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已有 186 次阅读2021-6-18 22:28 |个人分类:全球化

我是听讲各个国家的事情长大的,我以为别人家里也是这样不是这样的外国人尤其不关心国际政治    I grew up listening to things in various countries. I thought that others are like this at home. This is not the case. Foreigners are especially concerned about international politics.

Oct 28, 2016 at 10:36 PM

我从小就听过很多国家的名字,听爸爸讲与这些国家有关的历史和故事  I have heard the names of many countries since I was a child, listening to my father talking about history and stories of  these countries.

亲爱的主席, 88,每天看你们和世界级的领袖们交流,于是就想起了自己小时候偶尔复旦的老师们会到我们家来,跟爸爸讨论系里面的事情因为妈妈也是复旦毕业的,所以老是听爸爸妈妈嘴巴里讲刘星汉王兆国,祝启秀什么的,因为国内工作比较稳定,他们一作就是几十年,所以系里面的政治翻来覆去也就是这几个人更有很多时候会听爸爸跟他们讲起,凡尔赛条约,雅尔塔会议,讲斯大林、丘吉尔、罗斯福,反正就是他记得滚瓜烂熟的近代史可是我怎么也没办法把这些会议和条约用一根线串联起来所以心底里非常佩服我爸爸有时候我跟爸爸一起去复旦看见那些老师们,那个时候Wang还没去复旦呢,觉得那些老师都一本正经的,no fun, 只有跟爸爸去食堂吃饭的时候看见那些年轻的帅哥美姐,我就有一种想象,长大了也想跟他们那样读好大学,象他们那样青春焕发我从小就听过很多国家的名字,听爸爸讲与这些国家有关的历史和故事我没有Jackie现在这么好的机会条件,可以和各国的领袖直接连线,听他们讲话介绍自己的国家和文化!88,托您大神的福,亲你一下,让她如此超凡地接触这个世界!我小时候很喜欢跟这些国家连在一起的地理,记忆深刻的.  这边美国学校教育不怎么样,尤其对世界历史不怎么关心,对其他国家的文化也没有阐述美国学校是直到初中才开始加码学科,可还没有教地理,数学还在教中国初一的内容我象Jackie这样的时候已经学物理化学了.  我就是这么听讲各个国家的事情长大的,我以为别人家里也是这样子的,我以为外国人尤其是有教育的外国人对国际事情应该是很了解的哈!我错了,其实不是这样的外国人尤其不关心国际政治我以前的瑞典老公还没结婚的时候嘲笑我,因为我连最基本的巴赫的练习曲都不会弹,我基本上看不懂五线谱我发现北欧人看世界有一种傲慢,北欧人太少了,太遥远了太隔绝了,他们想往美国的现代化的热闹我以前交的哈佛男朋友很骄傲地告诉我,他在哈佛时候一个星期要看近100个投资案例,而且当时他同时拥有六个女朋友!感受到美国人是会玩资本的,老手们在资本的翻云覆雨中赚钱犹太老律师告诉我,大陆来的人是理想主义者,天马行空乱想什么道义.  犹太人对投资存款房地产有他们自己一套理财理论,是几千年积累下来的家教,有很多地方处事非常有智慧比如犹太人到一个地方除了礼拜堂就先建学校和医院,觉得犹太人的礼拜堂提供了很好的社交和信息交流于是我发现原来外国人不怎么了解国际政治的,尤其美国人对其他国家历史文化基本上是一无所知的我对自己说,我可不想我的孩子这样子,但我非常希望孩子能去看这个大千世界,从各个文化中吸取养分和智慧我感觉到,还是外来的非美国人比较有知识文化和经验.

Dear President, 88, I see you communicate with world-class leaders every day, so I remembered that when I was a child, occasionally Fudan’s teachers would come to our house to discuss things with Dad. Because my mother also graduated from Fudan University, I always listened to my parents talking about Liu Xinghan, Wang Zhaoguo, Zhu Qixiu, because domestic work was relatively stable, they had been working for decades, so the politics in the department were just a few people. More often, I would listen to Dad discuss the Treaty of Versailles with them, Yalta meeting, telling Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, anyway, he remembered the   modern history what he was most  familiar. But I couldn't connect these meetings and treaties in a time line. So I really admire my father in my heart. Sometimes I went to Fudan with Dad to see other teachers. At that time, Wang  hadn’t been to Fudan yet. I thought those teachers were too serious, no fun. I only saw those young handsome and pretty students when I went to the cafeteria, then I expected when I grew up, I wanted to go good university to study like them. to be as youthful as they were. I have heard the names of many countries since I was a child, listening to my father’s telling me history and stories about these countries. I don’t have such a good opportunity and conditions as Jackie, who can connect directly with leaders of various countries and listen to them introducing their countries and culture!  88, thank you for your blessings, kiss you, let her be so extraordinary in contact with the world! When I was a child, I liked the geography associating with these countries. The education in American schools is not very good, especially the world history is not very concerned. There is not much explanation about the culture of other countries either. American schools did not begin adding academic courses and homework load until junior high school,  still have not taught geography, mathematics is still teaching the contents of first grade of Chinese junior high school. I have studied physical chemistry at the age of Jackie already. I was just growing up listening to my father’s story about various countries, I thought others were the same at home. I thought foreigners, especially foreigners with education  should be familiar with international affairs. Ha! I was wrong, this is not the case. Foreigners especially do not care about international politics. My ex Swedish husband laughed at me before I was married, because I couldn’t even play the most basic Bach Etude. I basically couldn’t understand the staff. I found that the Nordic people have a kind of arrogance in viewing the world. The Nordic people are too few, too far away, too isolated, they want to go to the noisy modern United States. My ex Harvard boyfriend told me proudly that when he was at Harvard, he had to study nearly 100 investment cases a week, and at the time he had six girlfriends at the same time! I feel that Americans know how to play capital, are veterans making money in capital turmoils. Jewish lawyer  tells me that  people from the mainland are idealists, and they think about morality. Jews have their own set of financial theory for investment, deposits, and real estate. They are lessons accumulated over thousands of years. There are many places when they deal with things are very wise. For example, Jews came to a new place, besides setting up synagogue, schools and hospitals must be set up with first priority. I feel that the Jewish synagogue provides a good social and information exchange place. So I found out that foreigners don’t know much about international politics, especially Americans. They are basically ignorant of other countries’ history and culture. I said to myself, I don't want my child to be like this, but I very much hope that she can go to see this big world and learn nutrients and wisdom from various cultures. I feel that it is still foreign non-Americans have more knowledge, culture and experience.






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