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已有 89 次阅读2021-6-15 23:08 |个人分类:全球化


Oct 25, 2016 at 12:45 PM



今天网上我看见说央视拍长征系列节目,让好莱坞中国影星白灵也参加我心里感觉上不妥上次这边的国际卫视也邀请白灵在这边主持时装节目,当时我也觉得不妥前些日子俄国有一个电影奖,结果代表好莱坞出席的居然是中国的白灵,我大跌眼镜,心想,有没有搞错呀?好莱坞不是中国人待的地方,改革开放以后有陈冲邬君梅在好莱坞拍片,可是你问美国人有几个知道他们吗?None!白灵算是还在好莱坞挣扎的一位东方女子她是因为跟Richard Gear拍反大陆的西藏题材影片,才来美国的可是因为文化语言不融于好莱坞,只能用最原始的本钱来吸引拍片有时候我看着她心里好难过,心里好不舒服,她就像一个街头被人玩坏了的猴子脖子上有一个无形的链条就是在天气寒冷的时候,她每次出现都是衣不蔽体的,一种很下贱的缺少美感的,丝毫没有文化内涵的赤裸裸的商业性质的恶心,我觉得是在丢中国人的脸你看Steven Jeff 他们认识 Jackie 有好一阵了,甚至有每天来看她,可是他们从来也没有邀请她去梦工场参观过,没秀给她看整个动画片制作的流程,没有!我不知道为什么我觉得犹太人在娱乐界对亚洲人是很留一手的也应该看到亚洲人的影视水平,艺术修养,跟好莱坞的世界一流水平还是有很大距离的既使有很多英文好的亚洲演员,在好莱坞也是站不住脚的,更不要说成明星了!因为这边没有亚洲演员的市场近两年中美关系好了,办了很多电影节可是每次白灵出现,虽然衣服能把她身体包住了,可是她举手投足在大庭广众之下还带着街边妓女拉客般的性挑逗,好像她衣服永远也穿不回去,甚至不知羞耻还以好莱坞的资历自傲!这是一种精神上的下贱,不是穿了多少衣服就能够提升和改变的我大大地摇摇头从中国来的著名电影演员们,不管年轻还是年老却从来不是这样的.



Today, I saw on CCTV that the CCTV shoots the Long March series and let the Hollywood Chinese movie star Bai Ling also participate. I feel that it is not right. The last time International TV also invited Bai Ling to host the fashion show here. I also felt that it is not proper. A few days ago, Russia had a film award. On behalf of Hollywood, it was actually Chinese actress Bai Ling. I was so surprised that I wondered if they made a mistake? Hollywood is not a place for Chinese entertainers. After the reform and opening up, there were Juan Chen, and VivianWu acting in Hollywood. But did you ask  Americans how many people would know about them? None! Bai Ling is an Asian woman who is still struggling in Hollywood. She came to the United States because she acted in the anti-China Tibetan film with Richard Gear. But because her culture and language were Hollywood styles, she could only use her most primitive capital to attract audiences. Sometimes I looked at her, my heart felt so sad, so uncomfortable. She is like a monkey being teased on the street, with an invisible chain around her neck. Even in the cold weather, every time she appears to be not fully covered, it is very sloppy, lacks of beauty,  no cultural connotation, direct, completely commercial nausea. I think it is losing the face of  Chinese. You see Steven Jeff, they know Jackie for a while, and even they have  came to see her every day, but they never invited her to visit the DreamWorks. They didn't show her the entire animation production process. No! I don't know why, I think the Jews are very reserved for Asians in the entertainment industry. Everyone should also see the Asian film and television level, artistic accomplishment, yet there is still a long way to catch up with Hollywood's world-class level. Even if there are many good Asian actors speaking English, in Hollywood, they are also untenable, let alone become a star! Because there is no market for Asian actors here. In the past two years, Sino-US relations have improved and many film festivals have been held. But every time Bai Ling appears, although the clothes can wrap her body, her manners are still full of sexually teasing. Under the general public, she’s like a street’s whore in the crowd, it seems that her clothes will never wear back. Even she is not ashamed and proud of her Hollywood experience! This is a spiritual squat, this is not how much clothes she wears can be promoted and changed. I shook my head greatly. The famous movie stars from China, whether young or old, have never been like this.






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