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已有 54 次阅读2021-7-20 23:09 |个人分类:全球化

功能是一回事啊,优雅是另外一回事  Function is one thing, elegance is another.

也许是圣诞节,社区中心跳Zumba 的人多起来了,基本都是胖胖的拉丁大妈,偶尔一两个瘦的,偶尔一两个华人,很少年轻人年轻的亚洲人会比较fit, 但一看就是学理工的当热情奔放的拉丁音乐和带旋转的中东音乐响起来,这些大妈完全变了样!也许从小受音乐熏陶,有些肥妈身体比例不错,就是宽了一点,但跳起舞来有板有眼,节奏分明,身段优美,拉丁韵味十足的,把我看呆了!真的不动不知道,一跳风情全出来了!我会跳也跟得上拍子,而且越来越享受,老师说我跳得不错!我知道就是还少那么一点拉丁和肚皮舞的性感魅力!嘿嘿嘿嘿 我发现拉丁舞扭肱部和肚皮舞的不一样拉丁舞扭的时候,比较轻松放肆,而且要用力左右移动摆幅大!而肚皮舞动作比较精细,移动更优美平顺是带旋转的扭,在某一拍出胯幅度特别大而就是那一特别的颤抖,那一曲线的动感撩拔,我穿跳肚皮舞有许多悬着的珠子的衣服一转全部都飞起来,所以才那么性感吸引人!比较起来芭蕾就不食人间烟火,少那么一点让人心动发痒的魅力昨天我们和弟弟一起在中餐馆吃饭,所有人拿筷子都是三个指头为主夹菜吃只有Jackie是用手握着筷子的,于是我就指正她,拿筷子的方式错了!结果,她向我送了一连串白眼以后,“momlook...” 于是她伸出手,稳稳地在盘里夹了一块核桃虾,得意洋洋送进嘴里!然后给了我一篇教训 “ chopsticks are for picking up foods, mom, u see, I have no problem using chopsticks, why should I have to be the same way as others...." 于是又夹了一块稳稳地往嘴里塞我根本没有办法反驳她,我想不出来怎么说,一句话没有!塞心啊,真真气不平!亲爱的主席,88,她平时跟你们讲话是不是也这样堵你们的嘴呀,还是这么短平快讲话方式是从你们那儿学来的!我想了半天才回过神,功能是一回事啊,优美是另外一回事拿筷子跟别人不一样,如果在中国的大环境下多别扭啊,别人一定看不顺眼的! 我想,如果大家都知道Jackie,顺带也会知道我吧?我虽然不是大美女,最近跳了Zumba很多以前的衣服居然又能穿了!但我眼睛大大的,不戴眼镜化妆起来也应该可以的!如果我出面向大家喊话为你们做宣传,心想大概还是有一定市场的吧?那些看了我那么多短文的人应该也喜欢听我开口,说几句正经笑话的吧?我应该是什么形象啊?请给我一个机会吧! 女孩子体力上不如男生,但在智能上不见得!现在通讯工具可以让人在家里面就可以工作!对了,总导,如果办教育先要设计一个模式,我可以参与帮着设计吗?成功了向全球推广就可以了!还有,如果要在欧洲找一个第一线的会多种语言的可以和外界沟通交涉的人,应该已经有candidate了吧?我相信很多欧洲人都qualify, 可以做玲妈妈的助手!88,请让孩子睡觉前要多听听古典音乐,养成习惯容易入睡,也对脑子发育好.


Maybe it ’s Christmas. There are more people dancing Zumba in the community center, basically they are fat Latin aunts, occasionally one or two skinny, occasionally one or two Chinese people, very few young people. Young Asians are more fit. But at a glance, you can tell they are in science and engineering. When passionate Latin music and revolving Middle Eastern music comes up, these aunts are completely different! Maybe they have been influenced by music since young. Some fat moms have good body proportions, just a little wider, but they have  postures,  clear rhythms,  beautiful figures, and  full Latin charms, all the flair comes out! I am stund! I can dance and keep up with the beat, and I enjoy more and more. The teacher says that I dance well! I know that there is still less sexy charm of Latin and belly dancing! Hey, hey, hey, I find that the Latin dance twist is different from the belly dance. When the Latin dance twists, it ’s easier and more arbitrary. And the hips have to be moved hard to the left and right, the swing is large! In comparison, ballet is not worldly, and has a little less appealing sexual charm. Yesterday we ate at a Chinese restaurant with my brother. Everyone took chopsticks to eat food with three fingers. Only Jackie was holding chopsticks with whole hands!Yes, so I corrected her, "The way you hold the chopsticks is wrong!" As a result, after she sent me a series of eye white,  "mom,  look ..." So she reached out her hand and clamped a piece of shrimp firmly on the plate, she proudly put it in her mouth! Then gave me a lesson "chopsticks are for picking up foods, mom, you see, I have no problem using chopsticks, why should I have to be the same way as others ...." So she clipped another piece of shrimp, steadily shoved into her mouth. I could not refute her at all, I couldn't think of how to say it, no word! Blocked my mouth, I was so angry! Dear President, 88, does she usually talk to you to block your mouths like this, or did she learn from you in such a short flat quick” straight forward way? It took me a long time to understand that function is one thing, and elegance is another. If she holds chopsticks differently from others, if she is awkward in the Chinese environment, others must not look at it pleasingly! I think if everyone knows Jackie, by the way everyone will know me, right? Although I am not a big beauty, I have recently danced a lot of Zumba, and my old clothes can be worn again! But my eyes are big and I should look good without makeup! If I shout loud  and advertise for you, I think there is still a certain market, right? Those who read so many my essays should also like to listen to  a few of my serious jokes? What image should I have? Please give me a chance! Girls are physically inferior to boys, but not necessary intelligently! Communication tools now allow people to work from home! By the way, planner, if you need to design a model for education, can I help design it? Once it is successful, it can be promoted to the world! Also, if you are looking for a front-line person in Europe who speaks multiple languages ​​and can communicate with the outside world, you should already have a candidate? I believe that many Europeans qualify and can be Ling mamas assistants! 88. Please let your child listen to classical music before going to bed. It will be easy for them to fall asleep. If you develop a habit, it is also good for your child's brain development.






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