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已有 179 次阅读2021-6-18 22:38 |个人分类:创意

新颖的娱乐方式可以增加更多主动的成分,可以培训和教育比自己年青一代的动手能力,发展智力上的创造能力  Innovative entertainment can add more active ingredients, train and educate younger generation of hands-on ability to develop intellectual creativity

可是美洲以外的孩子也想体验也想过过瘾啊,尤其是几十亿的在亚洲的孩子们Jackie说,上海迪士尼才开张没几天,盈利就已经近9亿美金了那谁都想去那边开娱乐主题公园呢你看有文化的附加值的娱乐业,利润高得吓人!文化的附加值来自于创意呀,我最会给创意了,为啥不用我呀? 其实无论是环球影城和Disneyland,其实都只是以物理,机械运动,地球引力场,人体的平衡器官与之互动所产生的感受为主体的,以文化环境,创意卡通人物和情景设计,为外面包装的娱乐设施王健林做的,就是改换包装,以中国的文化为外延,保持一样的科技实体内涵 任何一个产品,从研发出来到被大众接受,从市场收取利润到被大众厌倦,到被新的产品所替代,都是有一个周期的迪士尼的科技已经快一百年了,在美国已经被广泛接受,而且所能收获的市场利润有限,而如果向亚洲及其他第三世界人口众多国家推广,还是很有一批利润可以赚的 这是科技在娱乐界的市场推广赚取利润过去30年,中国在这方面是做得是非常成功的,用拿来的科技在人口众多的市场推广现在更是名正言顺,大权在握,合法合理地在全球展开!原创者高兴,推广者高兴,享用者高兴!只是中国一直想处于这种位置吗?聪明的亚洲人,聪明的全球新一代,不想有更多的创意创建更新颖的娱乐方式? 新颖的娱乐方式可以让人们在娱乐的同时,让孩子们在被动享受的同时,可以增加更多主动的成分,可以有一个质的提高,可以培训教育比自己年青一代的动手能力,发展智力上的创造能力比如现在的VR,遥控机器人,可不可以有一个大型游戏?它可以远距离操作的,需要团体智慧的,既有实体又有VR或者在娱乐的不同层次,对娱乐的不同年龄组,对不同文化的娱乐享受大众,寓教于乐,设计不同的文化产品来满足广大的消费者需要现在Jackie都已经不太愿意去迪士尼和环球影城,甚至包括海上公园她更愿意去全世界看文化古迹和风景把环球影城建在上海,是不是还有其他的意义?那要恭喜了!

But children outside the Americas also want to experience and have fun, especially the billions of children in Asia. By Jackie, Shanghai Disneyland opened only a few days, the profit is nearly 0.9 billion US dollars? Then every one wants to go there to open an entertainment theme park. You see the cultural value-added entertainment industry, the profits are scary! The added value of culture comes from the ideas, I am so good at giving the most creative ideas, why not using me? In fact, both Universal Studios and Disneyland are only the physical, mechanical movement, the Earth's gravitational field, the feelings of the human body's balance organs as the main object, and with the cultural environment, creative cartoon characters and scene design as the outer packaging entertainment facilities.  What Wang Jianlin does is to change the outfit packaging, to add Chinese culture as the extension with the same technology entity. Any product, from research and development to acceptance by the public, from the market to collect profits, to be tired of the public, and then replaced by new products, has a market cycle. Disney's technology has been on market for almost a hundred years, in the United States it has been widely accepted, and the market profits that can be harvested more are limited. If it is promoted to Asia and other third world populous countries, there is still a lot of profit space. This is the promotion of technology in the entertainment industry market to gain profit. In the past 30 years, China has done very successful in this area, using the technology promotion in the populated market, now it is more justifiable, powerful, and legally and globally! The original creators are happy, the promoters are happy, and the users are happy! Is China only always thinking of being in this position? Smart Asians, smart global new generation, don't they want to have more ideas to create newer ways of entertainment? The novel entertainment method allows people to enjoy more active ingredients while having the passive entertainment. It can have a qualitative improvement and can train and educate the younger generation hands-on ability to develop intellectual creativity. For example, VR, remote control robot. Can you have a big game? It can be operated from a distance, requires group wisdom, both physical and VR. Or at different levels of entertainment, for different age groups, for the enjoyment of different cultures, entertaining and designing different cultures products to meet the needs of the vast number of consumers. Now Jackie is not willing to go to Disneyland nor Universal Studios, even including the Sea World. She is more willing to go to the world to see culture, monuments and scenery. Building Universal Studios in Shanghai, is there any other meaning? Congratulations!






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