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已有 78 次阅读2021-6-12 23:07 |个人分类:全球化


上海方面不但不来保护我,居然对我说,我们不愿意惹麻烦,没人愿意跟有麻烦的人交往!” Not only did the Shanghai side not protect me, but actually said to me, "We don't want to get into trouble, no one wants to interact with people who have trouble!"


我希望这些思想是可以有深远影响力的,是可以带来天翻地覆改变的  I hope that these ideas can have far-reaching influence and can bring about global changes.

今天送Jackie去画画,就想起了昨天遇害的钻石吧的中国美术老师我想害他们的人跟害Jackie的,还有上次San Bernardino clinic shooting是同一个人新闻里说,那位丈夫被用刀从腹部划开,肠子都露出来了,不像是别人下的手,好像是剖腹自杀于是我就想起了我前两天写的,这边的疯子搬起石头砸自己的脚,用自己磨的刀插自己的腹.  像这种恐怖的毁灭性的动作,都发生在南加地区,象是在显示某种意义,是对某些正在发生的重大意义的事情,魔鬼用负能量的,反向的,毁灭性的方式来恶意地呈现!我不知道这些更上层在华盛顿的,和在这里放肆的,是同一背后老板,还是某一独立分属?我觉得这次事件后面的恶魔是强有力的,有印度人操纵的信息控制,有犹太人多少年的心理上装神弄鬼的控制,更有拉丁裔帮派的心狠手辣的血腥!不知道他们是不是希拉里民主党后边的野蛮政治集团?这些年,他们在全世界用暴力来呈现意思已经习惯了,象这些人,是不可以把他们当作老兵来安抚的,对这些人应该斩草除根,因为他们已经不是人了,没有人性了.  今天台湾美术老师进门的时候告诉我,天开始要冷了!是啊放自修理和交税这两大笔钱加起来,近四万美金呢!咬咬牙对自己说,可能明年要卖房子了可是每次卖房之后,很快就会有新的事情出来,要么房客出来找事儿,或什么地方有损坏,拿法律来找碴儿,小事变大,一帮子人互相联合搞我因为他们都是可以直接去网上查你有多少房子和存款的,而且在这边的人心底深处对中国人有一种感觉,就是中国人有钱又是好欺负的,可以胡搅蛮缠制造事端来咬你一大口!回去上海告诉他们这边有人找我麻烦,上海方面不但不来保护我,居然对我说,“我们不愿意惹麻烦,没人愿意跟有麻烦的人交往!”那边策划也许是一群年轻的没有阅历的女生吧! 我以前年薪十万,可是帮美军做的却是不可能有结果的错误设计,看着这些人虽然每天朝九晚五却没人真正的能替项目负责,替国家前途负责,而只要保证每年能从国家预算括到钱就行!现在我一心一意好好地为你们写短文,我希望这些思想是可以有深远影响力的,是可以带来天翻地覆改变的你们是在全世界人面前把我树立成一个为你们服务的好人好事的榜样是吗?!


Today, I sent Jackie to art class, and I remembered the Chinese art teacher who killed in Diamond Bar yesterday. I think, the person who harmed them is the same person who harassed Jackie, and in last San Bernardino clinic shooting. The news said that The husband was cut open from the abdomen with a knife, and the intestines were exposed. It’s not like someone else’s work, it’s like a laparoid suicide. So I remembered what I wrote two days ago. The madman here raised the stone and hit his own feet, inserting his own abdomen with his own knife. The devastating movements like this horror happen in the southern part of the country, as if it is showing some meaning, something that is of great significance to what is happening, the devil maliciously presented in a negative, devastating way! I don't know if these upper-levels are in Washington DC, and whoever are crazy here is the same boss behind, or is it an independent subordinate? I think the demon behind this incident is powerful. There are information controls  by Indians. There are for years  psychological  ghostly control by Jewish people, and  bloody killing by Latino gangs! I don't know if they are barbaric political groups behind the Hillary Democratic Party? In these years, they have become accustomed to using the violence to present their meanings around the world. It is not possible to appease them as veterans. These people should be scribbled, because they are no longer human, no humanity.  Today When the Taiwanese art teacher came in, he told me that the day was getting cold! Yes, the two sums of money from repairs and taxes are added up, nearly 40,000 dollars! I bite my teeth and said to myself, I might sell the house next year. But after every sale, there will be new things coming out soon. Either the tenant will create issues, or there is damage in the place to take the law to find me trouble, the little things get bigger, and a bunch of people join  to give me trouble. Because  It is possible to go directly to the Internet to check how many houses and deposits you have, and in the hearts of the people here, there is a feeling for the Chinese that the Chinese are rich and easy to be bullied, They can make the troubles and make a big bite! I went back to Shanghai to tell them that someone was looking for trouble. The Shanghai side not only did not protect me, but actually said to me, "We don't want to get into trouble, no one wants to interact with people who have trouble!"  The planner over there may be a group of young ladies who have no experience! I used to have $100,000  a year, but what I did for the US defense was the wrong design that could not have results. Looking at these people, although they were nine to five every day, no one really could be responsible for the project, responsible for the future of the country, and only needed to ensure that money could be divided from the national budget every year! Now I am single-minded writing short essays for you. I hope that these ideas can have far-reaching influence. They can bring about earth-shaking changes. You are setting me up in front of people all over the world, a  good example of people who serve you, is it? 






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