会跳出来肚皮舞娘的性感优美曲线,一年不到就可以了那下次你们集会,他是不是又多了一个保留节目?于是我开始想象,让我笑得合不拢嘴,跳舞有益健康哦!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 如果川普采纳了我的建议,这是要收钱的,$1000,在商言商!亲爱的主席,88,请多多说服川普!


Western culture pays more attention to image too! Once a little leader of a gang invited me to the year-end party of their gang. The same time , it was a date that  it could save a meal and save his face! I remember sitting in the main seat high was an 80-year-old, bald white old man who was not tall. Next to him was a beautiful blond girl under 30 who was taller than him! She sat on the side, posing in various wonderful poses.  Of course, the gang members, were all strong men, and they kept secretly looking at the beauty! You see how attractive she was! The founder of Playboy in his 80s, didn't he also marry a Bunny in her 20s? So Western culture, especially Trump, who is a businessman, needs a glorious wife image, which is a bonus for advertising his business! Hey, hey, but the Jews don't find their wives like this. Yes, there is, but not many, so they are envious! They are more intelligent. Look at Steven, Jeff, and it ’s one thing to tease Jackie, yet real life is another thing! They teased Jackie with so many tricks, it was almost like pinching her in their palms.  Hollywood people are not ignorant! "Where there is oppression, there is resistance." As a result, she develops a habit in her character. If she feels uncomfortable, she will also tease others back! She met dear chairman, 88, and the big naughty boys were playing with her "the same kind", so happy!  Dear President, 88, she only slept at 2:00am last night. What the hell are you doing? She is now growing her body and needs to sleep more! It can't be more than 12:00 pm at night, I will cut it later. You can’t be so selfish as a father. Your child ’s health and future are more important! The planner behind Trump has a long way to go. There are many things throughout the United States that need to be readjusted, and they are at a deep level! It should be said that the folk customs of the entire United States are relatively conservative, and many people are ideologically biased. It is necessary to sort out so many things, gradually change the industrial structure of the United States, maintain economic growth, and always maintain the image of the United States in the world. I am a bit worried for Trump. Because governing the country is about science, it is not good for anyone to make waves, disrupt the world, and waste energy. What do the master planner think? The current cabinet members of the U.S. government are all business tycoons, and they feel a little out of touch. Wait and see! Now let ’s talk about my creativity. You see that Putin and Trump are good buddies. Jackie told me that Trump loves Putin. So I had a whimsy. This is just a personal joke. It is a revenge for 88. Do not be too serious. I was wondering if you could combine Putin's model with Trump's model and exchange them in half a year. Anyway, they are good friends and still keep their freshness! The planner behind Steven, how do they feel after listening, do they also want to try it? Furthermore, you can also add, uh uh uh, the world's number one billionaire Bill Gates mode, wink, don't know what do you think? Will Trump like it? Oh, by the way, I think my body shape is a bit like Trumps. Latin and belly dancing are very suitable. Dear President, 88, if you agree, Trump is willing, I can volunteer to dance Zumba with him several times a week, I can't guarantee that he can eliminate the big belly, but he will definitely jump out of the sexy and graceful curve of belly dancers. It will be less than a year! Then next time you meet, will he have another reserved performance? So I started imagining that it makes me laugh so loud. That dancing is good for health! Hahahahahahahaha If Trump accepted my suggestion, this would cost him $ 1000, in business talks business! Dear President, 88, please persuade Trump!






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