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已有 66 次阅读2021-6-14 00:05 |个人分类:全球化

这次大选是美国寻求改革的信号,是世界走入新格局的里程碑  This election is a signal that the United States is seeking reform and is a milestone for the world to enter a new system structure.


Oct 23, 2016 at 2:12 PM


亲爱的主席, 88, 又要我讲美国大选这次大选是美国历史上,也是世界历史上的前无古人,也应该是后无来者的撕逼秀就个人来说,他们把一些本该属于私生活的东西拿出来让大家品头论足的,什么太太的裸照呀,什么选赢以后给你口交呀,用私部来画川普像啊,什么一万块钱买一夜呀,什么以前的绯闻当事人,什么私生子,婚外孕产子,助理的私生活,太太以前的打工史,这些风马牛不相及的事情,全部都集中到世界舞台,不知道是显摆呢还是出丑!每天让人目不暇接茶余饭后话题不绝查理周刊编辑脑子进水画讽刺漫画招来杀身之祸,应该向美国大选学习,不但冠冕堂皇登大雅之堂,而且因为五彩缤纷会增加多少点击率和影响力呀还能打开销售市场因为美国媒体,尤其大媒体的一边倒支持希拉里,让大多数接触时事和互联网的民众,可以于无声处听惊雷,哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗地为川普起哄!在全世界面前,把这两个总统候选人的底裤都脱下来,赤身裸体秀出满身疮疤毒瘤,原来那么丑恶淫邪的!哎呀,摇摇头,美国人发疯了吗? 而且除了个人的隐私喜怒爱好,作为这次的攻击点,更有拿美国执政的权力机构,这些年的施政结果开刀的!当然这个是不能以希拉里或川普出面的,于是就有了一个支点,维基泄密,借用他们之口把美国这些年的外交政策,罪恶的外交手段,以及内部违法运作,只要他们的信息流通是在网上进行有服务器来加以推送的话,那掌管这些系统的人当然有办法得到这些信息有这些信息当然就可以趁机公开!而这些信息的公开不是丢希拉里的脸,而是展示美国政府后面操纵者的丑恶嘴脸,是美国政府在世界上的地位和信用的瘫塌,是美国现有政治制度的腐败表现,也是一个有病态症状而寻求改革的信号,是世界走入新格局的里程碑! 我只是在想,如果美国这边大选投票人数不够会不会流产 我还想,一般会议的主持人是一个,好的会有两个,而我们央视因为节目实在丰富多彩,有时候会四个主持人,湖南台的天天向上甚至有六个主持人!美国政府的组成可不可以有后边策划小组,然后前台专找一些主持人,让希拉里和川普做主持人就可以了!当内容是偏向大众文化的,让川普来主持发言,内容是政治与外交的,让希拉里出来!或者找一个形象更好点,比如演哈里波特的赫敏做主持人!再过几年,当然就是选各国实在掌权者们人人都认识的,看着她长大了,有定心丸效果的,我家丫小句,Jackie!哈哈哈哈 她一开口,要么让人忍俊不住笑声不断,要么掷地有声言之有物,要么让人张口结舌无言以对!反正是属于超级的发言主持人!这是我希望的!


Dear President, 88, you want me to talk about the US election again. This election is in the history of the United States and in the history of the world  an ugly show that there is no precedents nor followers.  Personally, they took out some things of private life for everyone to talk about, like wife nude photos, like  to give you oral sex after winning the election, like using the private part to draw Trump images, like $10,000 buying a night, like people from former affairs, like an illegitimate child, the extramarital pregnancy, the assistant’s private life, the wife’s previous work history, all of these  irrelevant things are shown in the world stage. I don’t know is it to show off or an ugly show? Every day, people are dizzying to watch them, and gossip topics are endless. The editors of Paris Charlie Hebdo magazine were sick, and the satirical cartoons have attracted the murder to themselves. They should learn from the US elections, not only will they be crowned up on the elegant hall , but also because of the increase in click-through rate and influence! Can also expend the sales market! Because the US media, especially the big media, support Hillary on one side, so that most people who are exposed to current affairs and the Internet can cause thunders in silence, that is where there is oppression, there is resistance to go against media  supporting Trump! In front of the world, the two presidential candidates' pants were taken off, and the naked body showed a sore tumor, which was so ugly and sinister! Oops, shaking my head, are  Americans going crazy? In addition to attacking the privacy and hobbies of individuals, as the point of attack, more focus is on the results of the administration of the US ruling authority over the years! Of course, this can't be shown by Hillary or Trump. Then there was Wiki Leaks as a fulcrum, borrowing their mouths to disclose the US foreign policy, criminal diplomacy, and internal illegal operation information. As long as their information flow is carried out online and pushed by the server, those who are in charge of these systems will certainly have access to this information.  Of course, this information can be opened up! The disclosure of this information is not to make Hillary lose face, but to show the ugly face of the US government behind the manipulators, the collapse of the US government's status and credit in the world, the corruption of the existing political system, the signal of the system seeking reform because of the sickness of the United States,   a milestone for the world to enter a new structure! I am just thinking, if the number of voters in the US election is not enough, will it be aborted? I also think that the host of the general meeting is only one, there will be two people if good, and our CCTV programs are really rich and colorful, sometimes there are four hosts, Hunan TV station  "every day up" program even has six hosts! The composition of the US government can have a planning team behind the scenes, and then the front desk can find  some hosts, so that Hillary and Trump can be the host! When the content is about popular culture, let Trump to preside over the speech, if content is political and diplomatic, let Hillary come out! Or find a better image, such as Emma Watson in Harry Potter as the host! In a few years, of course, they will choose my wild child, Jackie, because of those countries who are really in power, they all know her, watching her grow up, she has a reassuring effect! Hahahaha When she opens her mouth, either letting people laugh and keeping laughing, or throwing a voice down solid with contents, or making people speechless! Anyway, she will be the super speaker, great host! This is what I hope!






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