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已有 121 次阅读2021-6-16 23:16 |个人分类:全球化


应该开办文化民宿介绍和交流文化  Cultural residences should be opened to introduce and exchange culture

Oct 26, 2016 at 7:01 PM


我今天讲点文化的事情昨天你们和希拉里川普讲那么久,Jackie告诉我川普希拉里是很好的朋友,对啊他们都是犹太人的亲家呀!看看如果有一天那些领袖们都是中国人的亲家,那就天下太平了! 记得我们在斯德哥尔摩的时候,导游带全团去看沉船博物馆,我特别要求去隔壁的Nordic museum. 这是一个非常典型的哥特式建筑,有漂亮的花砖墙 . 里面最高一层呈现了斯堪的纳维亚半岛的居民的日常生活,有专门展览家里的布置,客厅,餐厅卧室厨房书房等等,各种各样的食品面包,各种式样的衣服,精美的珠宝,这就是北欧人的生活和文化,他们的宗教传统,他们怎么样居家过日子的.  像我们这些留学生,从一个封闭的世界来到海外,要马上适应新的环境文化,还要交友过人生,是一个很大的挑战既使从小就来美国这边留学的,或者随父母移民的,要适应新的文化真的也是很难而且这边的朋友圈,一般能结交的都是相同文化的人,不同文化的人要走在一起更难因为我从小生长环境不同,对外界认识几乎空白,有很多的价值观差别,生活习惯差别,处事方式差别,对孩子的教育方式差别,对家庭的认同差别,很难找到真正的朋友中国现在开放,送一大批年轻人出国,当然这些人家里有钱,可是能真正在国外如鱼得水成功的,能够跟当地文化相融没有多少障碍的,那就是凤毛麟角的!所以很多人都回国了人年轻的时候交朋友,会有许多欲望和动机,有些是好奇,是受不同文化吸引,是为了和某些方面的人士结交,或是怕孤独,寻找恋爱对象为了结婚,扩大朋友圈等等可是当在一起生活的时候,那就是生活习惯决定两个人是否能够相处和睦长久了我跟Jackie是简单过日子的,我不给她买很多奢侈品和美衫,虽然她有一抽屉的化妆品,可是她几乎不用我希望她把心思多花在学习上,我希望她能弹一手好钢琴,画一笔好画,有很高的艺术鉴赏力和修养,有高的世界观和广的视野,也希望她长大能够光彩照人

I am going to talk about culture today. Yesterday you and Hillary, Trump talked for so long, Jackie told me that Trump and Hillary are good friends, yes, they are Jewish family-in-law! See if one day the leaders are relatives of Chinese, then the world is peaceful! I remember when we were in Stockholm, the tour guide took the whole group to see the VASA Museum. I specifically requested to go to the Nordic museum next door. This was a very typical Gothic building with beautiful flower brick walls. The highest level of the interior presented the daily life of the Scandinavian residents, with special exhibitions of home furnishings, living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, study rooms, etc., a variety of food breads, various styles clothes, fine jewelry, this was the life and culture of the Nordic people, their religious traditions, how  they lived at home. Like our international students, coming from an enclosed world to overseas, we must adapt to the new environment and culture immediately. It is a big challenge to make friends and live a life. Even if you are studying in the United States from an early age, or immigrating with your parents, it is really difficult to adapt to a new culture. And in the circle of friends here, you can generally  make friends with people of the same cultural background, and it is more difficult for people of different cultures to get together. Because I grew up in different environments, I have almost no knowledge of the outside world, and there are many values differences, habitual differences, differences in ways of doing things, differences in the way children are taught, differences in family identification, it is difficult to find true friends. China is now open and sends a large number of young people to go abroad. Of course, these people have money at home, However, if you can really succeed in foreign countries, you can integrate with the local culture without many obstacles, that is, it is very rare! So, many people have returned to China. When people are young, they make friends, they have many desires and motives, some are curious, some are attracted by different cultures, or to make friends in certain field, or they are afraid of loneliness, looking for love objects to marry, expand friends circles, etc. But when the two live together, it is the habit of living that determines whether two people can get along and live for a long time. I live simple with Jackie, I don’t buy her a lot of luxury goods nor shirts. Although she has a drawer of cosmetics, she almost does not use it. I hope she spends her time on studying. I hope she can play piano well, paint well, have a high artistic appreciation and cultivation, and with high-level world view and wide vision, I hope she grows up to be shining and attractive.

我现在过的不知道是什么生活,不是美国人的也不是中国人的以前在上海还有中国人的传统,在这边因为怕事,怕成为抢劫对象,简直就是得过且过,该教给她的很多文化都没有讲就已经这么轻简还有人来偷过东西了!如她以后长大跟别人交朋友,我都想象不出生活在一起是什么样的?以前的跨国婚姻,生活中还是有许多齒吾的小事觉得我好像比较注重大事,可能以前很多小事都是妈妈帮我cover 了吧比较起来中国人在精神上更丰富,更有sense, 外国人比较注重实际,注重细节和生活吧.  如果送Jackie去欧洲过夏令营,只有三个星期,就是住在人家家里听别人讲语言过日常生活,连同机票要4000美金于是我就在想,为什么不可以请一些不同文化的家庭或者来学习的留学生,租用一些公寓或者场地办一些各种文化的居家环境的,讲他们文化语言的,住宿的体验家庭生活的民舍呢?比如请阿拉伯的穆斯林,可以在一定的空间里设置帐篷,或者装饰成伊斯兰风格的居室,里边铺着地毯,让那些孩子们周末可以来住两天,穿穆斯林的袍子,吃穆斯林的食物,甚至可以帮着做食品,听他们讲阿拉伯话,跟他们一起去清真寺礼拜,然后让主人介绍阿拉伯或者伊斯兰文化!可以让不同的文化来这边办不同的民居,让孩子们从小就接触不同的文化,了解他们的生活方式是什么美国虽然有很多的民族,但真正民族之间的融合却是很少的某个文化的家庭不知道其他文化的家庭是怎么过日子的孩子们只有在学校里认识,可是真正要认识家庭文化宗教,拥有跨种族宗教文化的婚姻是不多的,除非他们从小在美国长大,孩子过得是美国生活! 如果有这些多文化的民居,孩子从小就熟悉其他的文化,学一些基本的社交语言,以后长大了去别的国家,这些从小就有的经历就很能帮助他们在当地生存立脚,交到朋友和找到结婚对象,因为孩子从小就已经了解,就熟悉!


I don’t know what kind of life I am living right now, not American nor Chinese. I used to have a Chinese tradition in Shanghai. Here, because I am afraid of things, I am afraid to become the object of robbery. I am living the simplest life.  I have already been so streamlined, and some people have come to my house to steal things! I have not told her about many cultures. If she grows up and makes friends with others, I can't imagine what they live together like? In my previous cross-border marriage, there were still many small things that were not harmonious in my life. I felt that I seem to pay more attention to big things. Maybe many small things had been covered by my mother before.  Chinese are more spiritual and with more sense. Foreigners pay more attention to reality, to details and life. If I send Jackie to Europe for summer camp, it is only three weeks, that is, living in someone's home, listening to other people's talking in their language in daily life, together with the airline ticket for 4,000 US dollars. So I Just thinking, why not  making it a business for residential hotels? Please ask some families of different cultures or international students to study, rent some apartments or venues, do some cultural, home environment, speak their cultural language, and experience family life.  For example, ask Arab Muslims to set up tents in a certain space, or decorate them in an Islamic-style room with carpets inside, so that the children can stay for two days on weekends, wearing Muslim robes, having Muslim food, and even can help making food, listening to them talking in Arabic, going to the mosque with them, and letting the host introduce Arabic or Islamic culture! Different cultures can be used to set up different houses here, so that children can touch different cultures from an early age and understand what their lifestyles are. Although there are many ethnic groups in the United States, there is very little integration among real peoples. A family of a culture does not know how other cultured families live. Children only know in school, but they really need to know family culture background and religion. There are not many marriages with inter-ethnic religious culture unless  they grew up in the United States, they lived in the United States! If you have these multicultural residential hosts, children will be familiar with other cultures and learn some basic social language. Even if they grow up and go to other countries, these experiences will help them survive and live in those local area. Go make friends and find a marriage partner, because the they have been known those culture since childhood, already familiar!

同时这也为外来文化的居民提供了就业机会,促进他们将文化的产品销售到本地,促进了文化的交流!以前我每次去上海都住在日本学校边上,每天看几百个日本孩子在操场上练习高喊着日语口号,周边有好几家日本餐馆,还有超市专门卖日本的货物!如果他们能够专门开放几间塌塌米的民居,让中国的孩子也能来体验,教中国孩子怎么样做寿司,过什么样的日本传统节日,怎么样穿合服,人跟人交往有什么礼节,平时又有机会练习说日语,无论这些孩子以后去不去日本,是不是从事跟日本有关的文化交流活动,对孩子的人生都是一个不同的色彩和经历! 这样子的特殊民居,还可以在全球各地办,甚至还可以办一些怎么制造其他文化的手工艺品的作坊,专门收徒弟,并给学历!对文化交流更有促进作用! 我又在天马行空乱想了,也许在美国办不起来可是在中国,如果有父母愿意把孩子送去学骑马的话,那送孩子周末来住宿学其他的文化和语言,更是有很大的市场的,因为这比把孩子送到国外去两三个星期夏令营要便宜太多,而且收效更大!不光是周末,平时甚至可以把它作为一种文化体验的节目,长期短期不一定住宿,可以是长期不同系列文化培训班或大家一起搞活动来过一个日本文化的夜晚,动手做日本食品和清酒然后唱日本歌跳日本舞,情侣们可以作为一种在一起dating的场所,老年人可以作为种集体社交活动地, 年轻人可以去结交新朋友,这比去酒吧喝酒要有文化多了!还能学习外国语!我知道上海有一个老头,平时没事儿,一个人去了泰国九次!想想看谁会投资办这个呢?应该是挺吸引人的.  你们又吃sour cream chips, 啥意思啊?又在逗Jackie心痒痒的,还是谁家电器的chips 又在神经有病发疯了?上次据说损失了近千亿!美国吗,也该抽抽筋,放放血了!把我这种孤儿寡母欺负得够呛!上帝都看不过去. JackieSteven 今天只给她七块钱,谢谢了,他身价几亿的呢,你们这些男人,这样对孩子吗?!


At the same time, it also provides employment opportunities for residents of foreign cultures, promotes the sale of other cultural products to the local people, and promotes cultural exchanges! I used to stay near an Japanese school every time I went to Shanghai. I watched hundreds of Japanese children practicing shouting Japanese slogans on the playground every day. There were several Japanese restaurants around, and supermarkets specializing in selling Japanese goods! If they can open up a few tatami-style houses, let Chinese children come to experience it, teach Chinese children how to make sushi, what kind of traditional Japanese festivals, how to wear kimonos, and what kind of etiquette people have to do with people. . Usually, children have the opportunity to practice speaking Japanese. Whether these children go to Japan or not, they are engaged in cultural exchange activities related to Japan, which is a different color and experience for children's life! Such special residences can also be held all over the world, and even some workshops on how to make handicrafts of other cultures, specializing in apprentices, and giving education! This will promote cultural exchanges! I am again thinking wild like horses flying  in the air, maybe it’s not going to work in the United States. However, in China, if parents are even willing to send their children to learn to ride horses, then there is a big market for sending children to study other cultures and languages ​​on weekends, because it is much cheaper than sending a child to a foreign country for two or three weeks, and it is more effective! It's not just weekends. It can even be used as a program of cultural experience. It is not necessarily a long-term short-term stay. It can be a long-term series of cultural training classes, or everyone can work together to have a Japanese culture night, have Japanese food and drink Sake and then sing Japanese songs and do Japanese dances,  can be used as a place for couples dating together, can be a collective social activity for the elderly, can be a place for  young people to make new friends, which is more cultural than going to the bar to drink wines! They can also learn foreign languages! I know that there was an old man in Shanghai who had nothing to do. He went to Thailand nine times! Think about who will invest in this? It should be very attractive. You eat sour cream chips again, what do you mean? Also teasing Jackie's heart, or is the chip of the home appliance crazy again? Last time it was said that it lost nearly 100 billion! America, it’s time to draw cramps and let go of blood! Bullying my orphan and widows is enough! God does not tolerate. Jackie said that Steven only gave her seven dollars today, thank him. He is a man worth hundreds of millions. Do you guys treat children like this? !






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