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已有 146 次阅读2021-7-18 23:26 |个人分类:领袖精英


Dec 23, 2016 at 10:49 PM


Jackie又要我写普京.   我想普京太疼爱他的女儿们了,他和他后面的策划把小儿子藏的那么严实,是为了不让儿子掩盖他姐姐们的光芒吧!  我开个玩笑,普京后面有强大势力替他安排,我无语亲爱的主席,彭妈妈,为什么你们那么希望明泽找一个犹太人做女婿?风险很大的呢!也许中国人更稳定的那位总导把Jackie拉进这个群,尤其恳请亲爱的主席和88,满怀爱意每天跟 Jackie有月下之盟,一年多来,天天这样让我感动,让我哭泣你们陪伴她教育她,看着她成长,更鼎立推举她,让她站在全世界的领袖面前,为亲爱的主席,88,为中国人展示才艺。要么是有没法用语言表达的真心,非常爱我和Jackie的, 要么是用我和Jackie来扰乱你们生活的如果是前者,总导啊,你如此爱我们,那为啥你自己不接收我们哪?为什么要把我们推给88呢?你不知道他已经是被安排了的呢?如果你不只是一个人,却又为什么不让我跟亲爱的主席,88,直接交流呢?如果你是要扰乱主席,88他们生活,为什么要让他们对Jackie这么好而收服我的心,让我对88钟情感恩呢?所以又觉得不像总导告诉我吧,不要让我做闷在鼓里的人呢! 亲爱的主席,88,你们后面的总导,在两三年前寻找代孕母亲的时候,想来应该早就有一个计划,也有很强的像普京那样的政治功能性在里面吗?88,为什么要这么迟才来做这件事,就像很早以前不让周琪和你在一起一样,时机不对,整个人生完全不一样!代孕妈妈是有婚姻的,而能备用的情人,会说法语的,长腿的,无儿无女的,没有婚姻的,会打手鼓的也早就找好了啥意思啊?我说的对吗? 88,是你默许的就像普京一样,是被安排的呢!但那位爱Jackie的总策划人,想给你和你的孩子,一个不一样的未来,因为你需要一个对外面世界了解的,有国际实际经验的,象Jackie这样一口流利美式英文,一弹琴所向无敌捕获人心的人,来辅助你,也许是另一层的政治功能吧,所以也把我们拉进来了是这么回事儿吗?


Jackie asked me to write about Putin again. I think Putin loves his daughters too much. He and the planner behind him hid his younger son  so secretly so as not to let his son cover up the light of his "sisters"! I'm kidding. Putin has powerful forces behind him to arrange for him. I'm speechless. Dear Chairman, Peng mama, why do you want Mingze to find a Jewish son-in-law so much? Risky! Maybe the Chinese are more stable. The planner pulled Jackie into this group, especially sincerely asking dear Chairman and 88, with love, to have a  alliance under the moon with Jackie every day. For more than a year, I have been moved by this every day, let me cry. You accompany her to educate her, watch her grow, and stand up for her. Let her stand in front of the leaders of the world and show her talents for the dear chairman, 88, for Chinese. Either there is a sincere heart that can’t be expressed in words and loves me and Jackie very much, or it ’s disturbing Chairman and 88s lives with me and Jackie. If it ’s the first, master planner, you love us so much, why don’t you accept us? Why push us to 88? Don't you know he was already arranged? If you are not alone, why not let me communicate directly with  dear chairman, 88? If you want to disturb the chairman and 88  their lives, why should you let them be so good to Jackie and conquer my heart, and let me be affectionate for 88? So I don’t feel like it. The planner told me, don’t let me be blind! Dear President, 88, the master planner behind you, when looking for a surrogate mother two or three years ago, should have come up with a plan, and also has a strong political functionality like Putin? 88, why do you have to do this so late, just like Zhou Qi was not allowed to be with you long ago. When the timing is wrong, the whole life is completely different! The surrogate mother has a marriage, and your spare lover who can speak French, have long legs, have no children, have no marriage, can play tambourine, and have been found already. What do you mean? Am I right? 88, you acquiesced. Just like Putin, it is arranged! But the chief planner who loves Jackie wants to give you and your children a different future, because you need a person who knows the outside world and has international practical experience. She is fluent in American English like Jackie and plays the piano with invincible person who captures the human heart, to assist you. May be another level of political function, so it has also drawn us in. Is this the case?






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