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已有 70 次阅读2021-6-17 22:28 |个人分类:中国

韩红形象没有适合的包装  Singer Han Hong does not have suitable image wrapping

给她穿的演出衣服,平淡无奇让她显得更臃肿,还给她穿属于男生的制服,让她穿长裤或男士的中山装等等,这根本是搞错!一个好的时装设计师或好的形象设计师是不会这样去做的以前看很多的油画,很多丰满的古代妇人,当她们穿上闪亮的裙装时是如此得高贵典雅,就感觉有一片光辉笼罩在她们身上,从脸上发出的气质和这些衣服交相辉映,每一个都有特别的气场和和谐的感觉在韩红身上,大多数时候感受不到那种光辉,只有她的歌声令人印象深刻在犹太人多的礼拜堂里,每次做礼拜时候都会有许多妇人穿着整齐和大家一起聚会大家都有常识,犹太妇人是比较丰满的,因为他们吃的好,也不太运动,那些妇人所穿的衣服像互相竞美一样,得体漂亮她们虽然不是以前油画中的王公贵族妇人,但是她们知道怎么打扮出彩!她们穿的都是裙子,各种各样的,还戴好看的裙子和帽子韩红的脸不难看的,但是她的团队不知道怎么包装她,完全无视她的个人性格和气质而这才是她有别于旁人的像玉一样纯净的温润闪亮的品质,她却被包装成不伦不类我想韩红只是其中之一吧,因为她让人印象深刻觉得国内舞台应该多一点类型,这样才正常我不知道这后面谁是策划? 如果是美国这边的人操控中国的文宣,那当然他们是不伦不类,邪恶乖张,张冠李戴,搞不清状况,令人作呕的!像这次国内的长征纪录片,放白灵这样子的失魂露三点妖精,赤身裸体站在纪念红军长征毛主席和其他红军战士雕像面前,或者出现在其他有纪念意义的地方,以比维加斯上空秀更空的姿态来拍照,那是存心来搅局恶俗的吧?像上次国内有一个小孩子的表演秀,一位大连的中英混血女孩子在最后结束的时候,居然残忍地用大连话说,用脚狠狠踩在碎玻璃上!” 那真是神经答错了,应该用玻璃给她放放血才不会胡言乱语吧?如果是中国那边的人,那我只能说审美和艺术修养差了好一点,境界低了一点! 中国文艺最近放的维吾尔族歌曲藏族歌曲专辑,那些演员服装和歌声多美!让很多看惯了一式一样的小鲜肉小美女们,听厌了一式一样没有经过训练的歌喉唱的歌,一式一样没有特别节奏和动人旋律的歌,突然让人更耳目一新! 我在想这么多年,难道没有人可以试着把藏族高亢的歌声,和蒙古人的低沉呼麦合在一起唱,把维吾尔族的动态歌舞和江南小调情感连在一起?艺术都是相通的,优美顺畅的音乐是和优美典雅的服装连在一起的,希望中国人在这些领域能够提升. 88,他们说你可能不能入常,什么是入常?入不入对你重要吗?Jackie有影响到你吗?


The costumes she wore, the plainness made her look more bloated, and she also wore the uniforms belonging to the boys, even let her wear trousers or men's tunic suits, etc. This is a big mistake! A good fashion designer or a good image designer will not do this. I used to see a lot of oil paintings. Many plump ancient women were so noble and elegant when they put on shiny dresses. I felt a radiance shrouded on them and the temperament from their faces and these beautiful clothes shine with each other, each has a special feeling and a sense of harmony. From the wearing of Han Hong, most people do not feel the brilliance, only her singing is impressive. In the Jewish synagogue, every week there are many women dressed neatly to gather. Everyone has common sense that Jewish women are fuller, because they eat well and are not very athletic. They  wear  beautiful clothes like competing with each other. They are beautiful. Although they are not the princesses nor nobles as in the previous oil paintings, yet they know how to dress up!  They wear skirts, all kinds of dresses and hats that look good. Singer Han Hong’s face is not ugly, but her team doesn’t know how to wrap her, completely ignoring her personal character and temperament. It is she who is different from other people, with pure and warm quality like jade, but she is wrapped into a nondescript. I think singer Han Hong is just one of them, as she is more impressive. I think on domestic stage there should be a little more various types. This is normal. I don't know who is manager behind this? If the people on the US side control China's propaganda, then of course they are nondescript, evil and arrogant, messed up, can't figure out the situation, it is disgusting! Like this domestic Long March documentary, Bai Lin is like a three-pointed goblin, standing naked in front of Chairman Mao and other Red Army soldiers to commemorate the Red Army’s Long March statue, or appearing in other commemorative places, taking pictures in a pose with less clothes than in Vegas, it’s a deliberate attempt to spoil the evil show? Like in China  in a talent show last time, a Chinese-British mixed-race girl from Dalian ended up speaking cruelly using the Dalian dialect  "step on the broken glass with your feet!" It’s really the brain that is wrongly set up. Shouldn’t the glass be used to give out her blood, so that it won’t be gibberish?  If it is a person from China, then I can only say that his aesthetics and artistic accomplishment is worse, and the realm is lower! Chinese literary and art” program recently released Uighur songs, Tibetan song album, those actors costumes and songs are so beautiful! Let a lot of  audiences who are accustomed to the same style of young handsome  boys and beautiful girls, listen to songs sung in the same way by voices that have not been trained,  songs with same feelings without special rhythm and moving melody, suddenly feel more refreshed! I have been thinking for so many years, is it  no one can try to sing the songs of the Tibetan high-pitch and the low Mongolian Tuvan throat singing, and connect the dynamic songs and dances of the Ulghurs with the emotions of the Jiangnan minors folk songs? Art is all the same, beautiful and smooth music is associated with beautiful and elegant clothing, I hope that Chinese people can improve in these areas. 88, they said that you may not be able to enter the Standing Committee, what is the entry? Isn't entry important to you? Does Jackie give you trouble? 






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