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已有 63 次阅读2021-5-17 23:19 |个人分类:全球化

大的事业要做宣传广告交朋友互通有无,非得大张旗鼓,全方位,铺天盖地,深入人心地做  Big business needs to be publicity, advertising, making friends, intercommunicating, and must be fanfare, all-round, overwhelming, and deeply rooted in people's hearts.在全世界顶层做公关是在开创历史  Chairman, 88, doing public relations at the top of the world is creating history.

亲爱的主席,88,我觉得最关键的就是跟美国互通有无,就像上次有人说的,“只要中美相亲相爱,那就是为世界消除祸害!”哈哈哈哈哈  亲爱的主席,88,很佩服你们,你们现在身先士卒在做全世界顶层公关呢!这可是前无古人,后无来者,更无先例可以借鉴,你们是在开创历史!我想,当你们看完一圈领袖,从这么多人对你们的态度就可以品味出在这世界上各个国家的地位和富裕程度我不知道你们是代表中国,还是代表世界上特定的组织?我希望你们是以世界上大家共同承认的特定组织的代表人身份邀天下豪杰群英会,为将来打破隔阂,抛弃成见,共同努力!可以去问问所有上年纪的人,消除文化的隔阂有多难,这可能要几辈子的努力啊如若不然的话,我早就找到合适的对象结婚了!很高兴Jackie能跟着你们开创新事业,每天她都兴高采烈的!谢谢,亲亲!看见你们这些高层领导都四处出击,大李哥在加拿大又大出风头!张德江去了以色列,那边所有接见的人都满面春色,喜气洋洋的!张高丽接见日本经贸代表团,千年的铁树开了花,满满几排的人,张高丽一张刻板扑克脸居然绽放出笑容了!王部长和徐绍史,跟在大李哥后边喜笑颜开的,只有奥巴马那一群人脸色灰暗,在美国主场风头都被你们抢走了!就是应该这样!看见张高丽所领导的一带一路小组,88您居然是副组长!啥时候混进去的?嘿嘿嘿,在美国做商业,任何一个新产品推出,广告的费用和时间的力度在所有的支出中都占很大比例的你们现在做这么大的事业,宣传广告交朋友互通有无,非得大张旗鼓地做,全方位地做,做得铺天盖地,深入人心才好觉得你们应该设计一个Logo,用各种语言编曲到处传唱,像上次奥运会那样,我家大门常打开,开放怀抱等你....”  “拥抱过了就有默契,你会爱上这里”. Jackie,跟你讲话的人你都记得住吗?记得住,还都记得住讲的是什么!” 是啊,以后要有事儿找人,大家都是老朋友了,一句话的事儿,事情三两下就办成了.亲爱的主席,88,你们的面子最大了!


Dear President, 88, I think the most important thing is to communicate well with the United States, as some people said last time, "As long as China and the United States love each other, it is to eliminate the scourge for the world!" Hahahahaha Dear Chairman, 88, I admire you, you are pioneers now, doing the world's top public relations! This is unprecedented, there is no one to come, there is no precedent to learn from, you are creating history!  I think, when you have seen a group of leaders, from so many people's attitude towards you, you can taste the status and affluence of various countries in the world. I don't know if you represent China or represent a specific organization in the world? I hope that you will be the representative of the specific organization that everyone in the world recognizes, and invite the world's elites to come to the group to break the barriers, abandon stereotypes and work together for the future!  You can ask all the elderly people how difficult it is to eliminate the barriers of culture. It may take several years of hard work. If not, I would already have found the right person to get married! I am very happy that Jackie can follow you to start a new field, and she is happy every day! Thank you, kiss! Seeing that all of your top leaders are making progress everywhere, Big Brother Li is making a big splash in Canada! Zhang Dejiang went to Israel, All the people who met there were full of smiles and joys! Zhang Gaoli met with the Japanese economic and trade delegation. Something that very rarely happensfull rows of people, Zhang Gaoli, with a stereotyped poker face actually burst into a smile! Minister Wang and Xu Shaoshi, who followed Big Brother Li’s back smiling, only the group of Obama looked gray, the limelight at US home was taken away by you! That should be the case! Seeing the Belt and Road team led by Zhang Gaoli, 88 you are actually the deputy leader! When did you join in? Hey, doing business in the United States, launching any new products, the cost of advertising and the intensity of spending time accounts for a large proportion of all expenditures.  You are doing such a big business, promoting, advertising, making friends. If you have to communicate with each other, you have to do it in a big way, do it all in all, do it all over the place, and be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I think you should design a logo and arrange it in various languages. Like last Olympics, "My home is always open. Open arms and wait for you....", "Have a hug, there is a tacit understanding, you will fall in love with this!" Ask Jackie, do you remember what they  talk to you?”  "Remember it, still remember what they are talking about!" Yes, if  in the future there are things need to find someone, everyone is an old friend, and maybe in one sentence things will be simply done. Dear Chairman, 88, your connections are powerful!






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