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已有 103 次阅读2021-7-12 00:01 |个人分类:领袖精英

改变现有教育系统,服装工业,女性生涯  Changing existing education systems, clothing industry, women's careers


也想跟Ivanka合作,做高科技的时装设计和形象设计那可是一个大工程,不过如做得好那可是一个很有前途的事业呢,是时装的革命,改变人们着衣的整个过程.  我也想跟复旦国际政治系类似的单位合作,把国内的这方面的学术单位,研究单位,智库联合起来,专门为女孩子们创造条件,让国外的政治家们来讲课,让这些女孩子们出去实习真的并不是所有的顶层人物只喜欢能歌善舞颜值高的女孩子而且国外并没有这些单位,培养不出那么多有国际观的女孩子,而她们的背景素质是能够帮这些人士事业成功的.  有好多好多想法,梦有可能成真吗?每天呢,每天啊,Jackie跟你们有没完没了的话,嘻嘻哈哈一直到深夜你们在她生活里了,一直走下去了亲爱的主席,我是你的亲戚,因为你是突厥人,Jackie也是,有血缘关系的,是不是?


I also want to cooperate with Ivanka to do high-tech fashion design and image design. That is a big project, but if done well, it is a promising career. It is a fashion revolution that changes the whole process of people's clothing industry. I want to cooperate with similar units as the International Political Department of Fudan University, and unite domestic academic units, research units and think tanks in this area to create conditions specifically for girls, let foreign politicians give lectures, and let these girls go out Internship. Not all top characters really like only girls who can sing and dance with high appearance. And there are no such units abroad, and they can’t train so many girls with an international outlook, and girls background qualities can help these people have succeeded in their careers. With so many ideas, can my dreams come true? Every day, every day, if Jackie and you are endless talking, hey hehe till late at night, you are in her life and keep going. Dear Chairman, I am your relative, because you are a Turkic person, and Jackie is also related, isn't it? 






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