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已有 43 次阅读2021-6-17 22:22 |个人分类:全球化

对非法移民要区别对待  Treat illegal immigrants differently

能够创造就业机会的,除了每个人必须的有限的生存需要所行成的市场,真正能够开创科技就业前景的是需要有创新,有新的不同于以往的高科技而创造和高科技的研发是需要有一定的知识背景的,从研发到出成果,到实际的应用,还有一段长长的距离我们都知道,一个团队里边只要有一两个极端聪明的人带领大家朝前走就好,队员不一定要多出类拔萃美国现在的经济结构大多数是服务业啊,是没有多少附加价值的人口的数量有限服务也有限,美国要发展经济增加就业,那就需要有聪明的人,开创新的产业,研发新的科技那不是那批非法移民能够胜任的,也不是大多数的拉丁裔具有的知识背景能够胜任的! 同时,这是美国政府的政治政策与上帝相违背的地方,有那么多聪明的来美国留学的或从世界各地来的人才,美国却不能给他们机会让他们发展,不给他们身分,不给他们工作机,甚至拒绝国外的投资我见很多才华出众的年轻人,到美国来留学,毕业了却找不到工作,找到工作也跟他们的才能不相配我们这些人只能一直做最低端的,很狭隘的一部分,甚至明明知道上面的设计有错误可是我知道公司里边做工的那些人,很多都是素质不怎么样的,就像我们军工单位里那位拉丁裔第二代总设计师,哼!你们问我怎么对待非法移民,我想应该看看这边的工作机会,以及所需要的人才,应该对非法移民进行一些考核,如果这些非法移民有些能够适应这些工作,那就留他们下来如果不行,看他们能不能有进修空间,有就去进修,如果实在没有那么多机会给他们,那就应该回去我觉得川普拿去建墙的钱还不如用来做教育如果有钱去解决那一大批非法移民,还不如投资创造就业或者更多地接收高等教育毕业的留学生呢同时对已经有工作的群体也应该进行一些考核,不合格的应该让他们走路应该多给那些国外来的有才华的人机会,因为他们有多种文化背景会比较有创造力而且科技方面的人才,他们的基础都是非常扎实严谨,比美国教育制度培养出来的人要有实力最关键的我觉得美国要改变政策,要择才而用,而不是用族裔来平均机会如果对某些基础差的族裔,在其内部可以实行平均主义,在社会上可以预留一小部分机会,但真正的决定性的部门,非用人唯才不可不然就是沐猴而冠,会是国家的灾难.


The ability to create jobs, in addition to the market formed by limited survival needs of everyone,  to truly create a career in science and technology that requires innovation and new high-tech, that is different from the past. It is necessary to have a certain background of knowledge, from research and development to results, to practical applications, there is still a long distance. We all know that as long as one or two extremely intelligent people in a team can lead everyone to move forward, the team members do not have to be too outstanding. The current economic structure of the United States is mostly service industry, and there is not much added value. The population is limited and the services are limited. If the United States wants to develop the economy and increase employment, then it needs smart people, new industries, and new technologies. It is not the illegal immigrants, nor the majority of Latin can take the lead!  At the same time, this is where the political policy of the US government is contrary to God. There are so many talented people who come to study in the United States or come from all over the world. The United States cannot give them the opportunity to let them develop, not to give them identity, not to give them work, and even refuse to invest from abroad. I see a lot of talented young people who come to the United States to study, but they can't find a job after graduation, or finding a job doesn't match their talents. They can only do the lowest, the end part, a very narrow parteven know that the above design is wrong. But I know that many of the people working in the company are not very good quality, just like the Latino second generation chief designer in our military unit, hehe! You ask me how to treat illegal immigrants. I think you should look at the job opportunities here and the talents you need. You should conduct some assessments of illegal immigrants. If some of these illegal immigrants can adapt to these jobs, then keep them. No, see if they can have room for improving. If they have, they will go to school. If there are not so many opportunities for them, then they should go back. I think that the money that Trump took to build the wall is not as good as put in education. If there is money to solve the problem of a large number of illegal immigrants, it is better to invest in creating more jobs or to receive more international students who graduate from higher education here.  At the same time, some groups should be assessed for those who already have jobs. If they are not qualified, they should be allowed to  give opportunities for talented people from abroad, because they have multiple cultural backgrounds, they will be more creative. And those talents in science and technology, their foundation is very solid and rigorous, and they have more strength than those trained in the American education system. The most crucial thing is that the United States needs to change its policies and choose its talents instead of using ethnicity to average opportunities. If there are certain poor-quality ethnic groups, egalitarianism can be implemented among them, and at the same time, a small part of opportunities can be reserved in society for them. But the real decisive and important departments need to use real talents. Otherwise, it is the disaster if using incapable persons.






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