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已有 47 次阅读2021-6-14 00:09 |个人分类:全球化

丝绸之路上的亚洲人复杂,美国人解决问题的思维方式是很原始落后的,是简单而野蛮的!是肯定没法成功的!  The Asians on the Silk Road are complicated, and the American way of thinking about solving problems is very primitive and backward. It is simple and brutal! It is definitely not successful!

Jackie还要我讲叙利亚.  叙利亚人,其实中东人以及丝绸之路上的亚洲人,都是很不简单的!美国人,是简单的而理解不了的!丝绸之路存在了2000多年,虽然近年来不发达,但是以网络商贸为连接纽带的文化是藕断丝连的,是善于平衡的,是很有韧性的,而且是多维的美国人那种快刀斩乱麻用武力来解决问题的思维方式,是很原始落后的,是简单而野蛮的!是肯定没法成功的!在叙利亚美国人先是支持反对派,后又支持ISIS,那些人真的是no sense ! 把美国的名声信用形象门面都给毁了,除了赤裸裸的拳头,那以后怎么做事啊? 新闻说,叙利亚下次还会选阿萨德为总统,他受叙利亚人的推崇,尊重和喜欢啊!虽然看他有点弱智的样子,但是他心地纯净,诚心为叙利亚人的利益服务,有他在,叙利亚就不会散,不会倒,因为大家拥护他呀!如果他能够让难民问题得到很好的解决,那西亚的局势基本上就可以搞定稳定了,接下来就可以像印度那样对投资国们进行全方位的合作,叙利亚应该是前途光明的! 星期天,你们把美国方面的幕后策划,和印度总理莫迪,都召来为Jackie讲美国选举和ISIS, 这都是些惊爆眼球很敏感的话题呀,他们都单身有时间吗?


Jackie wants me to talk more about Syria. Syrians, in fact, Middle Easterners and Asians on the Silk Road are not simple! Yet Americans are simple and can't understand! The Silk Road has existed for more than 2,000 years. Although it has not been developed in recent years, the culture of connecting with network commerce is never broken links. It is good at balance, very resilient, and multidimensional. American way of thinking, using sharp knife to cut messy fibers,  using force to solve problems is very primitive and backward, very simple and brutal! It is definitely not successful! In Syria, the Americans first supported the opposition and later supported ISIS. Those Americans really have no sense! They ruined the reputation, credit, image, and facade of the United States. Only naked fists, how do they do things in the future?  The news said that Syria will still choose Assad as president next time. He is worshiped, respected, and liked by Syrians! Although he is a bit mentally savvy, his heart is pure and sincerely serves the interests of the Syrians. If he is there, Syria will not disperse and will not fall because everyone supports him! If he can solve the refugee problem well, then the situation in West Asia can basically be stabilized. Then, like in India, the it can cooperate with investment countries in all aspects. Syria should have a bright future! On Sunday, you have called the US behind-the-scenes planners and Indian Prime Minister Modi to tell Jackie about US elections and ISIS. These are very attractive and sensitive topics. Are they single and have time?






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